Opposites Repel - Liskook

By 3001Monopolu

59.3K 2.9K 765

A reason you should read this book ? It's got loads of well thought out, long chapters. Not good enough ? T... More

~ Prologue ~
Chapter 1 ~ Tryouts
Chapter 2 ~ Friends Since the Beginning
Chapter 3 ~ Dear Roommate : F' Off
Chapter 4 ~ What Friends Are For
Chapter 5 ~ Sleepless Nights
Chapter 6 ~ Late Night Rendez-Vous
Chapter 7 ~ Ungodly Hour of the Morning
Chapter 8 ~ Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 9 ~ Just 5 More Minutes
Chapter 10 ~ Sleepy Classmate
Chapter 11 ~ The Art Room
Chapter 12 ~ The Cold-Hearted Prince
Chapter 13 ~ Unity Through Enemies
Chapter 14 ~ Partners
Chapter 15 ~ Where Is She ?
Chapter 16 ~ Lisa's Idea
Chapter 17 ~ Tear-Stricken Movie Theater
Chapter 18 ~ Blooming Friendship
Chapter 19 ~ The Unexpected Call
Chapter 20 ~ The Best Surprise
Chapter 21 ~ I Did It !
Chapter 22 ~ Car Windows
Chapter 23 ~ A Chat at the Park
Chapter 24 ~ Redder Than a Tomato
Chapter 25 ~ "Idiot"
Chapter 26 ~ Midnight Pranks and Early Regrets
Chapter 27 ~ A Changed Person
Chapter 28 ~ Cafeteria Conversations
Chapter 29 ~ Fire Alarm
Chapter 30 ~ Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Chapter 31 ~ A Petty Lie
Chapter 32 ~ Pure Idiocy
Chapter 33 ~ Confessions
Chapter 34 ~ What Dance ?
Chapter 35 ~ Staircase to Heaven
Chapter 36 ~ Popcorn and Parks
Chapter 37 ~ The Dance
Chapter 38 ~ A Trusted Double-Agent
Chapter 39 ~ Jealousy Wears an Uncomfortable Suit
Chapter 40 ~ The Encumbered Phone Call
Chapter 41 ~ Silent Solace
Chapter 42 ~ Terrace Chats
Chapter 43 ~ Nervous
Chapter 44 ~ The Festival
Chapter 45 ~ Slightly Disappointed
Chapter 46 ~ Satisfied
Chapter 47 ~ A Blooming Fight
Chapter 48 ~ Consoling
Chapter 49 ~ Bull's Eye
Chapter 50 ~ Teary Apology
Chapter 51 ~ Pain
Chapter 52 ~ Guilty Lies
Chapter 53 ~ An Announcement
Chapter 54 ~ Sweatshirts
Chapter 55 ~ The Bus Ride
Chapter 56 ~ The Race
Chapter 57 ~ The Bus Ride...Again
Chapter 58 ~ Truth or Dare
Chapter 59 ~ Punishment
Chapter 60 ~ Grading Essays
Chapter 61 ~ 7 Months Later
Chapter 62 ~ Kitchen Disasters
Chapter 63 ~ Flashbacks
Chapter 64 ~ Lost the Bet
Chapter 65 ~ Eavesdropping
Chapter 66 ~ A Pain in the Collarbone
Chapter 67 ~ Struggling
Chapter 68 ~ Favors
Chapter 69 ~ Tainted Jacket
Chapter 71 ~ Vanilla
Chapter 72 ~ Another Level of Petty
Chapter 73 ~ Gummy Bears
Chapter 74 ~ Anger
Chapter 75 ~ Talking About Her
Chapter 76 ~ A Day Off
Chapter 77 ~ A Phone Call
Chapter 78 ~ Airport
Chapter 79 ~ Meeting Them
Chapter 80 ~ Last Day
Chapter 81 ~ Pack Your Bags
Chapter 82 ~ Nightmare (Pt.1)
Chapter 83 ~ Nightmare (Pt.2)
Chapter 84 ~ A Budding Mistake
Chapter 85 ~ Flirting
Chapter 86 ~ Chandelier
Chapter 87 ~ Hospital Visits
Chapter 88 ~ Sweet Chatter
Chapter 89 ~ Waiting Room
Chapter 90 ~ Shouting Match
Chapter 91 ~ Spilled Secret
Chapter 92 ~ Hey Stupid, I Love You
Chapter 93 ~ Group Project
Chapter 94 ~ Awkward
Chapter 95 ~ Petty Fight
Chapter 96 ~ Running After Her
Chapter 97 ~ Feather Dusters
Chapter 98 ~ A Cute Note
Chapter 99 ~ Conversations
Chapter 100 ~ Champagne
Chapter 101 ~ Tissues and Blood
Chapter 102 ~ Beached All Night
Chapter 103 ~ Love and War
Chapter 104 ~ New Student
Chapter 105 ~ Auctioning Off
Chapter 106 ~ Birthday
Chapter 107 ~ A Change of Plans
Chapter 108 ~ A Third Party
Chapter 109 ~ Provoked Desire
Chapter 110 ~ Mishaps
Chapter 111 ~ Speechless
Chapter 112 ~ Family Drama
Chapter 113 ~ Sarcastic Ending
End Matter
Update 2

Chapter 70 ~ Confrontations

265 17 12
By 3001Monopolu

3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Oh, Daniel's here." Jihyo blushes, rushing over to him after shooting a cold glare at a certain someone. Sehun had chosen to leave in secrecy (He was long gone before Tzuyu started to spit insults at Lisa.)

