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June may or may not've dragged Ranboo into the water with him to go into the big waves, and totally got flustered by how pretty Ranboo was in the sun and almost fucking drowned because a wave went over his head.


When June resurfaced in the water, a good few feet away from where he was with Ranboo originally, he started coughing. Ranboo rushed towards him, concern filling his features.

"Are you alright?" he asked, guiding him back towards shore.

June took a shaky breath, tasting the salt in his mouth. "Yeah, I'm okay. That was scary as shit though."

"What happened? You looked a bit distracted, and then the wave hit you really hard.."

"Umm.." June contemplating telling him. Not having any good reason behind not doing it, he shrugged. "You're pretty fucking hot, bro."

Ranboo stumbled a bit, kicking up sand around them. "What?" His face was a warm red, and it definitely wasn't from getting sunburnt.

June giggled. "You heard me."

Ranboo chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I did." He nudged June's shoulder as they approached where Sapnap and Clay were digging a huge hole in the sand. "You're pretty hot too."

"Just make out already please," Sapnap groaned jokingly.

June's breath hitched, feeling his face warm. He was sure that he matched Ranboo now. "Shut up, dickwad."

"Bold of you to assume we haven't," Ranboo replied casually.

"Oh my god!" June exclaimed, covering his face with his hands.

Clay and Sapnal exchanged a glance, like they were silently betting on something.

"So, wait, have you?" Sapnap asked slowly.

At the same time, June exclaimed an embarrassed, "No!" while Ranboo smirked and replied with a, "Yeah."

June smacked his arm. "Shut up, what the hell?"

Ranboo wiggled his eyebrows at the shorter boy, making him laugh.

Clay smiled at the pair of them. They really did look like a couple.

June suddenly slapped a hand against Ranboo's chest, blurting "Tag you're it," and ran off.

"Wh- hey!" Ranboo shouted after him, running to catch up. It didn't take very long til they were nearly by the water, and Ranboo picked June up by his waist, both of them laughing.

"Didn't he have a thing for Tommy?" Sapnap asked. "June, I mean, not Ranboo."

Clay frowned. "I don't know, actually. I know that Tommy likes him, it's kind of obvious, but I'm not sure about June anymore. I don't even know if they still call every night like they used to now that he has Ranboo keeping him company."

Sapnap hummed. "I wanna ask, but I'm kinda scared to."


"Do you know how hard he can fucking kick? Like, I know he plays soccer for school, but holy shit, dude," Sapnap replied, throwing more sand out of the hole from by his feet.

"Pfft- no, I knew he can kick hard, but he wouldn't kick you for asking if he likes Tommy," Clay assured him. "Actually, speaking of, isn't school starting soon?"

"Hmm, yeah, I think there's only a month left of Summer." Sapnap looked over to where Ranboo and June were trying- and failing- to make a tall pillar made of sand.

June groaned as he spotted the middle of the pillar start crumbling again. "It's gonna fall again."

"What? It's not even three feet tall!" Ranboo complained, desperately trying to fix it.

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