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June stared at himself in the reflection of his body mirror with his arms crossed over his chest. He'd worn his binder today - the first time since Tommy had arrived. He was nervous at first, but what could Tommy say without implying he looked at June's chest?

"I wanna dye my hair," he decided, turning on his heels to face Malcom and Tommy, who were sitting on his bed and at his desk on their phones.

"What color?" Malcom asked, turning his phone off to look up at him.

June shrugged. "Something neutral. Like brown, maybe."

"Brown would suit you," Tommy chimed.

June pulled at the ends of his hair lightly. "Yeah, let's do brown."

"Right now?" Malcom asked.

June shrugged. "Why not?"

Tommy nodded. "Solid point. Where can we get dye and shit?"

"Walmart," June and Malcom answered in unison.

June let Tommy vlog, and since no one knew he was in Florida, it'd be like a little surprise.

"We're gonna dye June's hair," Tommy said to his recording phone, pointing the camera at the booth in question. "Ranboo is here also. Hello." He pointed the camera at him.

June insisted on driving, even though he didn't have his license, so Tommy volunteered to go in the backseat.

"Look at June, in her natural habitat," Tommy whispered to his phone as he showed June driving.

June snorted, having heard the comment. "I wouldn't say natural, but alright." He glanced up in the rear- view mirror. "What playlist?"

Malcom fished out June's phone from his pocket, plugging it into the aux cord and opening Spotify. "Your pick, Tommy."

"Uhhh, the one from yesterday?"

"That one was the beach playlist," June told Malcom. "Is it a left or a right after this light here? I can never remember."

"Left," Malcom replied, hitting shuffle.

Sunshine by Khai Dreams came on, making June smile to himself as he sang along.

June pulled into the Walmart parking lot not too long after, and parked the car. "Alright men," June started, pulling out his phone. "Tommy, we'll probably have to stay away from Ranboo for the most part because we don't want to risk him being recognized by someone and them knowing what he looks like."

Malcom nodded. It was weird hearing June call him Ranboo after so long of him only being called Malcom or a nickname. "That would not be good."

"So, would you be alright trying to find latex gloves while Tommy and I get hairdye?" June asked Malcom.

Malcom accepted the request, and headed in first.

June turned and looked directly into Tommy's eyes. "If we see someone I know, we are going the opposite way."

Tommy laughed, his phone shaking as he tried to hold it straight. "Alright then. Shall we begin our adventure?"

June opened his door, answering the question.

They walked into the store, hand-in-hand, and June led him back to where the hair products were.

"So, there's a few shades of brown, which one?" June asked. He dropped Tommy's hand to pick up two from the shelf. One was a dark brown and one was a lighter brown. He left the lightest on the shelf.

"The lighter one," Tommy replied, pointing at the one he meant.

June put the other one back, and pulled out his phone to text Malcom.

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