"I should get going." Lisa says, standing up and putting the jacket on.

"Where ?"

"None of your business." Lisa says, finally letting the anger seep through every crack of her voice.

"No need to be a bitch." 

"Lead by example." 

Lisa was about to turn around and march to the dorms, but she spotted a figure under the lampposts that were scattered near the café. "Lisa !" Jungkook calls, covering a brilliantly handsome smile when he sees Tzuyu off to the side. 

"I see you got the jacket." He says, pointing at the royal blue of the sweatshirt she had on. 

"Let me lend you something." Tzuyu smiles at him. 

"What ?" He asks, shoving her talon like nails off his shoulder. 

"Maybe I'll lend you my bra the next time you get cold." Lisa imitates, resting her soft palm on him. 

His lips twitch in an amused smile, but he kindly refuses her offer, not bothering to take her hand off his shoulder. Tzuyu, however, decides to rip her hand off for him. "What was that for ?" He snaps. "She isn't bothering me."

"She's bothering me." She snarls. 

"Oh really ?" Lisa asks mischievously. She walks closer to Jungkook and grabs his face, kissing his cheek. "Does that bother you ?"

He was blushing fire red, but was able to get himself under control and push Tzuyu away. "Listen, can we just be peaceful for once ?" He requests. 

"Hmm ?"

"Not friends." He warns. "But even strangers are nicer to each other than we are." 

"I'm plenty nice." Tzuyu says. 

"Yeah, it's you that's the problem." Lisa punches his shoulder. "Where have your lady manners gone too ?"

Again, he tries to suppress his smile but has to put more effort this time around. "Sorry, I must've forgotten them at home."

"Well then let's go find them." Lisa grabs his hand, shoves it in the sweatshirt pocket, and rounds on her heel. 

"May I come with you ?" Tzuyu calls from behind. 

"N-," Jungkook starts before Lisa squeezes his hand. He wasn't used to this. Holding hands, I mean. They rarely even hugged in front of their friends, how had she gone to two extremes in a span of 24 hours ? 

"Now, what did I just say ?" Lisa adopts a stern tone, stopping, letting go of his hand, and tapping her foot against the pavement. "Manners."

"Sorry." He grins before turning back to Tzuyu sourly. "Yeah, whatever. I guess you can come." 

"Good." She smiles promptly her high heels clicking promptly against the ground. 

"If I closed my eyes, she'd sound like a crab clacking it's pincers." Jungkook mutters into Lisa's ear discretely. 

"Let's go." She says, unable to keep the laughter out of her voice.

Though the trio walked together, Jungkook and Lisa tended to keep their distance from her, talking amongst themselves and laughing and talking in hushed whispers until they got to a topic that even Lisa couldn't smile about. 

"Anyway, it's a good thing you got the jacket. She looked suspicious when she'd said she'd help me." 

"What did you ask her to do ?" Lisa asks softly, no longer spitting out witty comments. His brows furrow for a moment, but he continues. 

"I just asked her to give you the jacket."

"Sorry to ask this, did you say she could wear it if she got cold on the way ?" She asks. "Because that's really sweet of you." 

"No." He blurts. "I'd never say that." 

Between you and me, that's the answer Lisa wanted. 

"Then why was she wearing it ?"

"She was what ?"

"Yeah. When she came to the literature session. She wore it and made it sound like you guys went on a date." 

"I was in detention the whole time, I sent you a video." He starts to get defensive. 

"No, no, of course it's not your fault. I'm not the least bit mad it at you. On the contrary, the whole jacket thing is....actually pretty sweet." 

Before he managed to comprehend the words she'd said, she ran up the staircase and left him behind with Tzuyu. "You coming ?" She calls from the top. 

He hesitates before answering. "You go, I'll come in a couple minutes." She gives him a whole hearted salute and a smile before disappearing further up the staircase. 

"Did you want to talk to me ?" Tzuyu giggles. 

"Actually, yes." 

She looked so surprised, that she started to stutter and malfunction. "W-what did you want to say to me ?"

"Nothing you'll like."

"Go on."

"Stop picking on Lisa." 

"What ?"

"She doesn't need me to fight her battles, and I respect that, but I have to make an exception this time. I trusted you." He says, anger surging through his brilliant dark eyes. "I tried to be nice to you, and this is what I get ?"

"No, I-,"

"I worked hard to get this relationship going. It isn't going to end because of you. So in all due respect, stay away from her." 

"What about you ?"

"I don't really care. Bother me as much as you want. Only me. Not her. You understand ?"

"I--Yes." She sighs. 

Without another word, Jungkook walks up the stairs, hands shoved in his pockets as he spots 6 figures in the mini theater of their dorm. He pushes open the door and spots her pacing around in the living room, far away from the sound of laughter. 

"What happene-" 

He cut her off, his hands drifting out of his pockets and taking her to him, his chin rested contentedly on her head. 

"Sorry." She mumbles into his shoulder. "I trust you the most, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything."

"No, you were right." He mumbles. "I didn't think it through. She's maniacal-"

"Shut up, Soft Boy."

"Hm ?" He smiles in amusement. 

"Shut up and hug me." 

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