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about half as long as usual but i wrote 2k+ words in the special which is twice as long as usual sooo

(also i realllllly wanted to leave this on a cliffhanger & couldn't think of things to fill the space with)

June heard pounding on the roof and gasped excitedly. The other three looked up from their phones at him.

"It's raining," June explained.

Tommy and Tubbo exchanged a confused look. "It rains all the time, what's so special about it?" Tubbo asked.

Ranboo smiled. "Outside?"

June grinned. "A man of culture, I see."

Ranboo shrugged. "Whenever it rains back home, you drag me out whether I want to go or not."

June rolled his eyes. "You know you love it."

Ranboo didn't confirm nor deny the statement, only stood up from where he was sitting beside June.

June happily went back to his and Ranboo's room to get their jackets.

Tubbo and Tommy got theirs as well, though they weren't as hasty about it as June.

"I don't understand why Americans like getting wet.." Tubbo said, caustiously stepping out onto the porch.

June pulled his hood off his head, and Tommy widened his eyes.

"She's insane," Tommy decided as June stepped into the rain, grinning.

Ranboo went out as well, but put his hood up. June went out into the driveway, spinning as he went.

Tubbo watched Tommy's expression change from confusion to adoration, and nudged him with his shoulder.

Tommy frowned. "Dream and Sapnap always talk about how they think they're dating.. Did June lie to me?"

Tubbo frowned as well. "Well, she was the one who asked you to be her boyfriend.. They would've told us if they were dating, I think."

Tommy was unsure. "Would they?"

"They're our best friends, I sure hope they would."

June grabbed onto Ranboo's arm for support as he slipped, giggling as Ranboo caught him.

"Be careful," Ranboo scolded teasingly.

"Okay, mom," June retorted.

"Do not compare me to your mom!" Ranboo laughed. "What the hell?"

Tommy's heart fell to his knees watching them. They'd probably done this a million times. They probably didn't even want him here, just filling empty space, just to fourth wheel them with Tubbo.

Tommy swallowed anxiously. "I think I'm gonna go inside."

"You want me to come with you?" Tubbo asked.

"You don't have to."

Tubbo furrowed his eyebrows. Something really was up. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening with Ranboo and June, but he still had a bad feeling in his stomach. From an outside view, they really did look like a couple. June really needed to tell Tommy.

Tubbo locked eyes with Ranboo for a moment before June caught the taller boy's attention again.


June and Ranboo went in when Ranboo noticed how cold June was, despite the younger boy protesting that he wasn't.

Tommy was ready with like three blankets for him after he got changed, and distanced himself a bit as June got settled down on the couch. Ranboo had long since left for his room, but June stayed out alone with Tommy.

Tommy was watching something on the TV, and June was scrolling through his social medias and occasionally replying to the groupchat with Clay, Sapnap, George, Wilbur, Bad, and Phil whenever we felt he had something to say.

His gaze drifted upwards, and fell on Tommy, who was sitting right where a patch of light from outside filtered through the window, highlighting his features.

June smiled mostly to himself, analyzing the Brit in front of him happily. Tommy felt June's stare, and looked over to meet his eyes with a grin.

"You're staring," Tommy pointed out.

June nodded. "I know."

June kept staring.

Tommy scoffed, smiling, and turned away again.

June kept admiring his side profile, but his smile fell. Tommy didn't deserve it being kept a secret.

"Um, Tom, if it's alright, could we maybe talk about something?" June asked nervously. "I need you to keep an open mind."

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