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Sapnap and June messed around for another ten minutes or so together before Clay came back in. He gave June his phone back, and ignored the suspicious looks from his brother and friend.

June's mom texted, saying she wanted him back home, so June said bye to the stream, relinquished Clay's hoodie, and went back out to his bike. He ignored the burning in his muscles, and made it home quickly.

"I'm home!" June called as he stepped into the house, the air conditioning cooling down his overheating skin.

June's mom and another older lady and a boy around his age came around the corner. June paled at the sight of the newcomers, and waved pathetically.

"Sophie, this is my friend from work, Holly, and her son Logan," June's mom introduced.

"Hi," June breathed. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He got roped into their conversation, and they migrated to sit on the couches. The whole three hours that they sat talking, June tried to ignore the way that Logan stared at him, but it was making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and he was getting really uncomfortable.

June huffed quietly, and stood up, mumbling an excuse about needing to use the bathroom. Instead, he went up to his room, wiping sweat from his forehead.

He left his door cracked a little in case his mother called for him again, and sat down on the edge of his bed. He looked up when someone tapped three times at the doorway, and saw Logan standing there.

June sighed quietly through his nose.

"Hey," Logan said lowly in greeting. He glanced around the room. "Your room isn't very... girly."

June narrowed his eyes. "And?"

"Well, you're a girl, so I expected a little more," Logan explained, feeding into June's insecurities. "It's so boring, you have like no decorations."

June was seriously contemplating biting this man. His room wasn't boring, he just didn't have many decorations because he didn't really want any. "I don't need any distractions."

Logan smirked. "Distractions from what?"

"That's none of your concern," June answered curtly.

Logan fake pouted, as if that would help convince June. "Pretty please? Tell me?"

"No," June said. "It would be greatly appreciated if you'd leave my room."

"Oh, am I bothering you?" Logan taunted.
(yes typing tht made taunt by lovejoy get stuck in my head. not mad thiugh, it's a banger)

June glared over at him, and clenched his fists when Logan stepped further inside. June stood up, crossing his arms.

"Please leave," June urged. "I won't ask again."

Logan scoffed, looking at a book on June's shelf. "What're you gonna do, kick my shins until I walk away?"

June rolled his eyes, and grabbed Logan's arm, keeping him from moving away. He quickly and furiously swept his leg into the back of Logan's knees to knock the unwanted vistor onto the ground, making him groan loudly.
(ya boi's STRONK✨)

Logan falling made a loud thud that was quite obviously heard downstairs, and soon enough, both mothers raced upstairs to see the commotion.

"Logan, are you alright?" his mom asked. Logan nodded, and sat up.

"Jeez, I'm real clumsy," Logan joked. "Tripped over my own feet and fell really hard."

June resisted the urge to kick him while he was on the ground.

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