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EDIT: a bunch of u are concerned abt june and dream outing june to tommy and everyone else but lol if they noticed, i wouldve put it in, dw yall :)

June knew it was going to be a bad day when he woke up feeling like shit. He wanted to hide in his blankets forever and just disappear into the fabrics and not be perceived. Every time he moved, he could feel everything he was trying to forget about. It didn't help that he'd gotten a notification from his Flo period tracker app telling him about something that he didn't particularly care about, reminding him to check when his next period was going to be. The app estimated about two days. Goodie.

His foggy thoughts were interrupted by a knock. He slowly and reluctantly got up and out of bed, leaving the warmth and safety of his blankets.

June opened his door to his mom, who was holding a plastic package that had fabric in it. His mom had a huge smile on her face and pressed it into June's arms.

"I bought you something!" she said happily. "Try it on! Your sister has a matching one."

June nodded numbly, and his mom shut the door to let him change.

He opened the package and.. it was a pink overalls skirt dress type thing with a daisy pattern on it.

He turned to his closet and found a black and white stripey long-sleeved shirt to go under it, and he put the outfit on, making sure to put on a pair of shorts underneath.

Looking in the mirror, he gasped a little. He.. really liked it, actually. It was pink, and it was a dress, and it accentuated his curves, but he loved the way it felt, and the way it looked on him.

He decided to grab his eyeliner and do a simple small wing, and smudge a bit underneath his eyes.

He ran his fingers through his short blond hair, and for the first time in a while, liked what he saw in the mirror.

He tucked his phone in the pocket on the front of the dress and raced downstairs, bouncing down each step. His sister was in an almost identical outfit, a plain white shirt underneath a black daisy print overalls skirt. His mom met his gaze with a smile, glad that June liked it.

June could tell that the only reason that his sister was even in the dress in the first place was because June was in one too, but he loved her dress as well. She looked really pretty in it, and she'd even done little flowers with her eyeliner to match.

June beamed over at his sister, and rocked back and forth on his feet, his excitement fueling his energy.

"Aw, you two look so cute together!" Sarah exclaimed. "My beautiful princesses, my baby girls," she continued to coo.

June faltered at her words, smile falling. Even his sister knew that their mom had ruined it by saying that.

"Mom, you're being embarrassing," she grumbled.

Sarah pouted. "Soph? You okay?"

June opened his mouth to speak, but he choked on his words. He could feel tears welling in his eyes. Right. Right. People still saw him as Sophie. Still saw him as a girl.

He backed away, biting his lip, and went out the front door. He glanced around for his bike- it was stolen last week. He ran instead. He didn't know how long it took him to get to Clay and Nick's house, but he made it there. The pavement was hot, and he didn't have shoes, or socks even, but it only spurred him further.

He was sobbing by the time Clay opened the door for him.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Clay asked, voice rising in pitch with his panic.

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