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i am much excite for christmas
i get to give my grandma a cutting board i made for her :)


June covered his mouth as he tried to cry as quietly as possible.

He didn't know how hard it was to like someone so far away from him.

It hadn't even been a day since he left, but here he was, in his own personal hell. His mind.

He almost wished he'd never befriended Tommy, just to spare himself from moments like these. It'd been a while since he'd had an episode like this, where he'd felt so out of control of his emotions that he couldn't move much, but now that he was back, it was hitting him hard.

He knew that crying like this while Ranboo was asleep on his floor wasn't the smartest choice, but he couldn't help it.

He loved Ranboo, and he loved Tommy, and it was so hard not being around both of them like he was with Ranboo. With the added weight of no one in his life besides his friends - barring Tommy - knowing about his gender, it was so much. God, not even Tommy knew.

He knew he was getting too worked up over telling or not telling Tommy, but he knew he didn't face rejection well. He couldn't risk losing him.

Arms were wrapped around his waist before he could process that Ranboo had even gotten up, and he sobbed pitifully at the contact, rolling over to curl into his chest. It was comforting that Ranboo and Tommy were around the same size, as sad as he felt about not having Tommy actually there as well.

"I hate that we live so far away from him," June managed between his quiet cries.

Ranboo ran his fingers through June's hair, cradling him close. "I know, I do too." Ranboo pressed a soft kiss to the side of June's face.

Tears still seeped from June's eyes as he closed them, soaking a part of his pillow.

Starting school in two days was gonna suck ass.


June stared at the full backpack that sat next to his door. The next thing on his mental list to be fully prepared for the first day of school was to find an outfit.

He turned as Ranboo came in the window, right on time. He had gone home to change clothes once he made sure June was okay the next morning, and suggested that June called Tommy.

"Can you help Tommy and I pick me an outfit for tomorrow?" June asked, showing Ranboo his phone, where June was on a video call with Tommy, just as Ranboo had hoped would happen. "I got my backpack all ready."

"Did you put in any pencils?" Tommy asked. "I only saw you throw your erasers in."

June pursed his lips, thinking. "Uh.." He glanced over at his desk. "I guess I didn't."

He tossed his phone to Ranboo, who caught it smoothly, as he'd done so many times before, and opened his bag to put a couple of his pencils in haphazardly.

"If you needed outfit help, why didn't you ask Niki or Wilbur for help?" Ranboo asked, propping June's phone up on the desk so Tommy could see them. "I think they'd be better at it than us. Pretty sure Wilbur picks all of Tommy's clothes like a dad," he joked.

Tommy tried to be annoyed about the playful jab, but Wilbur did pick the outfit he was wearing, so he didn't protest. "Oh, because you wear anything other than hoodies," Tommy retorted, smiling.

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