The Silver Fighter | ✓

By LiseR05

43.2K 1.6K 237

"I already killed your mother, Cam." As the words left my enemy's mouth like a mocking sneer, I growled under... More

Don't Touch The Hood. Just . . . Don't.
Is 'Somewhat Legal' A Thing?
Explanations Are In Order
Elle . . . Elsa. Same Difference.
The Temple . . . Dun Dun Dun
A Run In With The Devil's Personal Flying Monkey
Off Brand Mickey Mouse
Hey There Dumbasses
Five Year Old Insults Are The Best
A Somewhat Amusing Car Ride
Alexa, How Do I Dispose Of A Body?
Apologies. Or Something Like That
A Jolly Good Dinner
Take That, Asshat!
Cam Is Dead
One Big Happy Hellhole
Story Time Pt. 1
Story Time Pt. 2
Possibly Committing Murder
How He Met My Mother
For The Love Of Ice Cream
Sleepover Pt. 1: Grace Needs Her Chicky Nuggies
Sleepover Pt.2: Mario Kart And James Corden
Sleepover Pt. 3: John's Moment
Sleepover Pt. 4: A Pillow Fight . . . Among Other Things
Sleepover Pt. 5: The Warning
Sleepover Pt. 6: Our Special Moment From Hell
Sleepover Pt. 7: Finally Getting Help
Ron Weasley Comparisons
What's This? Physical Affection?
They Say Move In. I Say Sod Off.
A Staredown With The Coppers
Is Strangling Illegal?
I Don't Do Heartfelt Confess-
Teething Issues
A Hair Fetish
Where My Swifties At?
Finally Getting To The Good Stuff
Respectfully Declining Dying
Nearly Dying . . . Again
I Hate My Friends
Mother Hens And Chicken Nuggies
Moment Of Silence For The Big Reveal
Elle's Moment
I'm Sorry, He Knows WHAT?
A Little Bit Of Sass And Snark
Sibling Bickering Never Gets Old
A Kiss by Grace ft. John's Thoughts
Gurl Talk
Why Do All Boys Suck? Except For John?
Insert Evil Laugh
Roofie Me Up, Baby
Satan's Personal Lap Dog
Hell-oween Car Chase
Okay, So . . . Getting Shot Sucks
Moral Of The Story: Ray Is A Drama Queen
EXTRA: How John Asked Grace Out. And Nearly Killed Her.
EXTRA 2: John Knew The Entire Time??

Is This What They Call Pillowtalk?

549 25 0
By LiseR05

A/N: a tad 'inappropriate' moment in the chapter. Not intense or anything. Just cute fluff of sorts.


Enjoy, loves!


The next morning, instead of waking up to Cooper squashing the life out of me, I woke up to the warmth of someone behind me.

Creepy. I know.

Granted, I was used to it considering my mum used to hold me whenever I had a bad nightmare or an attack.


BUT, my mum hasn't done that shit in a while so you can imagine my utter confusion when I felt someone behind me.

Even weirder, this person had one hand around my waist and the other in my hair, along with his face in my NECK.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my mum never did that.

'What. The absolute fuck. Is going on?'

After calmly freezing in place until I felt the fourth breath on my neck, my instincts kicked into action. As if on autopilot, my body swiftly got out from under the covers and swung my legs over the person's lower body in order to straddle their waist. Reaching across my bed, towards the nightstand, I grabbed my switchblade that I keep in there for in case of emergencies and then faced the invader with it.

Now you can imagine was I saw when I looked down.

Satan incarnate who goes by the name of John was under me, staring up at me with his jaw dropped and his arms above his head since I was pinning them there.

My other hand that wasn't restraining his hands was holding the knife less than a centimeter away from his neck.

"What the fuck is happening?" John rasped, his voice still rough from sleep.

'Holy shit that was hot.'

My eyes widened in recognition as I realized who was under me and what the situation looked like.


"Well, I was having a fantastic night's sleep." I begin sarcastically because, to be honest, I felt like literal dog shit. 

I then glared at him as I continued, "Then I wake up to the feeling of your bloody body next to mine. And as you can see, I wasn't expecting it nor did I want it."

John's eyes widened before a lazy smirk took over his face.

'And here we fucking go.'

"Is this how you are in the morning, because if so, I think I'd still rather wake up next to this than my farting grandma who has bladder issues." He murmured, his voice still thick from sleep, as his eyes flit back and forth from the knife at his neck to my eyes.

I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"I could have easily slit your throat at seven a.m. on a Sunday and your first words are about a farting grandma and bladder issues." I muttered, not really understanding the situation.

However, years of getting no sleep whatsoever really help with becoming alert quite quickly. So instead of yawning and rubbing my eyes sleepily, I was glaring with wide-open eyes and not groggy in the least.

