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As soon as she landed her feet on the fuzzy carpet that was in her room, she was filled with a sense of dread like no other

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As soon as she landed her feet on the fuzzy carpet that was in her room, she was filled with a sense of dread like no other. Was it because of the sickening silence that filled the entire house or was it the darkness that loomed over the whole house like a rain cloud on top of a sunflower patch? Y/N knew that her parents were aware of her arrival as whenever someone would apparate into the house, a ring would echo throughout the house like a doorbell but she couldn't will herself to go downstairs and face them just yet.

'Maybe I should have brought Remus.' was the only thing running through her mind over and over again she was sure that whoever was in the house could also hear her thoughts.

Her room was still the same which surprised her. The colorful rug under her feet and the various pieces of furniture all different colors contrasted against what lay outside her room. She paced around the room in attempts to mentally prepare herself for what was to come, but quickly snapped out of it as she suddenly looked outside the window she had removed the duct tape that covered it and saw the gloomy sky. Rain was in fact coming- a storm at that, perhaps. Perfect to match the ambiance. She took a deep breath and stepped out of her room, her only goal is to get whatever this was over with and get back to Remus on such an important night.

Candles lit the way through to the dining room and it was suddenly much more ominous than she remembered, or maybe it was just her nerves clouding her mind. Faint whispers were heard the closer she got to the door that led to where she just knew they'd be. She stood outside the door and tried to determine just how many people were in the room. Apart from her parents voice that she quickly put her finger on, she heard three others- one of them sounding oddly familiar to Lucius Malfoy, but it couldn't have been. Her parents always had a strong distaste for the blood supremacist family.

Unexpectedly, the door opened just as she put her hand on the handle to open it herself. Her mother stood with a smile on her face. It was so fake she couldn't have fooled a toddler if she tried. "Y/N, we've been waiting long enough for you. Please come in and take a seat next to your father," Calista said with a shaky voice and hesitantly opened the door wider for her daughter to enter.

"Hello to you too," the younger woman muttered, but nonetheless went in and was surprised at the sight that greeted her. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy sat on the left side of the table with no expressions on their face. Bellatrix Lestrange sat with a deranged look next to her sister and next to Calista sat two other people she couldn't recognize. Malakai sat at the head of the table with such a cold look on his face that the thunder that sounded outside matched it perfectly. It was a curious thing:

'Why the fuck were there suspected death eaters in the house?'

The only sound that was heard in the large room was the sound of her light footsteps and the storm going on outside. Her mother sat on the other side of her father and Y/N sat next to a man who did not look friendly whatsoever. He sent her a disgusting smirk that made her shiver and swallow a lump in her throat. She wanted to leave... right now.

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