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He reached into the enderchest and grabbed the soulsand. The wither skulls, he tossed to me.

"Tommy, you just did a coup. You just did a hostile government takeover  and then immediately instilled yourself as president. And then you gave it to your friend, but that's still a tyrant, Tommy! [...] But the thing about this world, Tommy... is that good things don't happen to heroes. Let me tell you a story, Tommy. A story of a man called Theseus. His country... well his city-state, technically, was in danger. And he sent himself forward into enemy lines, he slayed the minotaur, and saved his city. Do you know what they did to him? [...] He died, in disgrace, despised by his people. That's what happens to heroes, Tommy." Techno shouted. I backed up and was met with Punz and Sam who gave me reassuring nods which I returned. 

"But he saved everyone!" Tubbo chirped.

"The Greeks knew the score. But if you want to be a hero, Tommy, that's fine... That's fine." Techno smiled. 

Tommy inched forward.

"Technoblade, don't do this." Tommy pleaded, voice cracking.

"Dont do this, Techno, dont." Phil piped in.

"We're so close, I'm not the hero-" Tommy pleaded once more.

"If you want to be a hero, Tommy..." I spoke up, making all eyes turn to me.

"There's no fucking way, there's no fucking way..." Fundy mumbled.

"Do you want to be a hero, then DIE LIKE ONE!" Technoblade shouted. I put the six heads on the soulsand and two withers summoned.

The fight was bloody. I had passed out once from all the blood loss. After i had passed out, Sam had found me and tried his best to patch my wounds before setting me aside to rest for a little. Almost everyone was hurt and I had a new scar that ran from the top of my forehead, across my eyebrow and ended at my cheekbone. 

"Technoblade- doesn't- I just to think of this. Technoblade doesn't this kinda make you a tyrant? A form of government?" I heard Tubbo ask Techno after everything had been destroyed. Punz was helping me up and half carrying me.

"The ends justify the means, Tubbo. This may seem cruel in the short term, but in the long term, by preventing a system of government, preventing a fascist takeover. I wanna point out something, JSchlatt was lawfully elected. For all the stuff we say about him, at least he was elected, alright. He might have been a war criminal, but at least people voted for him! You guys just did a hostile takeover, and then you were like, you just seized power for yourselves!" Techno answered.

"You and Rozenn are nothing, but villians in this story." Fundy spat. 

"Sure Fundy." Techno chuckled.  He walked over to Punz, thanked him and together we set off to our new base. A new day. 

The journey was relatively rough. When we had made it back to the lake base, he had cleaned up my wound and we stayed there for two nights just so I could heal up a bit. We gathered up the rest of the geared up items that no one took. Phil, Sam and Punz helped us move the items. Although we didn't tell them specifically where we were, they helped us move the items right to the outskirts of the realm which helped tremendously. 

Onto a new day, a new adventure.


Rozenn's injury- Rozenn has received another scar in battle. This one is pretty noticeable and pretty easy to see as it's clean across her face.

Resting- Resting is something Rozenn and Techno don't do. Most people after a battle like that and mourning their brother would take weeks to months to heal up before doing something new, but Rozenn and Techno just wanted to leave it behind.

Help- Although they didn't tell the other three where they specifically lived now, they were grateful for their help and trusted them enough to let them help move their very prized and treasured items.

(I'm doing another post because I finished a few more chapters today and I'm happy. Also, it's my brother's birthday and I'm in front of my monitor, writing a story. Very pogchamp. Anyways, hoped you guys like this!)

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