Opposites Repel - Liskook

By 3001Monopolu

59.3K 2.9K 765

A reason you should read this book ? It's got loads of well thought out, long chapters. Not good enough ? T... More

~ Prologue ~
Chapter 1 ~ Tryouts
Chapter 2 ~ Friends Since the Beginning
Chapter 3 ~ Dear Roommate : F' Off
Chapter 4 ~ What Friends Are For
Chapter 5 ~ Sleepless Nights
Chapter 6 ~ Late Night Rendez-Vous
Chapter 7 ~ Ungodly Hour of the Morning
Chapter 8 ~ Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 9 ~ Just 5 More Minutes
Chapter 10 ~ Sleepy Classmate
Chapter 11 ~ The Art Room
Chapter 12 ~ The Cold-Hearted Prince
Chapter 13 ~ Unity Through Enemies
Chapter 14 ~ Partners
Chapter 15 ~ Where Is She ?
Chapter 16 ~ Lisa's Idea
Chapter 17 ~ Tear-Stricken Movie Theater
Chapter 18 ~ Blooming Friendship
Chapter 19 ~ The Unexpected Call
Chapter 20 ~ The Best Surprise
Chapter 21 ~ I Did It !
Chapter 22 ~ Car Windows
Chapter 23 ~ A Chat at the Park
Chapter 24 ~ Redder Than a Tomato
Chapter 25 ~ "Idiot"
Chapter 26 ~ Midnight Pranks and Early Regrets
Chapter 27 ~ A Changed Person
Chapter 28 ~ Cafeteria Conversations
Chapter 29 ~ Fire Alarm
Chapter 30 ~ Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Chapter 31 ~ A Petty Lie
Chapter 32 ~ Pure Idiocy
Chapter 33 ~ Confessions
Chapter 34 ~ What Dance ?
Chapter 35 ~ Staircase to Heaven
Chapter 36 ~ Popcorn and Parks
Chapter 37 ~ The Dance
Chapter 38 ~ A Trusted Double-Agent
Chapter 39 ~ Jealousy Wears an Uncomfortable Suit
Chapter 40 ~ The Encumbered Phone Call
Chapter 41 ~ Silent Solace
Chapter 42 ~ Terrace Chats
Chapter 43 ~ Nervous
Chapter 44 ~ The Festival
Chapter 45 ~ Slightly Disappointed
Chapter 46 ~ Satisfied
Chapter 47 ~ A Blooming Fight
Chapter 48 ~ Consoling
Chapter 49 ~ Bull's Eye
Chapter 50 ~ Teary Apology
Chapter 51 ~ Pain
Chapter 52 ~ Guilty Lies
Chapter 53 ~ An Announcement
Chapter 54 ~ Sweatshirts
Chapter 55 ~ The Bus Ride
Chapter 56 ~ The Race
Chapter 58 ~ Truth or Dare
Chapter 59 ~ Punishment
Chapter 60 ~ Grading Essays
Chapter 61 ~ 7 Months Later
Chapter 62 ~ Kitchen Disasters
Chapter 63 ~ Flashbacks
Chapter 64 ~ Lost the Bet
Chapter 65 ~ Eavesdropping
Chapter 66 ~ A Pain in the Collarbone
Chapter 67 ~ Struggling
Chapter 68 ~ Favors
Chapter 69 ~ Tainted Jacket
Chapter 70 ~ Confrontations
Chapter 71 ~ Vanilla
Chapter 72 ~ Another Level of Petty
Chapter 73 ~ Gummy Bears
Chapter 74 ~ Anger
Chapter 75 ~ Talking About Her
Chapter 76 ~ A Day Off
Chapter 77 ~ A Phone Call
Chapter 78 ~ Airport
Chapter 79 ~ Meeting Them
Chapter 80 ~ Last Day
Chapter 81 ~ Pack Your Bags
Chapter 82 ~ Nightmare (Pt.1)
Chapter 83 ~ Nightmare (Pt.2)
Chapter 84 ~ A Budding Mistake
Chapter 85 ~ Flirting
Chapter 86 ~ Chandelier
Chapter 87 ~ Hospital Visits
Chapter 88 ~ Sweet Chatter
Chapter 89 ~ Waiting Room
Chapter 90 ~ Shouting Match
Chapter 91 ~ Spilled Secret
Chapter 92 ~ Hey Stupid, I Love You
Chapter 93 ~ Group Project
Chapter 94 ~ Awkward
Chapter 95 ~ Petty Fight
Chapter 96 ~ Running After Her
Chapter 97 ~ Feather Dusters
Chapter 98 ~ A Cute Note
Chapter 99 ~ Conversations
Chapter 100 ~ Champagne
Chapter 101 ~ Tissues and Blood
Chapter 102 ~ Beached All Night
Chapter 103 ~ Love and War
Chapter 104 ~ New Student
Chapter 105 ~ Auctioning Off
Chapter 106 ~ Birthday
Chapter 107 ~ A Change of Plans
Chapter 108 ~ A Third Party
Chapter 109 ~ Provoked Desire
Chapter 110 ~ Mishaps
Chapter 111 ~ Speechless
Chapter 112 ~ Family Drama
Chapter 113 ~ Sarcastic Ending
End Matter
Update 2

Chapter 57 ~ The Bus Ride...Again

311 18 7
By 3001Monopolu

*A/N :

Sorry, but I can't drag on these chapters :( 

It makes the book seem slow, and their relationship will take ages to build and make them comfortable around each other, and I know you guys want to read more cute stuff, so this chapter starts off with the bus rid back to the college campus. 


