canon headcanons >:]

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so since i'm taking years writing chapters, here's some canon headcanons that i've come up with, some i mightve mentioned, probably mostly new ones

- June's lucky number is 6 cause thats the month number of June

- Sometimes when June's tired enough to get to sleep but can't get there himself, Malcom sings/hums to hum

- Hazel hates how much time June spends out of the house because she has to do more chores (L)

- June's favorite ice cream was Vanilla until Malcom got him to try Salted Caramel Toffee

- When June and Malcom were still in that awkward almost-best-friend state where they weren't sure exactly how much they could tell each other, June accidentally let it slip that he was a simp for Tommy (which he promptly got teased for)

- After June left Tommy in the living room after coming out to him as polyamorous, Tommy went to Wilbur for advice because he was admittedly a little conflicted (he, obviously, was okay with it)

- June lowkey regrets asking Tommy to be his boyfriend when he did, partially because he was and is unsure how stable their relationship is, and wished he'd handled it differently

- June and Tubbo have movie nights every so often where they watch a different musical together, and one time Malcom climbed in June's window whilst one was in progress (June thought he had volleyball) and scared the shit out of both of them

- June doesn't actually have a favorite color, but he finds Tommy thinking it's red adorable

- Logan was originally supposed to be the main antagonist but the plot went a different direction, so I changed it to Hannah, but the plot didn't follow that storyline either

- Wilbur sometimes teaches June riffs on the guitar, even though June doesn't have one

- George and Sapnap met June either at the same time or around the same time and they both jokingly got mad at Clay for not introducing him to them sooner

- Adding onto ^^^ June and Clay were really close growing up, and clearly they stayed that way

- June grew up with Hannah and Zoey as his friends, but he wasn't "popular" like they were

- June used to play varsity soccer but he almost broke his leg so he only plays recreationally because his mom freaked him out enough that the thought of being on a professional team again scares him

- June feels bad about it, but sometimes he purposefully ignores Malcom over the weekend when he has to catch up on homework so his mom doesn't get on his ass about it (which always results in Malcom tumbling into his window at an odd hour of the night)

- June makes quiet sound effects without even knowing he's making them and one time he ran into a wall because he was walking too fast and turned the corner too sharply and accidentally meowed, making Malcom choke on his water and poor Tubbo drop his spoon in his soup

- June's favorite Lemon Demon song is Two Trucks (it says the sex word 😳)

- June's bad at remembering to listen to songs recommended to him, so Malcom has a playlist of new songs for June that he updates all the time

- June has a bunch of mobile games that he plays all the time, including (but not limited to); PocketLove, Color Roll 3D, No Humanity, Love Nikki, Temple Run 2, and Subway Surfers

- Occasionally, he'll casually mention something couple-y that he and Malcom did to or in front of his parents, further confusing the heteros, who still think June is in a monogamous relationship with Tommy

- Sometimes Clay or Sapnap mention Hannah, and June gives them disappointed looks

- Hannah doesn't try to hide her unfaithfulness to her boyfriend,, like at all,, (which you'll see more of in a oneshot about nedia hopefully coming soon after this in my oneshots book :])

- Hannah's parents aren't accepting of her being bisexual, and they've been bribing her to keep her relationship intact so that they can make a deal with her boyfriends' richer parents that would be dismissed if they broke up

- Clay lets June drink more than Malcom knows of, sometimes dropping off or giving him to take home water bottles of vodka. no one questions it, since Clay always has plastic water bottles on-hand and gives them to anyone who wants one. June's gotten used to the sting of vodka. It doesn't bother him anymore.

- June catches Malcom taking pictures of him all the time, and he's pretty sure he sends them all to Tommy (he does)

- June has a bad habit of picking at his fingernails and cuticles when he's nervous so Malcom helps him learn some easy origami and makes him carry sticky notes around so he can made things out of paper instead of harming himself (i do this lolsies)

- June loves the idea of matching jewelry, except he knows that neither Tommy nor Malcom can keep rings in a safe place very long (which is the only jewelry he can handle wearing besides earrings for long periods of time because of how they feel) so he and Tubbo have matching rings

- June's been trying to convince Malcom to get his ears pierced for months, but he's worried they'll get infected or he won't like it

- June's favorite hobby is not sleeping for like 2 days and chugging three Monsters in the span of an hour

- June tries to grow out his nails but they break easily and he picks at them so it doesnt get very far

- June reads his favorite books aloud to Malcom while Malcom cooks, and vice versa

- Maria called June one of her boys (because she's hip and cool and watches all of Malcom's content religiously) and he almost cried

- Nedia sometimes brings Arjun's vodka flavor experiments to school for June and Malcom to try (Malcom never does if he drove them to school that day)

- Malcom and Maria are like literally besties and she tells him the gossip from work and he talks about June like the simp he is

- Malcom has a growing collection of rocks on his bookshelf of ones June picked up on their walks together

- June can easily fake cry and has used it to manipulate his mom before

- Sometimes Hazel asks to hang out with Malcom and June, they always say yes, but she almost always regret it because they get in a playfight about something that lasts the entire outing, which prompts her to complain to Clay to come save her (spoiler alert, he doesn't)

- Malcom doesn't want to tell him but a lot of the times he says 'June' in his sleep is when he has a dream that they are breaking up :(

- June sometimes has random urges to cut his hair which he solves by aggressively chopping up a piece of paper until it goes away (he knows his mom would yell at him)

- Whenever Tommy openly simps for June on stream (which is often) his chat makes fun of him for it

- Arjun and Patrick met at a bar

- June paints Clay's nails a lot

- June sometimes talks to Wilbur about what it would be like if he moved to Brighton with Malcom, Tommy, and Tubbo (these conversations usually occur when June is either intoxicated or extremely sleep deprived - sometimes both)

- Malcom has a small journal that no one knows about that he writes in almost daily, complete with little stick-person doodles (yes like diary of a wimpy kid)

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