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sorry for not updating in like a month i forgot this book exsisted 💀
like ik im on this app and get notifications from this daily, but honestly i've hit a bit of a block for this one mostly because i've been on the niki and women in general mindset for than my baby june which is sad to think about but hey at least yall will be getting new content (it's already been published btw!!!!)

say thank you to LokiJynx for reminding to write today lmfao


"Maybe I should get my license," June mused.

Malcom looked at him. "That'd be a good idea. Especially since you are literally currently driving without one."

June nodded, slowing to a stop at a red light. "Yeah, I'll probably ace the classes. Anyways, what do you wanna eat?"

"Uh.. how about Wendy's?" Malcom dropped his phone into the cupholder. "I'm kinda craving the spicy nuggets right now."

"Mm, now that you've said that, that sounds so good."

June merged into a different lane, turning to go towards Wendy's.

Malcom glanced over at June's phone as it buzzed. The screen lit up with a text, and he unlocked it to see who it was.

"Tommy texted you."

"What'd he say?"

"Uh.. 'How would you feel if I adopted a cat that somehow got in my house and scares Betty and Walter and also named it after your brother?'"

June snorted. "After we order, call him. How do I even respond to that?" He laughed.

They went through the drive-thru quickly - there was only one car in front of them - and then Malcom called Tommy as June started the drive back home.

"Hey," Tommy greeted casually.

"Hey, um, where the fuck did the cat come from?"

"I've got no fuckin' clue, man. It just waltzed into my room while I was gamin' and got in my lap."

June huffed out a laugh. "How'd you figure out your dogs are scared of it?"

"Betty barked at it and Walter hid behind her. But Betty only barked because the cat hissed at her." Tommy answered. "This cat is surprisingly friendly, but it doesn't like Mum for some reason. Scratched her hand a little."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she just needed a bandaid. Dad's gettin' home soon, and then we're taking it to the vet to get it checked out. As a place holder, Mum let me name it Dream."

"Of all names, why Dream?" Malcom asked.

"Because I wanted to."

"Valid, I suppose." Malcom shrugged.

"Wait, Tommy," June switched them to FaceTime, and Malcom held it between them. "Show us the cat."

Tommy picked up his phone from where June assumed was on his desk, since it was showing the ceiling for a moment, and lifted it over his head to show both him sitting cross legged in his gaming chair, and the black cat sitting in his lap.

"Aww," June cooed.

Malcom leaned over in frame so he could see it better. "It looks like it has more toes than it should."

Tommy looked down. "Oh my god it does." He held one of the paws. "Little man's got 6 toes!"

June grinned. "Show us the beans!"

"The what?"

"The toe beans!"

Tommy lifted the cat in his lap, showing it's feet to the camera.

"Aww, he has so many!" Malcom said, smiling. "I miss Patches."

"We literally saw her ten minutes ago-"


June fell onto Malcom's bed as he started a stream, listening as he talked to chat. He logged into Twitch to look at the chat, muting the stream playing on his phone.

"So chat. I was think we'd play a little bit of Minecraft on the DreamSMP, then maybe switch over to something else? What should we play after?"

dreamjunebug: definitely batim bro

June smiled, watching chat go crazy about him being in chat.

Malcom sighed, turning his chair. "Well now look what you've done. And bro-zoned me? Wow. I'm hurt."

June huffed out a laugh. "Hi chat!" he said, hopefully loud enough to be picked up by the mic.

Malcom laughed. "Chat, could you hear him?" He waited a moment. "He said hi. Tell him he's pretty, he can't handle compliments."

June let out a sound that was a very good impression of a deflating balloon, making Malcom laugh again.

"Boo, I swear to god-"

Malcom wrinkled his nose. He always felt weird whenever June called him Boo or Ranboo, or any other nickname related to his online persona. Knowing him so personally still made him feel strange when he was addressed on stream. It was kind of the same with Tubbo, but he wasn't with him every day - at least not yet - so it wasn't quite as weird.

June got up from the bed, dragging a blanket with him around his shoulders like a cape.

"I'm Batman," he whispered, mostly to himself. Malcom smiled, hearing it, but didn't mention it to chat, who he was still talking to.

"Okay, Abed," Malcom teased.

"Honestly, that is a compliment. Abed is my favorite." June put his cold fingers on the back of Malcom's neck, maiing him jump a little in his seat.

Malcom playfully swatting away June's hand. "Sit down, you nerd. I thought you were gonna take a nap or something."

"Bitch, you know how light of a sleeper I am. You think I can sleep with you streaming?" June asked rhetorically. He sat down sideways in Malcom's lap, playing with the strings on the taller boy's shorts. "Dude, I'm so excited to graduate. We've got like.. just under three weeks of school left."

"I'm excited too. You think we should go anywhere?" Malcom grinned, knowing full well that they had both already applied to get long-term passports for the UK.

June hummed, decided to humor him. "Y'know, I did hear that Switzerland is beautiful this time of year."

"Where even is Switzerland? I learned basically nothing from history class."

"I'm pretty sure it's near like, France or something. I'm literally the worst person to ask about geography. I can barely even read a map, much less remember where Europe's countries are on one."

"Let's pray we don't have a huge portion of finals on geography," Malcom sighed, June nodding solemnly in agreement.

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