Help Needed /~/ Taekook

By supermochii

295K 19.2K 5.5K

[Stuck in a weird state of ongoing and completed] Pregnant at sixteen by his rich model boyfriend, Jeon Jungk... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Ah Shit
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Three (Part Three)
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Well Hi
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight

Chapter Forty-Two

3.4K 241 127
By supermochii

Wear your masks, wash your hands, use sanitizer, stay 6ft away (u better stay 10ft away from me). And if you're sick whether it's just a cold or the flu, STAY TF AT HOME!!!!! I was sick last week and best believe I stayed at home.


The bliss from last night was abruptly stopped when Jungkook received a call from the behavioural centre where Hanbin was residing. He remembered he received a call and email a week prior stating that Hanbin was ready to be discharged soon and that they'd give him a call when. He was beyond excited when he saw the number that was calling but his mood dropped to worry when he was met with the grim tone of the doctor who was talking.

They explained that Hanbin was ready for discharge, but it was critical that they have a thorough conversation when Jungkook arrived.

Taehyung was barely awake when Jungkook ended the call. Then his alarm went off at seven as Jungkook started to quietly get dressed, planing to wake Taehyung up when he was done. Taehyung groaned and Jungkook cracked a smile when his deep groan ended in a high-pitched whine.

"Koo-ah," Taehyung mumbled, throwing his arm over to feel for the younger man, "Koo-ah, Koo, Koala, Koo-Koo, Kooie, K—"

"Shut up!" Jungkook laughed, smashing the palm of his hand over Taehyung face and pushing Taehyung's deeper into his pillow. "I have to leave now, I have to go to Busan."

"Awe fuck off, really?" The blonde groaned, grabbing Jungkook's arm and pulling him down. "You can't stay with me for five more minutes?"

"No, I can't," Jungkook chuckled and slapped Taehyung's hands which were now grabbing his waist and trying to pull him down. "Please let go, TaeTae, I need to get to Busan as soon as possible."

Taehyung pouted with his eyes closed and Jungkook couldn't help but laugh, loving this side of the older man way more than he would like to admit. But he couldn't stand around and enjoy Taehyung's clinginess and poutiness. He leaned down and placed a long kiss to the blonde's lips.

"I have to go now, see you later today or tomorrow."

Taehyung hummed and a grumbled a goodbye.

When Jungkook walked outside towards his car, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Namjoon. He knew Namjoon took Chanwoo and Minjae to school since Jimin was tired thanks to their twins. Jungkook felt bad about asking them to keep Chanwoo again and contemplated asking Taehyung if Saejun would be willing to keep him, but he knew Saejun still hated him. She was aware of their relationship, and she voiced her opinion about it and it wouldn't take a genius to know that she didn't approve. Not that her opinion mattered, of course.

"Hey, Kook, what's up?" Namjoon answered.

"Hey, Namjoon...I need to ask a favour."

"Ask away, but make it quick, I'm almost at work."

"Hanbin's doctors called today and I have to go to Busan," Jungkook explained, "I don't think I'll be here to get Chanwoo from school. Do you think Jimin would mind?"

"No of course not, Chan has actually been a big help — a bigger help than Minjae, he helped feed one of the twins, he tried to help with the sponge bath but that didn't go too well, he even tried to help Jimin put them to sleep all the while Minjae just glared at them."

Jungkook smiled, sighing in relief to hear that Chanwoo wasn't causing in problems like he usually would.

"Good, thank God. He hasn't tried to bite the babies has he?"

Namjoon laughed. "Not that I know of, though last night, he and Jae got in a fight over Oreos and he did, in fact, attempt to bite her."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, clearly Chan doesn't play around with his Oreos and Jae found that out the hard way. We live and we learn — I gotta go now, Kook, I'll be sure to text and tell Jimin."

"Thank you, Joon."


"He— what?! There's no way my son is that."

