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It had been a few days since she had gone to the old village. A now rested Rozenn was ready to get back into action. The three of them (Techno, Tommy and her) were traveling back from L'manberg, making their way to the portal when Dream tridented in front of them.

"Tommy, if I remember clearly, you're not supposed to be here." Dream smirked underneath his mask.

Instead of cowering, Tommy stood up for himself.

" You screwed me over, Dream. You- You manipulated me." Tommy snapped.

"Tommy, I was the only person who visited you, I was the only person that was your friend." Dream replied, chuckling lightly.

"But- but you were terrible!" Tommy stuttered.

"Look at what you did! You- you- you betrayed me! You came here, you're not supposed to be here, you left... And now you're here! And you're causing problems! As far as I heard, you had a hostage!" Dream replied, manipulating the younger boy.

"Yeah... we did." Tommy chuckled quietly.

"That's true, that's true." Techno added.

Rozenn's eyes widened, "wait what?"

"Long story, tell you later." Techno whispered. She nodded and looked back at Dream.

"Yeah, y'know what, to get back my discs! So we can put an end to all of this! This all- you were the only one that visited me, because you know what, Dream?"

"Tommy-" Dream started.

"I'm the- I'm the only one that goes against you! And y'know what, Dream? I think you're scared of me." Tommy laughed.

"Ooooooo." Techno and I said in sync.

"I think that's what this was about! Containing me! [...] You know what, Dream? Go to hell." Tommy snapped.

"Tommy, listen. You're gonna come with me... or I'm gonna burn your disc." Dream finally said, having enough of Tommy's bullshit.

Techno stepped in front of Tommy on his left side, me on the right side.

"Well, that's gonna be a bit of a problem, Dream." I start.

"Because this guy's with us." Techno finished.

Dream finally tridents away, defeated. We make our way over to the nether portal and back home.

It was a day later and I had no idea what Techno and Tommy were doing, but I was going to Lmanberg to grab a few things from Eret's castle.

"Rosie!" I heard. I turned around, face to face with Ranboo who looked absolutely awful. His hair was a mess, his clothes were scuffed and wrinkled, his sleeves were covered in soot.

"Ranboo, are you okay?" I asked.

"I lost my memory book, I can't find it." He said, quickly.

"Shhhhh." I whisper, bringing him in for a hug. He had to bend down for it, but I felt his heartbeat slow down.

"Do you know the stuff i keep in that book? If anyone got a hold of it, i'm literally screwed." He muttered.

We pulled away from the hug, "where was the last place you left it?" I asked.

"In a chest inside my house. I've looked through every single chest I've been around in the last twenty four hours. I had it yesterday and now it's gone." He panicked. We retraced his steps, going to the huge hole he had dug out back to his house. I went through a few of his chest before going upstairs and looking in the barrels. I saw a small leather book with a quill sticking out of the side. The engraved burns on the leather was "do not read".

"ranboo!" I called out. He rushed instantly over to me.

"Is this it?" I ask, handing it to him. His eyes widened.

"how- what?" He asked.

"In the barrel. I have to get going now though, I have to grab some stuff from Eret's castle." I apologize.

"No it;s okay. Thanks for your help." He smiles.

As I turn to leave, he says one more thing.

"Rosie, there's a festival in two days time. I'm not saying you should go, but I'm saying you might want to..." He informs. I smile and leave his house, going to Eret's castle, grabbing materials before heading home.

Phil, Techno and Tommy were all home by the time I was there. Phil was making dinner while Tommy and Techno were discussing on what to do.

That night, Techno and Rozenn talk. Phil and Tommy were already in bed, sleeping by the time the two of them even started their talk. They quickly slipped out of the house, heading to a small hill on the outskirts of the area.

When they were sitting side by side, they started to talk.

"Do you ever wish we never left home at fourteen?" I ask softly.

"no." He replies bluntly. "We were holding the family back. When our eyes got red, it made the villagers scared of us. They outcasted Phil and them. We were able to grow as people and they were able to as well when we were not with them." Techno continues.

"I guess. Ranboo told me something today." The small girl informed the older twin.

"hmmm?" He asked, curious now.

"There's another stupid festival in two days time. We're technically not invited, but you know."

"I see. We'll be there." he ensures.

Tommy- Techno and Rosie both defended him, showing that she was slowly trusting him again and letting him into her life
Ranboo- ranboo trusted her enough to let her help him with finding his memory book
Festival- looks like they're preparing for another festival, which seems to be that Tommy, Techno and Rosie are going to

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