extra #5 - part 2

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adventure time has temporarily cured my undiagnosed possible depression so i am writing also this may or may not be kind of a vent post ahahhsbdjfn enjoy

also i finished writing the 36 questions book but am procrastinating publishing it because it's gonna be a pain to publish all 38 chapters of it manually


So, originally, Tommy had thought a break would be easy. He thought it would be easy, and that it would fix the problems he was having with June.

Three-ish weeks later, the boys were having a movie night. Wilbur, Niki, and Artemis were staying over, and Tommy was, to put it simply, a little jealous.

Tubbo and Artemis had their thing going - close enough to touch, but weren't quite cuddling, and Wilbur and Niki were sharing a blanket, and June was pressed up against Malcom's side, the taller boy's arm around him.

Tommy, sitting on the couch next to Niki and Wil, seperate from the other two couples, was by himself for tonight. And boy did he wish he wasn't there. Nothing worse than 7th wheeling, amirite? It made him relate all too much to Leo Valdez from all the long-winded rambles that June had gone on once someone mentioned anything about Percy Jackson or Rick Riordan.

Tommy was surprised when the hardest part about this wasn't the distance, no, but it was how fine with everything that June appeared. He was calm, alarmingly so. The calm before the storm, he supposed. Or maybe that was what he was hoping? Part of him was a little angry that it wasn't affecting June the way it was Tommy.

Sometimes.. sometimes Tommy felt extremely lonely. And it would only get worse when he saw how not-lonely everyone else was. Even though Niki and Wil weren't dating, they seemed content to sit beside Tommy, not caring how their friends were being so affectionate. Honestly, he didn't know why it irritated him. Everything did, he guessed. It was annoying how annoyed he was, as ironic as that sounds.

Tommy wasn't even sure what movie they were watching. He debated on leaving. He wanted to disappear and never come back. Okay. Not never. But he wanted to be alone. It was hard having three roommates - four, if you included Artemis staying over a lot, but she wasn't technically living there - and being the only one not in a stable relationship. Like, yeah, he did this to himself, but goddammit he regretted it.

Tommy muttered out an excuse to use the restroom, and left the living room. What he really did was sit on the edge of his bed. He blinked away frustrated tears, and scowled up as someone opened the door.

Niki, who wasn't clued into the situation, hesitated in the doorway at the glare Tommy gave her.

"You okay?" she asked. Tommy shrugged, and Niki came in, quietly closing the door after herself. "I.. don't know what's going on, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I could tell you were upset."

Tommy huffed, smiling a little. "I think you're too nice to me."

"Everybody deserves kindness, Tommy," Niki replied. "Especially those who think they don't deserve it. Sometimes good people do bad things in the heat of the moment, but that doesn't make you a bad person. Cooking a few meals doesn't make you a chef, right?"

Tommy shrugged again. He was feeling pretty low today. He also, coincidentally, felt like he was being an inconvenience. "Don't you wanna watch the movie?"

Niki smiled, shrugging. "Wil and I've watched it before. You wanna go outside?"

"Sure," Tommy lied. He actually just wanted to wallow in his room. But he'd humor her. Just for tonight.

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