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see yall for the last chapter on the 28th :')

June took a deep breath. He can do this.

He approached his parents' door for the last time in who knows how long, and went inside. Malcom, Clay, and Sapnap were sat in Clay's car out front, waiting for June so they could go to the airport.

He couldn't believe that today was finally the day he and Ranboo would be moving to England, and moving in with Tommy and Tubbo.

"Mom?" June called from the front door, venturing into the kitchen. "Dad?"

June's words hung in the silent air, as he awaited a response. None came, but he could see his parents out on the back porch.

He slid open the door, and walked until he stood behind Sarah.

"Hi, sweetie," she greeted. June shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Uh, I'm about to leave for the airport, and I wanted to say goodbye, and tell you something.." June told them.

Mark looked confused. "Airport for where?"

June frowned. "I'm moving to England, remember?"

Mark sat up, setting his drink on the small table in front of him. "You are? Sarah, did you know this?"

Sarah shook her head solemnly. "I don't want you leaving. I can hardly handle Clay being ten minutes away, I'll be so heartbroken with you out of the country entirely!"

June hesitated. "I- I told you all at dinner a few weeks ago. When I turned eighteen. Long before that, as well. And all my stuff is already shipped over.."

Mark thought for a moment. "Ah, right. We will really miss you, kiddo." Mark stood up to encapsulate June in a hug. They swayed together in the hug that June had been craving for who knows how long. Mark pulled away, and June stepped back towards his mom a bit, where he was captured in another hug, though he wasn't as eager to be in this one.

"Where's Hazel?" June asked, having not seen nor heard her in the house.

"She's off at one of her friends' houses," Sarah replied. "You can call her later, though."

June nodded. "Right, I meant to tell you something as well."

Mark snapped his head to look at June again. "You're not pregnant are you?" He asked, genuine fear in his voice.

June's eyes widened, and his face flushed. "No, oh my god, no, I'm not pregnant and I never want to be."

Mark exhaled. "Oh. Good."

Sarah narrowed her eyes. "Well Clay's clearly not going to have children, so you're the next in line. What do you mean you don't want to be pregnant? Having you kids has made my life so much better!"

June blinked over at her. "First of all, I'm pretty sure that's mean, and second of all, the thought of.. sex.. repulses me, honestly. And I just barely turned eighteen. Cut me some slack."

Sarah only rolled her eyes. "You say that now, but when you get married, you'll want to start a family of your own."

June pursed his lips, and he could feel his heart rate start increasing with his anxiety. "Whatever. Anyways. I've been wanting to tell you, for a while, but, I'm trans. Uh, I want to go by he/him pronouns, and I want to be called June, instead of Sophie."

Sarah scowled, and Mark smiled. They both seemed surprised by the other's reaction, but June didn't want to be around if they started fighting.

"You can't be trans. It's that damn phone of yours, and that social media making you think you're a boy," Sarah spat. "You're a girl, and you'll always be a girl."

June huffed. "Stop being a bitch for once and just let me be myself."

Sarah's face went red with anger. "Don't talk to me like that. You're grounded."

June scoffed, smirking. "I'm an adult now. I don't live in your house. You can't tell me what to do anymore."

June had no idea how he could sound so confident. His hands were shaking, and he was on the verge of tears.

Sarah stormed off inside the house, fuming.

June turned to his dad, scared.

Mark ruffled June's hair, smiling.

"I always knew you were a bit different than your sister," he said simply. "Guess I was right. I'm sorry about your mom. I'll talk to her about it while you're gone. Will you visit us?"

June smiled, letting tears fall from his eyes. "Yes, yeah, of course. Thank you. Y-you're not mad that I want to change my name, right?"

"Of course not." Mark gave June's head one last pat before retracting his arm. "Gifts are not obligations. You give things to people and hope they like them. Your name was a gift from us to you. If it doesn't work for you, you're not obligated to keep it."

June let out a sob, wrapping his arms around his dad. "I love you."

Mark hugged him back. "I love you too, son."

A warm feeling overcame June, and he squeezed his dad tighter. "I better go. Bye, I'll miss you."

Mark ruffled June's hair one last time as he wiped his eyes, and sooner than he was ready to, June was on his way back to Clay's car. June passed his mother in the kitchen, but they didn't exchange any words. Nothing else needed to be said.

June opened the back passenger seat of Clay's car and got in. Malcom frowned as Clay started driving.

"You're crying.. which isn't a good sign. What happened?" Malcom asked.

June smiled wistfully. "Well, mom was like 'you can't move, I don't want you to' and that kind of bullshit, but I kinda stood up for myself for once. When I first tried to tell them, dad thought I was going to tell them I'm pregnant, and then when I actually told them, she bitched about that, too, but dad-" another soft sob cut him off, and Malcom and Clay exchanged a glance. "He called me son."

"Aw," Malcom cooed. 

Clay and Sapnap grinned. "I'm glad it went so well," Clay said cheerily.

June nodded. "Um, and, mom also said that she had no hope for you with having kids, so-"

Clay wheezed, doubling over the steering wheel. June was sure that if they weren't at a red light that he would've swerved.

"She really said that?"

June snorted. "Yeah. I was like, I know that's true, but you don't have to say it."

"Pfft, shut up," Clay replied, still laughing. Sapnap and Malcom were laughing as well, and June giggled along. He'd really miss this.

June felt his eyes well with more tears, but he blinked them away as best he could. He knew that if he started crying again, Malcom would, and then Clay would cry, and then Sapnap would cry as well, and June really can't handle a crying Sapnap.

He was scared of planes, if he was honest. But the thought of what- who- awaited him on the other side was definitely enough to get him over it.

He hardly felt Sapnap take his hand, but the squeeze the Texan gave was more reassuring than June could say.


stole june's dad's line from this post lol

stole june's dad's line from this post lol

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