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Ranboo knocked nervously on the front door. June had no idea he was here. He was at Clay and Sapnap's, on someone's stream with them.

Ranboo didn't want him knowing about the offer if his mom doesn't let him go.

Sarah opened the door, and smiled up at him. "Sophie isn't home right now."

"I know, he's- sorry, she's at Clay's. I, um, needed to talk to you about something, actually.." Ranboo's heart raced as he slipped up. Fuck! He was so fucked if Sarah brought it up and didn't believe the lie that it was an accident. Well, it was, but not the way she would think.

"Okay.." Sarah replied, letting him in.

They went to the couch, and Ranboo fidgeted with a ring on his finger.

"So, I'm going to England to visit a couple friends of Soph and I soon, and I wanted to know if she could maybe come with me..?" Ranboo didn't want to sound too hopeful, but he couldn't help it.

"Will an adult be going with you?"

"Um, no, but I travel a lot, so I know the airport really well," he answered. So far, it was better than he thought it might go.

"Where will you be staying, and for how long?"

"Oh, Tubbo, Tommy and I are renting an Air bnb for us to stay in together. And for two weeks."

"All three of you are boys, right?"

"Er.. yeah, we are.."

"No adults?"

"It's like a five minute walk from Tubbo's house, so we didn't really think we'd need any. Besides, we're all almost eighteen.." Ranboo tapped his fingers rhythmically on his knee, trying to avoid eye contact. "I know how to cook, and if we need to, there's places close, and we'll have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, and Tubbo's parents are gonna check on us pretty often to make sure we're okay. We'll have really good wifi, so she can update you as much she needs to."

Sarah seemed to be genuinely thinking about it. Ranboo hoped that was a good sign.

"How many bedrooms are there going to be? Will she be sharing a bed with someone?"

"Um, there's two rooms, with two separate twin sized beds each. If she can go, I'll be the one sharing a room, since we're already, um, comfortable sleeping in the same room." Ranboo nervously bit at the inside of his cheek.

"Alright, I guess.. She can go. As long as she gives me updates every day, and doesn't share a room with either of the other two. I don't know them very well, but I trust that you'll take care of her." Sarah smiled a little, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Ranboo, however, grinned. "Thank you!" he chirped. "See you later, bye," he said as he stood up.

He walked calmly to the front door, but once he was outside, he dashed over to his house to get the keys to his mom's car. He knew the way, since he'd walked with June a few times. He didn't know if June knew that he could drive.

He quickly made sure he had his driver's license before he actually pulled out just in case, and listened to the radio as he drove. It was a short drive, and he parked before walking to the door, slipping the keys into his pocket.

He knocked on the door, and tried to suppress his grin when June opened it.

"Hey!" June greeted, smiling at the sight of him.

"Hi," Ranboo replied, and June let him in.

"Did you drive here?" June asked as he sat on the couch, pulling his legs up to sit cross legged.

"Yeah.." Ranboo sat on the couch by June. "So, you know I'm going to England soon, right?"

"Mhm." June nodded. "Tubbo and Tommy have been talking about it non-stop."

Ranboo's grin widened a little bit. "You can come too."

June halted. "Wait what?"

Ranboo laughed a little. "I just came from your mom's house, and you can come with me to England!"

June laughed in disbelief, unable to stop himself from smiling. He wiggled in his seat out of excitement. Ranboo opened his arms for a hug, and June practically threw himself at him, making them both laugh.

"Oh, you've multiplied," Clay said as he appeared, holding a new box of cat litter he'd got out of the garage. "Hey Ranboo."

"Hey," Ranboo replied. He felt a little awkward hugging June in front of Clay, but June didn't seem to have any intent on letting go.

June closed his eyes as he cuddled into Ranboo. He was so warm, and it felt amazing in the cool temperature of Clay and Nick's house.

Ranboo ran his fingers through June's hair, and could feel the smaller boy's soft sigh more than he heard it.

Ranboo could tell when June fell asleep, and he carefully put in one of his earbuds so he wasn't just sitting in silence.


June was a little surprised to wake up still in Ranboo's arms. He shifted a little, and accidentally fell out of Ranboo's lap onto the floor.

"Are you alright?" Ranboo asked, sitting up better.

June nodded sleepily, a little startled by the fall. Ranboo smiled at him, reaching out to smooth down where June's hair was sticking up a little on the side. June leaned into his touch, closing his eyes.

Sapnap, this time, was the one to find them. He only smiled a little, and went back to his room. He wasn't really that hungry anyways.

June was seriously about to fall asleep again, so he stood up, and rubbed at his eyes.

"Sleepy June my beloved," Ranboo said with a smile.

June mumbled something back, but Ranboo couldn't hear it.

"What'd you say?" Ranboo asked.

June shook his head. "Never mind."

"Noo, I wanna know what you said!" Ranboo protested.

June giggled, and titled his head, listening. "Oh my god, is it raining?"

Ranboo shrugged, and June went over to the window. He giggled gleefully, and went to the door.

He opened it, and dashed outside into the rain before Ranboo could process it.

"Wait-" Ranboo was cut off by a tug. June pulled him into the rain, smiling.

"Dance with me, dummy," June urged, putting Ranboo's hand on his waist and holding the other.

"I don't know how to dance," Ranboo told him.

"Neither do I," June told him. They kind of just swayed awkwardly at first, but June giggled, and Ranboo spun him around like they were actually dancing.

Sapnap took a photo of them through the window, sending it to Clay.

They were adorable.

chapter because i was crying out of pure anxiety and this was a good distraction

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