"Mr. Jeon, you have to understand," the doctor shook her head, her eyes widening as Jungkook gave her an incredulous and hateful look. "We all handle trauma differently. He was exposed to things a child should never go through at such a young age and the way he handles it is completely different from another person. I'm sure you tried and we tried to make sure that he handles his emotions positively, but he's incredible reclusive and he prefers isolation over contact. We constantly asked do you want to call your dad? Do you miss your brother or your dad? How about Kkul, tell us about your dog — and we received nothing.

So we tested him through art, music, writing, and videos and the results were that of a sociopath. You've already heard this, but I want to explain thoroughly. We showed him a video that tested his empathy and we gave him a simple questionnaire that was of his age group and made sure he understood what he doing. He didn't care about the video, he didn't care about what happened in the video. We then went on to ask if he cared about his dog, he cares about his dog, we asked why, he didn't say why. We inferred that he cares about his dog because his dog can't talk and his dog relies on him, he wouldn't abandon his dog and his dog wouldn't abandon him. We asked if he cares about you or his brother. We asked—"

"What did he respond?" Jungkook asked, "when you asked about us?"

His doctor stared at him for a while before sighing and answering. "He wasn't hesitant in circling no when it came to you but he circled yes then erased it and circled no. We tried to ask him why he changed his mind but he didn't answer. We inferred that the reason he because he doesn't understand that Chanwoo didn't understand what he went through which is why Chanwoo was so...careless with Hanbin's newly established boundaries and why it didn't seem as though he was sad with Hanbin's absence."

"But Chanwoo was sad. Yeah, he didn't understand the gravity of the situation, but he was sad without Hanbin being there and when Hanbin returned home, they were close. He ignored me, but he and Chanwoo were the same as they were before he was kidnapped. You can't sit here and tell me that my son hates his brother because I know you're wrong. Everything you're saying is a fucking inference, you don't know what's going on in his mind."

"Which is why I want him to go to the—"

"No," Jungkook shook his head, breathing hard as he stood up, "I want my son home. With me, he doesn't need to go to some hospital for three damn years — what kind of parent do you think I am? I'm sending him away again."

"It could be dangerous, Mr. Jeon," the doctor said, "he needs to undergo specialized—"

"That's what his psychologist in Seoul said! Dr. Young explained that this place would help him greatly and it seems he's only gotten worse and I know its because I sent him away. I sent my baby away and now he hates me more than he did before. I'm not sending him away again."

The doctor shook her head, knowing that she would never get it through to Jungkook. "It could be dangerous...conduct behaviour can lead to antisocial personality disorder which isn't properly diagnosed until mid-teens. I genuinely don't think he wants to go home."

"But he needs to come home, doctor, don't you understand? My son doesn't belong here, I made a mistake of sending him here and I'm not going to make that mistake again — I'm not sending him away for two years."

The doctor nodded, sighing and looking down at the papers on front of her. "I understand your concern, Mr. Jeon. I want you to think more about this when you take him home. He's built up more walls, but keep in mind to refrain from physical contact, he gets irritated when asked too many questions, he has aggressive outbursts so keep an eye on your other son, and pay attention to his drawings if he decides to draw when—"

Jungkook was trembling with anger by now. He wanted nothing more but to just bring Hanbin home where he belonged and where he'd receive unconditional love — what he needed and what Jungkook wasn't able to provide while Hanbin was away.

"The way you speak of him makes it seem as though he's a psychopath. Did you not give him my letters?"

"Sociopath, Mr. Jeon, please be sure to look up the differences. Sociopaths are characterized with Cluster B personality disorders: antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder. We haven't been able to get proper results though he's too young to be properly diagnosed for most. Your son has conduct disorder and emotional impairment along with the haphephobia which is fear of touching. Usually, those with this phobia react with panic attacks, possible vomiting, and sometimes even seizures, he reacts violently but it can provoke a panic attack, the same goes for touching his dog. He has Elective Mutism which is choosing not to speak due to psychological trauma and he has hydrophobia which is why he's terrified of water — sometimes he won't even drink it."

