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Pulling into the driveway of June's house, June and Malcom waited for Sarah to get back from picking up Quinn. June went inside to drop his school stuff off and quickly do the little math homework he had left - he'd done most of it in the car - and then they settled on the couch together for a few minutes.

Sarah opened the front door, and Quinn walked in slowly, looking around.

"Quinn!" June greeted excitedly, getting up from the couch.

Quinn ran over to him, squealing. She giggled when June picked her up, hugging her.

Sarah smiled at the two of them, and June waved goodbye to his mom as he closed the front door. He took her back to Malcom's car, keeping her in his lap as they drove the few houses down.

"Quinn, how would you feel about meeting another friend of ours?" June asked.

Quinn's eyes widened, thinking.

"Would it make you too nervous?" Malcom asked her. She shook her head.

June let Quinn play with the rings on his fingers, looking at them in the sun.

It obviously wasn't very long until they got to Malcom's house, and Quinn shyly hid behind June's legs when they stopped in the kitchen for a moment to talk to Maria before they went up to Malcom's room.

June sat in Malcom's gaming chair, and Malcom sat on his bed. Quinn was torn on who to sit with, but ultimately decided Malcom - the bed was softer - and June got a few cute pictures of the two of them.

Malcom had given up his phone to Quinn so she could watch Peppa Pig on YouTube while June and Malcom talked about their math test coming up.

Malcom helped June get his computer set up for him - June had used his computer before, but was worried he'd accidentally mess something up.

He double-checked that he'd done the math for the time difference right, and called the groupchat with Artemis and Tubbo on his phone so he could leave it on speaker.

Artemis joined almost immediately, but it took Tubbo a few more seconds.

"Sup, gamers?" June greeted.

"Hi!" Artemis replied. "How was school? You just got out, right?"

"Yeah, a bit ago," June replied. "And if you like, hear a kid, we're babysitting for my mom's friend."

"'We?'" Artemis asked.

June almost fumbled and #exposed Malcom's name, but he managed to say Ranboo instead.

Quinn curled up in a ball on the bed, invested in her show already. Malcom leaned over the back of the chair as June loaded into the Minecraft world Tubbo had set up.

"Neither of you seem like the type to like children," Tubbo joked.

"June's weirdly good with kids," Malcom told them. "He somehow managed to tame even TommyInnit, the childest of children."

June snorted. "Tommy does not count."

"Yes he does!"

"I'm younger than him by like, two months."

"You are?" Tubbo asked.

"Yes?" June shook his head with a smile. "My birthday's in June. His is in April."

Artemis giggled, making June bite his bottom lip to hide his grin. Something about her laugh was so wholesome. He could tell Tubbo felt the same way from the way he muted his mic for a moment to send June a spam of keyboard smashes.

June ran in a circle around Tubbo's character, getting punched by him every so often.

Malcom and June just talked and hung out with Artemis and Tubbo for a while by themselves until Quinn wandered over to them, Malcom's phone in-hand.

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