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June stared at himself in the mirror, gritting his teeth as he stared at himself in the mirror.

He tore his gaze away from picking out all his small imperfections and covered his body mirror with a towel he had laying around. He pulled one of his older brother's hoodies over his head, letting the soft lime green fabric swallow his unwanted curves and breasts.

The sweatpants he was in were also his older brother's.

June realised about 70% of his clothes were his older brother's. Well, he knew Clay didn't mind at all.

Not even Clay, who he was the closest to of his family, knew he was transgender. They played minecraft together, and sometimes Clay'd invite George or Nick to play with them, just to add onto the fun.

June told Clay everything. Except this.

He didn't know why it was so hard.

He'd already came out to Clay as bi, and was happily accepted with a hig and a huge smile. He was nervous then as well! He just..was scared of rejection.

June knew the only reason that he came out as bi to Clay in the first place was because Clay had mentioned something about having a crush on a boy for the first time, and asked June if he'd ever had a crush on a girl.

June frowned at that one, but they were playing Minecraft and talking over a teamspeak call, so the expression luckily went unnoticed.

June wasn't sure why he liked his chosen name so much. It might've been because June is pride month, or maybe because it's his birth month. He didn't know. One of his old friends had called him June a few years back, teasing him about his birth month, and he genuinely loved the name.

That friend moved across the country and they never saw each other again, but the name stuck, and so that's what he went by online.


Just thinking about the name made June smile a little, and gave him a little hope for the day. If he could last long enough to eat breakfast with his mom and younger siblings, he would be fine. He could bike to Clay's and he would be fine.

"Sophie!" His mom called. June cringed at his deadname. Mood ruined. Immediately.

June took a deep breath. "Coming!" He yelled back. he made sure he grabbed his phone and earbuds- his comfort item- and shut his door behind him as he quickly made his way downstairs.

He sat down in his chair and his mom placed a plate with a couple pancakes in front of him. He thanked his mother, and ate as fast as he could without looking suspicious.

"Darling, why are you in such heavy clothes?" June's mom asked. "It's almost eighty degrees outside! If you're planning to bike to Clay's today, you're gonna sweat yourself an entire ocean!"

(80° farenheit because this is florida lol)

June grimaced as he realised that.


"Oh, erm, I- I was just wanting something comfy for the morning. I was gonna change before I left," June lied. In truth, he'd much rather look like a literal wet rat after biking the two mile trip he made almost every day than try to ignore the dysphoria without some kind of mental blockers. "A- And Clay keeps his house kind of cold, but he has other hoodies I can borrow when I get there, I guess."

June's mom nodded, accepting the answer. June ignored the curious look he got from his sister.

June stood up and took his dishes to the sink, rinsing the syrup from him plate and then carefully placing them in the dishwasher.

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