Jungkook took in the information and nodded. His son was taken from him for four days. Just four days. And all of this was happening as a result? Of course, Jungkook knew everyone handled trauma differently and he would never know exactly what Hanbin went through when he was with Minsun and he really didn't want to know. How bad were the conditions Hanbin had to be in for those four days for his mental health to deteriorate like a piece of wet tissue paper? Just before Minsun showed up, Hanbin was so happy. And he loved Jungkook and Chanwoo and made sure they knew it.

Now Hanbin was ripping up Jungkook's letters and admitting to hating both him and Chanwoo? How could his baby's personality and mentality take a complete 180°? And would Jungkook ever get his son back or was he stuck with this new boy in the body of his son?

Minsun still was on the run and it made Jungkook so angry. Minsun changed everything in just four days. He threw away years of happiness in just four days and he wasn't paying for it. Instead, Jungkook was.

"What else?" Jungkook asked, "what else is there?! What else? Is he going to be a fucking school shooter? Is he going to kidnap people and try to sell them like his father? Is he going to be a fucking drug addict or a drug dealer? Oh, or is he just going to kill his whole goddamn family?! W-WHAT ELSE IS THERE? WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW?!"

His stomach sucked in as he tried to hold back a sob, clutching the edge of the chair he had been sitting in with shaking hands.

"Mr. Jeon," the doctor said calmly, "I'm going to have to ask you to calm down."

"No!" Jungkook yelled, "you're telling me all this stuff, all of this stuff that my son is not! He was taken for four days, FOUR DAYS, doctor. Four. Days. He was a happy boy, from birth until then he was a happy child. And now you're sitting here telling me that my son is a fucking sociopath and is dangerous because of four goddamn days?"

"Mr. Jeon, four days is a lot of time for serious trauma, even one day," she said calmly, "one thing can completely change a person, that's what I'm trying to get you to understand. We all view trauma differently and the duration shouldn't matter. Anything can happen within a day or four days, whatever happened to him couldn't completely snapped him the first hour of being with that man. We don't know which is why I beg you to let him go to this hospital for two years. He needs thorough and specialized care. Some of what he's going through can be treated."

"Define treated. You're just going to drug him up and send him on his way."

"Some medications help, some don't. He's already on anxiety medications. We didn't want to put him on antidepressants because they can prompt suicidal behaviour."

Jungkook's world was crashing in on itself. He was unable to balance the happiness and the sadness because every time he heard something about Hanbin, the sadness that came with it would just drown out every happy thought or feeling he's had beforehand.

How could he be happy when his son was suffering?

"I'm not sending him away," Jungkook whispered as he wiped away a tear, "I can't send him away."

"I understand, but when you leave, the suggestion is still here. You just give us a call and we'll settle everything."

"You won't be getting a call from me."

* one week later, 2021*

It was hard, taking care of Hanbin. He had changed so much. He wouldn't eat if Jungkook cooked it, he wouldn't let Jungkook or Chanwoo touch his belongings including Kkul, his used-to-be expressionless face was now full of hatred. It was like having a dark entity walking around the house. Getting him in the shower or the bath was rough and the only time Hanbin would say anything which was just repeating the word "no" over and over again until his voice cracked.

Jungkook found himself crying almost every night. Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung all offered to watch Chanwoo while he and Hanbin adjusted to the new changes and Jungkook reluctantly took their offer. He didn't want to admit it to himself but he's seen how violent and angry Hanbin could get and keeping Chanwoo away was simply for his four year old's safety. And it hurt to admit that. It hurt him so badly to keep his two sons apart.

But finally, Chanwoo was coming back after a week of being away. Jungkook was nervous even though he didn't want to be. He stayed by the window, waiting to see Taehyung's car since Taehyung and Yoongi had taken the kids to the park. Jungkook and Taehyung haven't spent much time together but Taehyung completely understood Jungkook's situation.

