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extra long chapter to compensate for the severe lack of updates lately

i have the final two already written :,)
buuuuuut i wanna publish the last one on the 1 year anniversary of this book <3
(june 28th)

Three days was all that was left of June's life as a minor. It was a scary thought, to be 18. Graduation was scary enough, and now he has to be a legal adult? Absolute bullshit, quite honestly.

June anxiously knocked on the door to Malcom's house, Marie letting him in.

"He's upstairs streaming," she informed him.

"Yeah, uh, I actually came over to talk to you.."

Marie lit up, smiling. "About what,  sweetie?"

June smiled at the petname, his adoration for her skyrocketing. "Um, lately I've just been so nervous about turning 18, and all the Britain stuff, you know? Especially since I already know how my mom feels about it all. Do you have any advice?"

Marie titled her head. "What in particular are you anxious about?"

June shrugged, despite the prominent thought in his mind. "Moving there, I guess." And the fact that if I ever broke up with Tommy or Malcom while we all live together, it'd be really bad, his brain finished.

"Well, I guess all I can tell you as of now is just to do what you really want to do." Marie ran her fingers through June's hair, smoothing it down in the back where it had been messy. It stuck right back up though, and she gave up. "What you want is to move to Brighton, right? And be close to all your friends?"

June nodded. "Especially Tommy and Tubbo. Wilbur and Artemis being there close is just the cherry on top."

"Mhm." Marie seemed to understand.

June, as someone who wasn't close to his own mother, craved maternal figures. Maybe that's why he was so attatched to Marie, who's easily the second most important person to him in this godforsaken country, only topped by Malcom. Clay and Sapnap fell tied for third.

June stepped forward to hug her, letting himself melt into her embrace fully. She held him close, letting him know through her hug how much she cared for him.

"You've been like a second son to me since I met you," Marie told him. June's eyes started to water. "Although, once you and Malcom started dating, it was more like a son-in-law than an adopted son."

June huffed out a laugh. "I don't know what I would've done if you were more like my own mom."

Marie sighed. "She certainly has.. opinions." She let go of him. "You've both come so far, and I'm so proud of you."

June wiped at his eyes. "Okay, no need to make me cry," he said, chuckling.

Marie ruffled his hair a little, and looked up when her biological son walked in, clearly having been crying.

Malcom wrapped his arms around June from behind. June looked up at him with a soft smile.

Marie smiled at the two of them. "You alright?"

Malcom sniffled. "Yes, sorry, chat and I were playing a sad game."

June laughed quietly. "It's cute how attatched you get to game characters."

"I disagree," Malcom chimed. "I just, do not agree with that. I think it is sad how fast I get attached to fictional people."

Marie chuckled. "I can make some tea for you guys to take upstairs, if you'd like."

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