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It was right after the PTA meeting, and June and Ranboo were now at Ranboo's house, laying in the grass under a huge oak tree that was in his yard.

It was a hot day like usual, but the shade was nice as the two boys talked and joked.

Ranboo gasped in the middle of his sentence, interrupting himself.

"Do Tubbo and Tommy know we live in the same neighborhood?"

June shook his head, then realized that Ranboo probably didn't see it. "No. I'm not friends with Tubbo, and Tommy doesn't know where I live."

Ranboo hummed. "Should we tell them?"

"Uh, I dunno, do you want to?" June asked. Right on cue, his phone started ringing. He pulled it from his pocket, and held it over his head to read the caller ID. "Oh, shit, it's Tommy right now," he laughed.

"Answer him!"

June giggled, and hit answer, putting the call on speaker.

"Hey, Tommy," June said.

"Hi," Tommy mumbled. June smiled softly. "I'm tired." The Floridians could hear him yawn on the other side of the call.

"Man, you were right, he is much calmer on your calls," Ranboo spoke up.

"What the fuck? Is that Ranboo?" Tommy asked. "Does he fucking live in Florida?"

June and Ranboo laughed. "Yeah. Our moms are actually friends, and we had to go to this PTA meeting thing earlier, and we somehow wore the same outfit."

"Oh." Tommy wasn't jealous. No, no, not at all. He just.. wished that he was in Ranboo's place so bad that he'd do practically anything to be there. He wanted to be the one hanging out with June in Florida, he wanted to be the one making him laugh like that in person, he wanted to be the one to sit in on a call June got and speak up randomly to surprise the caller. "Ranboob, you better not steal my other best friend. You've got Tubbo, that's enough," Tommy said jokingly. It was true though. He'd be really upset if Ranboo swooned June into preferring him over Tommy.

Ranboo chuckled. "I won't, I promise." He paused. "Well, I will, but only a little bit. It'll be nice to have someone know me in real life and online."

June hummed in agreement. "It would be so cool if Tommy and Tubbo were here, though."

Tommy smiled. Maybe his mind was muddled with sleepiness, but it almost sounded as if June was sad that they weren't there.

Another yawn overcame him, and he snuggled further into his blankets, leaving his phone right beside him on the pillow as he let himself drift asleep.

"Did he just fall asleep?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah," June said casually.

"He calls you just to fall asleep?"

"Y'know? You are the second person to ask that," June mused. "Yeah, I think he sleeps better knowing that someone's there. I guess I became that person."

Ranboo smirked over at June.

June glanced over, then turned to him for a double-take. "Don't give me that look."

Ranboo raised his arms in surrender. "I didn't give you a look!"

"You totally did, and you know it," June laughed.

Ranboo laughed with him. "You wish."

June wheezed, "What does that even mean?"

"I have no idea, but you sound exactly like Dream, and I don't know how I feel about that."

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