Halloween Special!

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June did up the last button of the blue jacket, and turned to look at himself in the mirror. He grit his teeth. He didn't have the wig on yet, and he just looked like himself.

He decided to put on the makeup before he put the wig on so he didn't have to try to tie it back somehow and ruin how he'd styled it.

He put on blue eyeshadow to match the outfit, and did a small wing of eyeliner. He smudged some under his eyes as well, and used his pink lipstick as a bit of blush since he didn't actually have any.

He carefully pulled the wig over his hairnet, and got it into place. He messed with it until it looked right, and found himself able to smile at himself in the mirror.

For the first time in a long time, he found himself appreciating his curves, and he pulled on the knee-high socks he'd forgotten while getting dressed.

He took a deep breath and left the bathroom, flipping the light switch as he went.

He met Clay in the living room, smiling nervously.

Clay looked up, grinning. "You look amazing!"

"Thanks," June mumbled. "Where are my Heathers?"

"Waiting for us outside," George replied as he came in from the hallway.

June smirked when he realized that George and Clay were matching as well. "Oh my god, are you guys Dipper and Pacifica?"

George blushed, adjusting the vest he was wearing. "Maybe."

Clay proudly puffed his chest to show off the lavender shirt and purple jacket he had on. "Yep!"

George pulled the hat he had on over his eyes, groaning. "Sapnap!" he yelled. "Come out already!"

The other bathroom door swung open, and Sapnap came out of it, arm stuck in the pink sweater he was trying to get on. "Help, please."

Clay helped him out of his predicament, and June rocked back and forth on his feet excitedly.

"Do you know what Will and Niki are going as?" June asked George. "They said they're gonna match too. Phil and Kristen are dressed as how the fan artists draw them, I think."

George shrugged. "Wilbur said something about Monsters Inc., so maybe Sully and Mike? I dunno."

June nodded. "Makes sense. Niki mentioned onesies."

"Ta-daa!" Sapnap cheered, putting an arm around George's shoulder. Instead of Mabel's skirt, he wore purple pants that matched the ones Clay was wearing.

June clapped a couple times to humor him, then went over to the door to pull on his shoes. The other three already had theirs on, so they went out together.

June half ran over to his Heathers, greeting them with a big grin. "You all look amazing in those skirts."

Tubbo smiled. "So do you!"

June smiled at how both Tommy and Ranboo were wildly blushing and pointed out that Clay, George, and Sapnap are dressed as Gravity Falls characters.

"Ready to go? Wilbur and them are waiting for us," Tubbo said, putting his phone in his jacket pocket.

June nodded, and the seven of them got into the two cars, Tubbo and June banishing Ranboo and Tommy to the backseat whilst the Dream Team got in the other car.

June was in the driver's seat since Tubbo didn't have his license yet and Ranboo didn't know how to drive stick. He adjusted his wig a bit while they waited for Clay to start driving, waiting to start the car until he could start moving.

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