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Graduation day.

High School Musical 3 song lyrics were bouncing around in June's head as he waited for the long speeches to be over. The school band and orchestra each had a number, and then the school choir, which June hadn't even known they had.

June disn't start paying attention to the names until they got to the D's, waiting for Malcom's name to be called. He cheered along with the crowd, hoping he could be heard over their classmates.

Malcom sat back down in his seat, and June waited anxiously for his deadname to be called. He tried to hide his wince, summoning false confidence as he straightened his back, walking across the stage to accept his diploma.

He paused for a picture like he was supposed to, and then quickly made his way back to his seat, wanting to get out of the hot Florida sun.

After the ceremony, Clay and Sapnap were the first to find him, followed by his parents and Hazel. He thanked them all for their congratulations, scamning the crowd for Malcom.

June jumped as a pair of hands landed on his shoulder from behind, and he turned into Malcom's embrace.

"We are officially out of highschool!" Malcom exclaimed, making June laugh. He laced their fingers together on both hands, raising them in the air triumphantly.

Nedia came running over, barreling into Malcom, wrapping both her friends in a hug. "I can't stay long, but oh my god, call me later!"

June hugged her back for a moment, peomising to call her once they had some downtime, and she ran off again. June caught a glimpse of her brothers chasing after her, making him laugh a little.

Marie and Sarah lead the group as they started to walk together, Malom and June's hands swinging between them. Every time it re-sunk in, June squeezed Malcom's hand, receiving a squeeze back everytime.

The two families separating into the three cars - Clay and Sapnap in theirs, Sarah and Hazel in theirs, and June joining Marie and Malcom in theirs.

June texted the groupchat he and Malcom had with Tommy and Tubbo, hyped.

tubbo 4th wheeling

guess who is officially no longer legally tied to america's school system anymore!!!!!!!


now we just have to wait the two weeks until June's 18th birthday and we can legally just move to the uk with you guys!!
unless our visas get denied but i doubt that'll happen at this stage



literally both of junes boyfriends are here (INCLUDING ME) and somehow tubbo is still the favourite what the fuck.

it's okay Tommy i'm pretty sure you're Wilbur's favorite at least

it's not the same

if it makes you feel any better, wil sees you as a little brother and i have personally been victim to many drunk rambles about it
phil can attest

i wasnt expecting it to but it does make me feel better actually

i wish i was wilbur's favorite </3

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