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If June was being honest, he almost started crying when Will showed up at the door at 10 in the morning.

It was the day they'd planned for, but it still took him by surprise. He didn't know why it didn't occur to him that Will would want to hang out with them for as long as he could.

Ranboo opened the door, greeting him with a huge grin. Will came into the kitchen where June was, making him nearly drop his glass of water he shakily tried to sit down on the counter before throwing himself into Will's arms for a hug.

"I can't believe you're here," June breathed, grip around Will's torso tightening.

Will swayed them, unable to control his grin. "God, I can't believe you're here. Small little American. Tiny little baby," he teased, ruffling June's hair as he pulled back from the hug.

June scoffed, smiling. He swiftly punched Will's upper arm, and grabbed his glass again, taking a drink. "I'm average height for my age, Tubbo and I are just surrounded by giants."

"We're not giants, you're just short," Ranboo said as he walked in, tapping the top of June's head with one finger as he passed to put a cup in the sink.

June rolled his eyes playfully, and followed Will out to the couch, curling up against his side like he would with Ranboo.

Will put his arm around June's shoulders, holding him close. He felt protective seeing June look so short next to Tommy and Ranboo, and he had definitely noticed the way that Tommy stared as June walked past. He felt like a dad, and smiled a little when he realized that.

June elbowed Will lightly.

"What're you grinning about, Mr. Foot?" June asked.

Will grinned more. "I feel like a dad," he voiced.

June snorted. "Why?"

Will gave him a look, making them both laugh.

Tubbo sat on the couch on the other side of Wilbur. "Can we watch a movie or something?"

"Sure," June and Will replied in unison.

"What do you wanna watch, Tubbo?" Will asked.

Tubbo shrugged. "Anything you wanna watch is fine."

"Alright then. June?" Wilbur turned to the boy beside him as Ranboo and Tommy sat next to each other on the other couch.

"Have you guys seen Heathers?" June asked. "I know Ranboo has, most of it at least, since we fell asleep watching it, but if you three haven't then we gotta."

Ranboo felt his chest swell with pride as he thought about that night again. It was one of his favorite memories, genuinely, and it made him feel a little smug that Tommy has yet to do something like that with June.

June looked at the three Brits for answers, and grinned as he was handing the remote by Tubbo to start it.


"I'm so mad that that was good. Americans have only done this and Hamilton correctly," Tommy groaned, arching his back to stretch.

June smiled, glad they had all liked it. Tubbo had gotten more than excited about JD's plans, which was concerning, but they all laughed it off.

June's grin widended mischievously. "What if us four-" he motioned to himself, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy, "-went as the Heathers and Veronica for Halloween?"

Tommy frowned, Ranboo looked a little confused, and Tubbo grinned as if it were the best idea ever.

"Yes! I could go as Heather Duke 'cause she's green, and Tommy can be Heather Chandler since she's red, and Ranboo can be the yellow one, and you could be Veronica!" Tubbo exclaimed excitedly.

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