fifty! 😳

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June hummed absentmindedly as he doodled in the notebook in his lap, chilling in a call with Tommy as he was speedrunning beating Minecraft.

"So, uh, June," Tommy started. "How did you know, uh, that you were.."

"That I was trans?" June finished for him. He got an affirmative hum. "Uh, well, I didn't really understand it when I first started having feelings like that, but I guess it really started with having thoughts about how my body doesn't fit me or like how I view myself, if that makes sense. Like, the person in the mirror wasn't actually me. At first, I thought it was just me being insecure, but y'know. I mean, I am, but it's more than that."

"Oh," Tommy mumbled. "How did you realize that that's what it meant?"

"It was between seeing this one clip of a trans streamer - her username's OnlyArtemis - and she was talking about how she knew she was trans and stuff, and also I did some research and shit."

"OnlyArtemis?" Tommy questioned. "I think that's the streamer that Toby's got an internet crush on."

"Wait really?" June picked up his phone, going to Google a picture of her. He sent it in Tommy's dms. "This is who I'm talking about."

"Yeah! That's her," Tommy confirmed.

June grinned. "She's so cool. She's also, like, our age."

"Is she British?"

"Yeah, I think she lives in Brighton. Pretty sure she ran into Will once or twice. It's posted on her Twitter."

She had long light pink hair, fitting her theme of pastel colors. Although she seemed chill at first, she got loud and angry when she played games like Doom, Call Of Duty Zombies, or CS:GO where she would die a lot. She mostly played Minecraft, though, which she was always chill with.

June enjoyed her content - both for trans representation and just in general. She wasn't afraid to stand up to internet trolls, and he really admired her.

"Do you know if Tubbo's talked to her ever?"

"Ranboo and I tried to convince him to, but he was worried she wouldn't like him or something stupid."

"Cool, cool, cool," June muttered to himself. "Would he get mad at me if I dm'd her?"

"Not unless you went from his account and said something dumb."

"Awesome, because I already sent the message."

"What'd you say?"

June read off what he sent. "'I've been a fan of you for a while and was wondering if you'd be open to playing Minecraft with Tubbo and me some time. We've both been watching you stream for a long time and thought it might be fun, but feel free to ignore this if you're not interested.' What do you think he'd think?"

"It's probably fine. He might freak out a little, but overall, he'd be excited. Well, as long as you're not streaming or something. He might panic."

"No, yeah, probably not streaming. If Tubbo's not gonna talk to her, I will."

"How long do you think it'll take her to see it?"

"Hopefully not ve- oh, she replied."


"Yeah." June tapped on the notification. "'I'd honestly love to play Minecraft with you guys. I'm an avid fan of Tubbo, and have recently been watching content you've been in as well! Let me know when you're both free so I can check if my schedule aligns.' I should probably call Tubbo."

"I can add him to the call," Tommy suggested, not wanting June to leave.


Tommy added Tubbo to the call, and June told him what he'd done.

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