3rd Person's POV ~ (Jungkook and Lisa sit next to each other again)

"If you could choose one person to travel the world with, who would it be ?" He asks, smiling before he gets an answer.

"Doremon." She answers confidently, wiping the smile off his face in an instant. "That bitch has everything in his backpack." 

"I've made a terrible mistake by dating you." He murmurs, groaning into his hands and sliding further down in his seat. She starts to laugh, ruffling his hair up and helping him sit upright again. 

"I promise, I'll live up to your imagination." She chuckles at his groaning form. 

"Oh please, you'll cheat on me with Doremon." He starts to grin. 

"No I won't !" She insists. "Even Shrek found a loyal partner, why can't you ?" 

"Well not everybody's sexy as fuck like Shrek." He winks.

"At least you're better than Doremon." She smiles, patting his shoulder. 

"You kidding ?" He shakes his head. "That guy's a ladies man." He scoffs. 

"Really ?" She laughs, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"A total Casanova." He nods. "He'd make you fall for him in a second." 

"I bet he would." She nods, snapping her fingers before continuing. "Just like that." 

"Just like that." He reassures, "You think I could learn a thing or two from him ?" 

"Oh, tons !" She whacks his shoulder. He rests his arm on the divider, and his chin on his hand. 

"Do tell." He smiles. 

"Well you're an utter idiot to start. Doremon's got such a big brain and capacity for romance." She rants jokingly. "You can't even kiss me without blushing." She murmurs the last part between them. 

"Hey, that's you, not me !" He insists. 

"It's both of us, in a way." She ponders. "But you're the blusher."

"Oh yeah ?" He challenges. She nods. "I'll prove it to you." 

"It's on, Bambi." She says snootily, raising her chin elegantly up at him. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spots the two coaches in the front, merrily talking. "Oh my god." She starts to laugh. 

"What ?" He grins slowly, still confused. She tugs him closer, muttering under her breath.

"You might not be a romantic, but you are a matchmaker." She laughs quietly, jutting her chin at the couple up front. 

He gapes at them, his lips slightly parted before he turns back to her, utter joy laced with a bit of confusion lining his face. "I did it." He says quietly. 

"You did it." She nods, laughing at the disbelief scrawled messily over his features. "Why's that so hard to believe ?"

"I have so many people to thank for this honor." He brushes his dry eyes, getting her to chuckle some more. "To my mom and dad who did the deed and had me, the world thanks you for bringing such a charming boy to the world." 

"What ?" She manages through the her laughter. 

 "My sister Jisoo and best friend Jin who've never supported me in anything I did." He continues relentlessly. 

"And most of all, me, without whom the wonder a couple rows in front of us wouldn't have happened." He finishes. 

"What about me ?" She chuckles. 

"Oh yeah, and a girl with a cute smile who convinced me to do this whole thing in the first place." He adds, much to her immense amusement. 

"Oh my god, I don't think I'd cheat on you with Doremon." She beams. "You're too funny."

"Oi, promise you won't leave me for Shrek either." He says pointedly. 

"I won't." She shakes her head, a bright smile plastered on her face. "You might not be sexy like him, but you'll do." 


By the time they'd reached the campus again, it was already evening. 

The bus pulls back into the sidewalk that they'd been picked up from a couple days ago, students being told to grab their luggage and get off the bus as quickly as possible. Lisa, Jungkook, and Jisoo walk outside the bus, spotting crowds of students waiting for their friends. 

"They're over there !" Chaeyoung smiles, running and capturing Lisa in a hug. 

"Awhck--" She chokes, the sudden intake of air being pushed down her throat. 

Jin starts to approach Jungkook with a mischievous grin to which the shorter of the two promptly responds with, "I don't know what you have planned, but don't you dare." 

"Let's get back to the dorms." Jin smiles. "We've got beer and pizza." 

"Nice." Jungkook smiles, grabbing his friend in a headlock. "Let's go." 

With that, they clamber up the stairs again, this time as a group of 8, and push open the door to the boy's dorm, eyes widening at the sight of a stack of unopened, steaming pizza and 2 crates of beer. 

"Is this even allowed ?" Jisoo squeaks. 

"Yeah." Taehyung shrugs. "Alcohol is allowed on campus as long as you're sober. And if we do get drunk, we're just not supposed to drive under influence." 

Eventually, the evening turns darker, and the pizza had practically evaporated, leaving only the beers to be completed. "You want one ?" Jungkook passes a bottle to her. 

"No thanks, I don't drink." She says, nestling herself onto the couch between him and Jennie.

"Really ? I thought I remembered you drinking some wine at the party." He frowns. 

"Oh no, I did drink that day but I have low tolerance." She reassures. "Tomorrows a Sunday and I don't want to spend a free day with a hangover." 

"Okay." He shrugs, popping open the cap of his golden bottle and taking a sip. 

"Truth or dare." Jimin prompts, taking a chug out of his own beer. "Let's play." 

"Sure." Jennie shrugs, looking next to her at Taehyung. "Truth or dare ?"


"Have you ever been proposed to ?" She laughs. 

"Once or twice by letter." He nods. "Never by person." 

Slowly, the dares and secrets that were told got to be more revealing and reckless until it gets to Jin's turn. 

"Jungkook, truth or dare ?"

"Dare. You know me better than to ask." He rolls his eyes, lifting the neck of his bottle to prompt another guzzle of liquid down his throat.

"Kiss the girl next to you." 

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