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June jolted awake from something being dropped on top of him.

He blinked his eyes open, clearing his momentarily blurry vision to see Clay standing over him. Patches affectionately bonked her head against June's face, making him sputter out, trying to get the cat hair out of his mouth.

"Morning, Sleepy Beauty," Clay teased.

June rubbed at his eyes, sitting up. "What time is it?" he mumbled.

"I dunno, but Tommy asked me to tell you to answer his call," Clay shrugged, handing his brother his phone. Six missed voice calls from TommyInnit.

"Ah, fuck," June muttered. He unlocked his phone.


i am so sorry tommy i fell asleep
clay threw patches on me to wake me up

it's alright
you okay to call now?

i need a minute lol
i'll call you in a sec

June turns off his phone, running his hand down his face. Clay ruffled his little brother's hair.

"You should dump Patches on Sapnap," Clay suggested. "He's still asleep. It's almost one in the afternoon."

June smiled at Patches, who was clueless to the interaction between her owner and June. "Alright. If he gets mad at me, I'm blaming you."

Clay let out a small wheeze. "You do that, then."

June nods, and stuffs his phone into his pocket.

"C'mere," June muttered as he scooped Patches into his arms. She squirmed a little as she readjusted to get more comfortable, and June walked over to Sapnap's room. He held his arms close to the handle to open it, and pushed it open enough to get in before letting Patches out of his hold onto Sapnap.

"Ow," Sapnap complained, pushing the cat away a little. She leaned into his touch, and June smiled over at the older man.

"Clay told me to wake you up," June explained.

"Tell him I said to fuck off," Sapnap joked, sitting up.

"Will do," June replied, leaving the room. June stopped at Clay's room one more time before he went to the couch. Clay looked over at him, expectant. "He said to tell you to fuck off."

Clay wheezed, and June left. He sat on the couch, and called Tommy, who picked up within three rings.

"Hey, sorry," June greeted.

"Hi," Tommy replied, exhaustion in his tone. "I'm sleepy," he mumbled.

June laughed a little. "I can tell."

"Wilbah threatened to steal my iconic shirts," Tommy said into his mic, shifting around. "Said if I hurt you or somthin' that he'd drive up and take them right from my closet."

June giggled at that. "Ah, yes, big brother Will. One time Sapnap was annoying me and he threatened to fly over and put wasps in his room."

Tommy giggled with June, and the sound made the Floridian smile.

Tommy sighed sleepily. "You have a nice laugh."

June felt his face burn. "Thanks," he managed, flustered by the compliment.

"Can you.. just talk.. for a little while?" Tommy asked.

"Uh, sure," June replied. "About what?"

"Anything," Tommy replied, "everything."

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