extra #5

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this is my desperate want for chaos rising back up but not wanting to ruin the plotlines of my other books



Malcom slid down the door of his room as he closed it, covering his ears. June and Tommy had been fighting a lot lately, and neither him nor Tubbo were sure why.

It was scary to think about them breaking up since they all lived together, but that was looking like it may be the safest option.

The front door slammed, which meant either Tommy left for Wilbur's again, or they took it outside. Malcom could hear faint footsteps coming down the hall, so he assumed the former.

"Are you okay?" asked Tubbo's muffled voice.

"I'm fine," June choked out. Malcom could tell he was crying. He stood up, and opened his door to face June with his arm outstretched, about to knock. "Um. Hey."

Malacom exchanged a glance with Tubbo, who looked as worried as Malcom felt. "What was that one about?"

June wiped his face. "God, I don't even know. When he gets back, I might go stay with Artemis for a couple days, if she lets me."

Malcom nodded. "Do you want me to help you pack?"

June shook his head, and Tubbo walked away quietly. "Not right now."

Malcom let him in, and they sat on the edge of Malcom's bed as June texted Artemis.

"She said it's okay," June reported quietly. Malcom hummed, messing with the hem of his blanket. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"All the yelling and shit. Every time he gets loud, I get loud just so he can fucking hear me, but I'm also crying because he's yelling at me, and it's a mess." June laced his fingers together with Malcom's. "I'm sorry you and Toby both have to deal with it."

Malcom shrugged. "Are you gonna break up with him?"

June thought for a moment. "Probably, yeah. I think it'd be best for all of us."

"You gonna announce it to the public?"

June shrugged. "I'm not a content creator, it won't affect an audience. You and Tommy are who it'll affect the most."

Malcom moved their hands so he could put his arm around June. "It'll be okay."


"I just don't know what to do, Wil."

Wilbur pat Tommy on the back as he mulled over what to do. "Knowing June, this is just as hard for him as it is for you. Especially the yelling part. You either need to get your shit together and quit fighting, or you need to find something else that'll work for you."

Tommy nodded. "I know how much it bothers Toby and Ranboo, too. They haven't said anything, but it's.. a little obvious."

Wilbur sighed. These kids were gonna give him pre-mature grey hairs. "You should go back and talk it out with him. I'm here for you through everything, but I'm also here for him and I can't promise that I won't take his side if you start another argument."

"Thanks, Wil," Tommy said. "You guve surpringly good relationship advice for someone who's single."

Wilbur chuckled. "It's not like I've never had a partner before."

Tommy scoffed. "No one is good enough for the Wilbur Soot," he dismissed.

Wilbur shook his head, grinning. "Do you want to rewatch Quackity VODs with me?"

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