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June was bouncing his leg as he waited in the bedroom for the front door to open and reveal Tommy.

He was waiting there so he could come out- of the room, not the closet- and surprise Tommy.

He didn't even know if Tommy would recognize him unless he said something, but he had no idea if he'd even be able to speak by that point.

The anxiety of waiting was giving him a bit of a stomachache, and he just wanted to go back to sleep.

He wasn't sure exactly how long he'd waited, but he could hear the front door open, and some excited chatter. He got the go-ahead text from Ranboo, and he padded over to the door as he put his phone and earbuds in the pocket. He pulled down the sleeves of Ranboo's hoodie so they covered his hands completely, and made sure it fell to its full length all the way around, and grasped the door handle.

He took a a quiet deep breath and opened the door, glancing up towards Tommy. The tall blond hadn't noticed him yet, so he just shuffled over.

Tommy looked over for a moment, then did a double take to stare.

"Wait, oh my god, June?" Tommy asked, adjusting his sweater.

June nodded, smiling as butterflies fluttered happily in his stomach. "Hi, Tommy."

Tommy grinned. "Can I hug you? Or would that be weird?"

June giggled, and rushed forward the last few feet to wrap his arms around Tommy's torso. He could feel Tommy's arms around him as well, and he closed his eyes to savor the moment.

June was fully aware of the picture that Ranboo took of them- he knew his mom wanted as many as possible- but he didn't care. All that mattered was that he was literally hugging Tommy right now.

They finally pulled away, and June could feel himself blush a bit. He covered his face with his sweater paws, giggling a little.

Aside from the picture, Ranboo didn't really look at the two of them. He hated how jealousy bubbled in his gut. Seeing the pure adoration on June's face when he looked at Tommy made him uncomfortable. He didn't like the way that he felt so agitated from their first in-person interaction, and he felt guilty for being jealous.

It's not like they were dating. He had no right to feel protective against Tommy, who's both his own and June's friend.

Tubbo gave him a curious look, eyes flitting between where Ranboo was staring out the window blankly and where Tommy and June were excitedly talking right by them.

June had the urge to hug Tommy again. Seeing him finally after calling almost daily for months and months was like a dream come true.

He ignored the urge, however, because Tubbo and Ranboo disappeared into the kitchen, and June trailed off after his sentence, curious as to what they were up to.

He could hear pans and stuff clattering around, so he wandered over, Tommy following after him like a lost puppy. His luggage was forgotten by the door.

June sat on top of the counter, like he normally would, and watched as Ranboo started making something. Tommy stood beside June, and June reached up to run his fingers through the taller boy's hair, wondering what it'd feel like.

Tommy leaned into the touch, to June's surprise, and the Floridian smiled.

Tubbo glanced over at June and Tommy from where he was standing by Ranboo. "Is June normally this.. touchy?" He asked.

Ranboo looked over his shoulder for a moment at them, and turned back, heart sinking a little. "Yeah," he replied shortly. Tubbo could probably smell the jealousy.

June was enraptured in the way Ranboo methodically sliced and mixed and chopped and stirred the ingredients together, and he felt so warm being next to Tommy. Not heat-warm, more like his heart was warm. He felt so safe being around the both of them, even if Ranboo was tenser than he usually was when he cooked.


June sat between Tommy and Ranboo at the table, awkwardly picking at his food. He always hated eating in front of new people.

Ranboo knew that, so after Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy were finished, Ranboo suggested the three of them play a game together on the tv in the living room.

June silently thanked him, giving him a grateful look, and popped in his earbuds to listen to music so he wasn't just sitting in silence while he ate. The muffled sounds of the other boys could be heard over his music, but he didn't look up.

He was content to sit there alone for however long it was until Tommy came back in, and sat in the chair next to him. June laid his head down on Tommy's shoulder, closing his eyes. He gave Tommy one of his earbuds, and adjusted how his head was laying.

Tommy tapped his fingers on his thigh to the beat of the song, trying to not move too much. He knew June was probably still jet-lagged a little since he'd only gotten to England the night before, so he didn't want to stop June from falling asleep if he wanted to, even if he thought his shoulder might be uncomfortable for the American.

Ranboo bit his tongue lightly, trying to distract himself from what Tommy and June were doing. If they didn't come to England, it would've been him in Tommy's place, listening to June's favorite playlist and just enjoying each other's company.

He turned his attention back to the card game he was playing with Tubbo when the shorter boy slapped a card doen into the discard pile, signifying the end of his turn.

Ranboo picked one from his hand and placed it down as well. "Uno," he said monotonously.

"Again?" Tubbo groaned. He still had three cards left.

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