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It had been a few weeks since the explosions. I hadn't been to Lmanberg, mostly because I was scared of what Tommy and the other Lmanberg citizen would react, but I was meeting Sam for lunch today in the badlands.

My netherite sword hung loosely against my back. I felt the handle of it hit my shoulder as I walked. My armor was back with Technoblade since I decided to just go free. My hand was holding a basket of fruits, juice, a blanket and sandwiches. The nether portal was a bit of a walk, but I'm fine with it. The nether was blazing hot, but the good thing is that nether travel is relatively fast so I was back at the main portal within minutes.
I stepped out of the community portal and walked through the community house. I followed the prime path and I was just looking around when I heard a small voice from behind me.
"Hello." I heard. I turned around and was met with an extremely tall person. He looked half enderman, half ghast.
"Hi." I greeted, smiling.
"I'm suppose to meet Tommy around here?" He questioned.
"Oh, hum." I looked around and scanned the land. My eyes drew to a blonde boy with his red and white tshirt that was walking towards us.
"That would be him." I smiled. He returned it as Tommy approached.
"Rozenn, why are you here?" He asked crossly.
"I'm not here for you Tommy. I'm here for Sam." I reply, narrowing my eyes.
"Bold of you to show your face around here after you betrayed me and Lmanberg."
"I made my intentions very clear when I joined pogtopia. Techno and I were very clear and you knew for a fact what you were getting into when you asked your dear old older brother and sister to join, yet you chose to ignore it." I snapped. "Now if you don't mind me, I'm running late to meeting with Sam." I walked past him and followed through the path.
"Who's that?" I heard the voice of the new realm member.
"That's my older sister, Rozenn. Her and my other older brother, Technoblade, her twin destroyed Lmanberg. They're not worth it, Ranboo. Let's go." I heard Tommy reply.
I made it to the badlands, right outside Skeppy and Bad's mansion.
"Hi Rozenn!" I heard Bad call out.
I turned and saw Bad tending to a few flowers in the side lawn.
"Hi Bad!" I smiled.
"You ready to go?" Sam asked form behind em. I jumped, scared shitless.
"Holy fuck- you scared me." I squeaked. Sam just laughed at my reaction while Bad just said "language."
"Bye bad!" I called out, following Sam to an open area near the water.
I laid the blanket down and set the food out.
"How does it feel to be back here?" Sam asked, sitting down.
I sat down next to him and laid my head on his shoulder.
"I don't know Sam. I ran into Tommy and he just seems so fucking angry with me. I mean he has his reasons, but still." I whisper. I blink my eyes to try and evaporate the tears that threaten to spill out of my eyes.
"Hey hey hey. It'll get better. He just needs time to cool off." Sam replied, giving me a small side hug. I smile and grab a sandwich.
"So what's been going on with you?" I ask.
"Well Dream is paying me a stack of diamond blocks to build a prison for him." He says hesitantly.
"mmmmm. Life is so weird sometimes."
"Yea. It's just. The way life goes can be so unexpected." He hums, taking a few bites of his sandwich and drinking some juice.

The afternoon was nice, we just sat and talked about life and just us in general. We got to know each other more.
I was walking back to the portal that night when I heard a voice behind me again.
"Rozenn." I heard. I turned around and was met with Tubbo and a transparent Wilbur? My mouth fell open and my eyes widened.
"What the fu-" I asked.
"Hello, I'm Ghostbur! Hello Rosie!" The transparent Wilbur came up. He was more lightly hovering.
"H-Hi?" I asked.
"Oh yea." Tubbo started. "Ghostbur is wilburs ghost. He only remembers good memories."
"Hi Wilby." I smiled. It was a nickname I had given him when we were kids.
"Rosie!" He shouted, throwing his arms around me. The feeling was cold and I could feel light pressure on my shoulders. I lightly hugged him back.
"Hey Tubbo." I greeted, pulling away from Ghostbur.
"Hi rozenn. Are we okay?" He asks.
"What do you mean Tubbo, shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"I just- I just want to know why you did it." He confesses, sliding down the wall and sitting on the path. I sit down next to him and so does Ghostbur.
"I've always been anti government Tubs, you knew that when techno and I first joined. Quite frankly the first thing we told you guys was we're only helping you take down the government. Tubbo the way you guys just took the government literally seconds after we fucked up Schlatt, was just insane. It was like an instant shift from power to power. When Wilbur died, I spent two days healing and crying my eyes out. Techno and I held each other for dear life, crying our eyes out. My eyes were pink for days, not because of anger, but because of sadness." I confessed.
He just nodded and laid his head on my shoulder.
"I just don't know what to do anymore. I mean I'm seventeen and I have the whole government in my hands."
"You just have to think about the best choices for you."

Meeting ranboo- ranboo has a positive/neutral relationship with Rozenn due to her helping him out
Tommy's hostility- Tommy is still hostile towards Rozenn for her betrayal and is hurt that she would betray him like that
Sams picnic- Sam and Rozenn have gotten closer and this picnic just helped to bring them closer.
Ghostbur- meeting Ghostbur scared Rozenn at first. She still felt guilty for not stopping Phil and still mourning the death of her younger brother
Tubbo- Tubbo forgives Rozenn after she explains herself. He doesn't know how to handle the pressure of being the top of the government

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