He kept glancing over at Hanbin who was picking and chewing his nails while working on his classwork with his laptop in front of him. Hanbin had deep, dark circles around his eyes and he's obviously lost weight but the doctors explained it was because he refused to eat at times. Jungkook didn't understand why Hanbin was so reluctant on eating; the last thing he wanted was his seven year old developing an eating disorder. Hanbin only ate when he was able to fix the food himself or when he was too hungry to refuse it. And water was rarely an option which was why he looked so bad as well.

Finally, Taehyung's expensive car pulled into Jungkook's driveway. Taehyung parked beside Jungkook's and walked around to let Chanwoo out. Chanwoo jumped out, accidentally stomping on Taehyung's feet. Taehyung grabbed his foot but Chanwoo ran towards the front door, slamming his hands against the wood and screaming for Jungkook to open it.

Hanbin looked at Jungkook and Jungkook stared back at him. The look he was giving his father was almost a warning look as if he was daring Jungkook to let Chanwoo get near him. Jungkook released a shuddering sigh as he walked towards the door.

"Don't worry, Hanbin. He...He understands," Jungkook said just as he opened the door and Chanwoo crashed into his legs.

"DADDY! DADDY, I MISSED YOU!" Chanwoo screamed as he practically climbed Jungkook, "Taehyungie and Yoogles and Jaeminie and Yunah and Taeji and me went to the...the...the thing! And we ate chicken and hot choco-choco-uh-choconut and Taehyungie won be a big fish! Look-it!" He held out a huge dolphin plushy with the biggest grin on his face.

Jungkook smiled. "It sounds like you had a lot of fun, what's its name?"

"I dunno."

"Jaemin gave him a kiss," Taehyung said with a smile. Jungkook's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

"HE DID NOT!" Chanwoo screamed, before throwing his plushy at Taehyung. "HE DIDN'T! YUNAH IS LIAR!"

Taehyung nodded to show Chanwoo that he believed him but leaned in and whispered to Jungkook, "I saw it happen."

Jungkook let them come further in since it was freezing outside. As he closed the door, he heard Chanwoo gasp and his heart stopped.

"HA'BIN?!" Chanwoo screamed, still unable to pronounce the 'n' in Hanbin's name. "HA'BINNIE?"

"Chanwoo, no—"

Chanwoo wiggled his arm out of Jungkook's grasp as he went barreling towards his older brother with his arms spread, his fat legs barely holding him up thanks to the thick pants he was wearing.

"Chanwoo!" Taehyung rushed after him, grabbing the back of his shirt but Chanwoo slipped through them before he could get a grip.

He practically jumped on Hanbin, barely giving Kkul time to get out of the way. Hanbin screamed bloody murder and pushed Chanwoo away from him but Chanwoo didn't take the hint and wrapped his chubby arms around his older brother's neck to hug him. Hanbin grabbed Chanwoo by the hair and slammed the boy on the table. Jungkook yelled as his four-year-old broke through the glass.

"What the fuck!" Taehyung yelled and followed behind Jungkook who kicked the glass out of his way and grabbed Chanwoo from the floor, not caring about some of the shards that poked his hand.

Chanwoo was in too much shock to cry as Jungkook broke down crying while taking Chanwoo's shirt off.

"Is he okay?" Taehyung asked as he tried to pull some of the glass from Chanwoo's shaking hand.

Chanwoo turned his head to look at Hanbin who had already run up to his room with Kkul.

"There's glass in his face, Taehyung! No, he's not okay!" Jungkook yelled, standing up and taking Chanwoo into the kitchen to hold him under the light so he could take the glass out easier. His hands were shaking as he tried to calm down for the sake of Chanwoo.

"Jungkook," Taehyung called out, appearing in the threshold of the kitchen, "Jungkook, calm down."

