XLVII - Jisoo

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I felt my heart beginning to beat faster than I can comprehend Lisa's words. With twin rings situated in the velvet box, she held to me, I was truly taken aback. I blinked and looked around us before finally locking eye contact with her.

"I... Lisa, oh my," I pursed my lips, my thoughts running faster than the words could come out.

Lisa appeared like she understand and placed the rings on her lap before she reached out to hold both my hands in hers. Still kneeling on the ground, she squeezed my hand.

"Jisoo, I don't know how many times I've said it but I would like to continue saying it for however long I live for. I love you, I truly do and being with you," She takes in a shuddering, nervous breath. "Being with you, I've come to realise and understand a lot of things. You were the person who has always been there for me, and I want to be the person who's there for you. You'll probably say I'm already there for you but—”

"Lisa," I giggled, trying to get her to stop.

"— I just want to be with you, like, officially. Probably start a family, travel together—"

"Lisa, please,"

"I love you, I really love you. And spending the rest of my life with you is my one and only selfish wish—"

I bent down on my knees and pulled Lisa into a kiss. It was the only way to get her to keep quiet. I felt her stiff muscles begin to relax and I began to run my fingertips against the nape of her neck. Pulling away, I kissed the top of her forehead.

"You're cute when you're nervous," I giggled. "You should've known me by now. I dated you with the intention of marrying you."

"Jisoo..." Lisa smiled, the corners of her eyes crinkled up and I saw the forming tears. "Oh shit, wait the rings!"

Pulling away from my arms, she began to frantically search for the velvet box that and slid from her lap into the grass and flowers. I spotted it before her a picked it up.

"It's really beautiful." I complimented it, staring at the shining gold rings with little gem pieces.

Lisa stopped searching and grinned. "When first saw it, I immediately knew you'd like this over diamonds and pearls."

"And I do," I pulled out one of the rings and slid them onto Lisa's finger. "I love them, but I love you more."

Two chapter and an epilogue left! 🖤💖

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