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Being at school with the knowledge that George was at Clay and Sapnap's house was killing June. That plus his sleep deprivation, and being misgendered by nearly every person at his school that talked to him were making school nearly unbearable. He was extremely irritable, and felt horrible that he'd already snapped at Malcom twice today over dumb things and it was only the passing period before third period.

"It's fine, you're just tired," Malcom tried to assure him. "I know you didn't mean it."

June wasn't convinced. "I still feel bad," he replied.

"Wow, June, you look horrible," Nedia teased as she came to stand by them in the hallway. She laughed off the blank glare that June shot at her. "You having trouble sleeping or something?"

June shrugged. "Yeah."

"You should take a nap during lunch today," she suggested.

"I probably will," June replied. "I feel like shit."

"Hey, Sophie!" an all too familiar voice called.

June narrowed his eyes as Collin approached them.

"What the fuck do you want?" June asked, not looking at him. He stared forward, looking between Malcom and Nedia

"I just wanted to say sorry for what I did at the party. Didn't mean to offend you or whatever," Collin said casually.

June took a deep breath through his nose, noting the way Malcom was now on-edge as well.

"Thanks for apologizing, but I'd appreciate it if you'd fuck right off," June said pleasantly. It was obvious that the nice tone was forced.

"Woah, hey, no need to be hostile," He said with a grin that made Malcom want to punch him again. The urge only increased when Collin put his arm around June's shoulder.

June could practically hear his patience snap. He could only hope he didn't say something incriminating as words started spewing from his lips.

"Look, I don't know what the hell is going through your fucking pea sized donkey brain right now, but I don't know what part of me telling you to fuck off you don't understand." June was seething, and had to force himself to only push off Collin's arm and not kick him in the dick, as much as he would've liked to. "Harassing me and then pretending it's fucking fine after saying some bullshit you don't mean does not make it okay for you to be all buddy-buddy with me. Get the fuck away from us."

Collin narrowed his eyes. "You're such a bitch, I don't know how people stand you," he spat. He finally left them, and June's head was racing and his heart was pounding in his chest.

"Hey, you alright?" Nedia asked.

June nodded, glancing up to meet her gaze before looking up at Malcom. He looked dangerously close to going off to find Collin again, but June gave him a warning look.

"Y'know what?" Nedia piped up. "I think we should skip class. You guys down?"

"No, sorry, I have a test that I need to take," Malcom replied almost immediately. He didn't have a test. It was just an excuse. No way in hell would he risk getting in trouble with his mom. He knew she was lenient, but skipping school was a definite no-go.

June hesitated with his answer. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm down," he decided.

Malcom gave him a look he couldn't quite decipher, but June didn't sway.

"Cool, see you at lunch then," Nedia told Malcom. She grabbed June's forearm lightly, pulling him along. "C'mon, we've got to go during passing period or we'll get caught."

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