final note! <3

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thank you all so, so much for getting through my book lol

if you're reading this, it's likely that you've read all 60 chapters of my bullshit and plot holes lmao

all of your votes, comments, and reads mean so much to me and i really appreciate all of it :))

there are probably some questions, so if my little explanation doesnt cover them, ask away!

one thing i wanted to bring up was where i was going with hannah, and logan, and those leads. i wanted logan to be an antagonist, but i was having a hard time trying to smoothly transition it that direction

so then, i had the idea for hannah to take his place

the idea was that hannah and june would become friends, and june would come out to her, but wait! she's a bitch! and outs him to the school! but aha, june gets her back by telling the principal what hannah had drunkenly confessed during that one party, back in chapter 37

other than that shitshow,,

1) after this chapter, i will start posting scenes that either didn't make the cut, or weren't supposed to go into the book anyways!

things like extra oneshots, and even just short half-written ideas that i thought were cute

maybe yall could request some oneshots (even though i'm behind on requests for my actual oneshot book haha 🥲)

and 2) there's gonna be two sequels!

one for tubbo, and one for wilbur :)

the tubbo one has already been discussed, and is gonna be about him and artemis <3

you can continue to follow june, tommy & ranboo's story in the background of the sequels, which have almost nothing to do with this book and it's plot, so you don't need very much background information for it

of the two sequels, i'm most excited about the 3rd book, but i didn't wanna cop out of giving yall the cute artemis & tubbo scenes i know the commentors were excited for

i have like 6 chapters already written for Sweet Tooth, which is the title of the next book

(the first three + face claims will be released right after this! i hope you like the person i picked for artemis lol, shes been the face ive been imagining since i first mentioned her in the book)

and i will promise that hopefully the next books are less randomly thrown together than this one lol, as well as shorter in general

again, thank you all so much for supporting me <3

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