'This son of a bachelor honestly thinks I'm going to let him get away with this weird, pervert shit?'

John laughed at me before gently tugging on his hands, silently asking me to let him. I gave him a pointed look as I gazed into his dark brown eyes that were looking at me in such a way that I didn't deserve.

"If I let them go, what are you going to do with them?" I questioned with an arched eyebrow. 

He gave me a cheeky grin. "Well darling, there's lots I can do with them and I'd be happy to demonstrate starting with f-" Before he could finish, I quickly sprung into action and covered his mouth with my own hands, the knife still in play.

'I swear to God if he was going to say what I think he was going to say-'

"Don't. Even. Think about it." I hissed, glaring down at him. John simply looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes that scared me.

And do you want to know what he did next?

Do you really?

This arsehole had the nerve to roll his hips, causing uh...touch m-me.

Goddamn, this is fucking weird to talk about.


I let out a gasp of surprise at the brazen as fuck act, which then caused my hands to fly away from his mouth and to his hips.

To stop them or make them continue, I don't know.

John then smirked up victoriously to meet my wide and shocked eyes. "What are you going to do now, darling?" He drawled, his hands coming to rest on my hips.

'Heart. This is not the time to explode, you hear? Woman up and breathe.'

He didn't know what he was doing to me. He couldn't have. 

I had never been this close to a boy in such an intimate way and my brain couldn't process anything. 

So all that came out of my mouth was, "" I sounded like a bloody idiot who swallowed her tongue.

What the hell was wrong with me?

'I'm the Argentum Pugnator for crying out loud and I'm being defeated by a teenage boy? A hot teenage boy, maybe. But a teenage boy all the same! Focus bitch.'

Now, I wanted to retort something witty and sassy.

I really did. And I wanted to look badass as I got off of him real sexily.

And I'm pretty sure you get where I'm going with this.

The whole scene ended up being me letting out a squeak of something idiotic as I literally jumped off of him.

I looked like a deranged monkey.

John laughed at my obvious misery as I full-on sprinted to the bathroom.

"I'm washing up. Don't you even think about coming in here, John, or I swear to whatever god you think is holy, I will rip your balls off myself. Got it?" I threatened after I closed and locked the door behind me.

"You got it, boss." John replied, his voice muffled through the door. I could tell he had a smug arse smirk on his face, despite not looking at him.

Then, he said the STUPIDEST, most IDIOTIC, and CLICHE thing he could have said in that scenario.

"You sure you don't need any help?"

'You little fucker-'

I was one second away from strangling him, whether his brothers were down the hall or not. "Believe me, John. You're going to need a lot of help after I'm through with you if you so much as THINK about nearing this door. Understood?" 

Not being right next to him helped clear my head of the million thoughts that were racing through it.

I can safely say that eighty-nine percent of said thoughts were pure.


Maybe eighty-three.


Okay, seventy-five. But that's the lowest I'll go!

"Bloody fucking hell." I muttered to myself as I rubbed the bridge of my nose in frustration.

I let out a sigh as I stripped and took a quick shower. Luckily, I had a spare, in case of emergency change of clothes in the bathroom so I didn't have to come out in only a skimpy towel and subject myself to John's stares like yesterday.

'Yeah. There's no way that's happening again.'

After my shower, I changed into my hoodie and sweats and then air-dried my hair. I swiftly threw my towel back over the shower rod and then left the room.

I walked back to my bedroom to see John still lounging around on my bed while rubbing Coop's ears.

'This little-'

"Get off my bed, you lazy twat." I ordered with a glare. John simply smiled at me, obviously content with his position.

"No, I think I'm quite comfortable." He declared smugly.

'Let's see how smug he is when I kick him in the balls-'

"Quit glaring at me, would you? I can feel myself developing frown lines." He said mockingly.

'Oh, I'll make you feeling something you little wanker.'

"John," I began after exhaling a deep breath to stop myself from strutting over there and hitting him in the face. "If you don't get off my bed within, shall we say five seconds, I will personally come over there and make you feel something that will make your ancestors turn over in their graves from the pain." I threatened lowly and coolly as I stared him down, meeting his gaze.

'I have faced men twice their size and broken them into little shells of themselves. There is no way this little twat from who knows where is going to get the best of me.'

John chuckled as if he thought I was kidding.

I wasn't. And luckily for him, he noticed my seriousness early.

After figuring out that I was being serious, he scrambled to get off the bed and ended up falling on his arse like a newborn foal. He let out a groan as soon as he hit the floor.

The scene was quite amusing if I do say so myself.

"Not. A. Word." came John's muffled voice which I assumed was because he was face first in the carpet.

'Yeah. This is a good way to start a day.'

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