"I can't! I can't! I didn't think he would ever do that!" Jungkook cried as he leaned down and pressed his forehead against Chanwoo's chest.

" face—"

Jungkook looked up, gasping as he saw a curved line along the bottom of Chanwoo's eye. It was bleeding and Jungkook hoped it wouldn't scar.

"Do you have peroxide?" Taehyung asked.

"P-Peroxide can make it worse, I-I have alcohol-free w-wipes upstairs in my bathroom," Jungkook answered as he used tweezers to pull some of the other glass shards out of Chanwoo's chubby face.

Chanwoo started crying as Jungkook gently rubbed his soft face to feel for more glass.

"Baby, you're okay," Jungkook reassured after taking a deep breath. "You're okay."

"D-Daddy, H-Ha'bin hates me?"

Jungkook couldn't answer it because he genuinely didn't know how to. He refused to believe Hanbin hated Chanwoo and continued to tell himself that what had happened just now was just a reaction; that on a completely normal day, Hanbin would never hurt Chanwoo. And though that didn't justify what happened, Jungkook couldn't make himself believe that Hanbin wasn't meant to be at home right now.

Taehyung returned with the wipes and helped Jungkook check Chanwoo for more glass while cleaning the cuts on his face. They were going to heal but Jungkook worried about the long half-circle that curved around his right eye and ended at his eyebrow.

"Can you stay here with him?" Jungkook asked to which the older man nodded.

He walked out of the kitchen and made his way towards the stairs. His eyes glistened with more tears as he made his way towards Hanbin's room, expecting to hear the seven-year-old crying like he had that night Jungkook decided to send him away.

Instead, he was met with complete silence. He tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Hanbin, unlock your door," Jungkook demanded though his voice was soft. "Please, Hanbin, please unlock your door."

He was met with silence but that didn't stop him from pushing on, trying to urge his son to unlock it.

"Hanbin, I understand what he did was triggering, you're not in trouble, I just want to talk to you. So please, open the door."


"Chanwoo just missed you so, so much. You see all those pictures he drew for you? That shows how much he missed you," Jungkook said, "and he couldn't contain his excitement when he saw you. He loves you, Hanbin and even now, he's not mad at you, he's worried that you hate him."


"And I know you don't hate him, Hanbin. That's your baby brother and you love him. Remember you used to read to him and teach him all types of stuff, you'd cried because you were scared of him growing up."

The door unlocked and Jungkook quickly opened it, pausing when he was met with Hanbin standing close to the doorway.

He was holding the picture Chanwoo had drawn of them all together, holding hands with a bunch of hearts and fish surrounding them.

Hanbin ripped it.

He ripped it slowly as if knowing that with every tear of the paper, his heart tore with it.

He ripped it into small pieces and let them fall to the ground and he stood there, waiting for Jungkook to say something. When Jungkook didn't say anything, Hanbin decided to finally speak up.

"S-Send me a-away again."

With that, he slammed the door in Jungkook's face and Jungkook's entire heart collapsed as his world blew up in flames. But he took a deep breath and said to the door in front of him,

"I won't send you away again, Hanbin. You're my son and we're going to work through this."


Word Count: 3842

Should Jungkook send him away?

I'm actually stuck between 2 ways I want this to go, but I dont want it to end up like Second Chances where it pretty much stops focusing on Taekook but instead the kids because I don't know if many people liked that.

Edit: I found a way I want this to go, next chapter is part 3. I want there only to be 3 parts. If I add a 4th part, it will be based on the kids and basically a part full of "extra" or "bonus" chapters. There may or may not be some vote thing either on the ending of part 3 to see if you guys want a part 4.


" "Jungkook," Taehyung suddenly spoke up, "since you're pretty much part of my team now, you'll be announced on social you want me to tell my fans about you when it happens?"


"I guess you can tell them..." Jungkook said after a few minutes, "but if they react negatively, don't tell me, I don't want to know." "

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