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cutekitty63 k ik its been twenty minutes and not ten but im easily distracted

"WOMAN!" Tommy yelled, joining the call.

June sighed, preparing himself for a whole bunch of misgendering. "I don't know why I thought he'd greet me with anything else," he said solemnly. "Hello, Tommy."

"June, right?"



June scrunched his nose. "What do you mean 'why?' Because it's the name that I chose?"

"No, what was the reasoning behind the name?" Tommy pressed.

"An old friend gave me the nickname. It's not important," June said, with an edge of finality to it. "Anyways. Drista said you're an annoying bitch. I want you to prove her wrong."

"SHE SAID WHAT-" Clay exclaimed, getting cut off by his own wheeze.

"Did I stutter, stupid bitch?" June asked him, quoting Sapnap. Sapnap gave him a quick fist-bump, and Tommy's laughter filled June's ears.

"Did you just quote Sapnap?" A new voice asked. June jumped in his chair.

"What the fuck?" June whispered, looking at the username of the new person. "Tommy why did you invite Quackity? Of all people, really?"


June snorted. "Cry about it, duck boy."

And he did. Quackity turned on auto-tune and fake cried into his mic. June kicked him from the call.

"WHY?!" Tommy protested.

"If you're gonna invite someone without warning, at least make it be George," June joked. "He's probably just so tired though, after what he and Cla-"

"OH MY GOD, JUNE!" Clay protested over him, face red and failing to hide a smile.

The two teens and Sapnap were laughing now, and Clay swatted at his younger brother.

"His face is so red!" June exclaimed between wheezes.

Clay ended up laughing lightly along with them, but his face really was red. It was funny watching Dnf compilations because June knew that his brother's face would totally have been red the entire time he flirted with George.

"June I want to play Minecraft with you, June," Tommy said, his tone suddenly shifting to almost urgency.

"Um, Clay, Tommy wants me to play Minecraft.. if that's alright with you," June relayed.

Clay smiled. "You didn't have to ask, you know."

June hummed in response, and opened Minecraft.

"Go on the DreamSMP," Tommy instructed.

June did as Tommy said, and he spawned in the prison. Clay looked up from his phone and wheezed.

"We've encountered an issue," June said cryptically.

"What is it?" Tommy asked.

"So, you know how Dream's in the prison?"

"Aw, you spawned in the prison?" Tommy whined.

June smirked. "You sound so pathetic. Clay, you can use commands, right?"

"Er, yeah."

"Pog," June mumbled.

<Dream set own game mode to Creative>

June put whatever Dream had in his inventory in a chest he produced, and changed his game mode to spectator to escape. He found Tommy standing in front of the door in, so he went down so he was right in front of the blond's character and changed back to survival.

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