Opposites Repel - Liskook

By 3001Monopolu

59.3K 2.9K 765

A reason you should read this book ? It's got loads of well thought out, long chapters. Not good enough ? T... More

~ Prologue ~
Chapter 1 ~ Tryouts
Chapter 2 ~ Friends Since the Beginning
Chapter 3 ~ Dear Roommate : F' Off
Chapter 4 ~ What Friends Are For
Chapter 5 ~ Sleepless Nights
Chapter 6 ~ Late Night Rendez-Vous
Chapter 7 ~ Ungodly Hour of the Morning
Chapter 8 ~ Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 9 ~ Just 5 More Minutes
Chapter 10 ~ Sleepy Classmate
Chapter 11 ~ The Art Room
Chapter 12 ~ The Cold-Hearted Prince
Chapter 13 ~ Unity Through Enemies
Chapter 14 ~ Partners
Chapter 15 ~ Where Is She ?
Chapter 16 ~ Lisa's Idea
Chapter 17 ~ Tear-Stricken Movie Theater
Chapter 18 ~ Blooming Friendship
Chapter 19 ~ The Unexpected Call
Chapter 20 ~ The Best Surprise
Chapter 21 ~ I Did It !
Chapter 23 ~ A Chat at the Park
Chapter 24 ~ Redder Than a Tomato
Chapter 25 ~ "Idiot"
Chapter 26 ~ Midnight Pranks and Early Regrets
Chapter 27 ~ A Changed Person
Chapter 28 ~ Cafeteria Conversations
Chapter 29 ~ Fire Alarm
Chapter 30 ~ Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Chapter 31 ~ A Petty Lie
Chapter 32 ~ Pure Idiocy
Chapter 33 ~ Confessions
Chapter 34 ~ What Dance ?
Chapter 35 ~ Staircase to Heaven
Chapter 36 ~ Popcorn and Parks
Chapter 37 ~ The Dance
Chapter 38 ~ A Trusted Double-Agent
Chapter 39 ~ Jealousy Wears an Uncomfortable Suit
Chapter 40 ~ The Encumbered Phone Call
Chapter 41 ~ Silent Solace
Chapter 42 ~ Terrace Chats
Chapter 43 ~ Nervous
Chapter 44 ~ The Festival
Chapter 45 ~ Slightly Disappointed
Chapter 46 ~ Satisfied
Chapter 47 ~ A Blooming Fight
Chapter 48 ~ Consoling
Chapter 49 ~ Bull's Eye
Chapter 50 ~ Teary Apology
Chapter 51 ~ Pain
Chapter 52 ~ Guilty Lies
Chapter 53 ~ An Announcement
Chapter 54 ~ Sweatshirts
Chapter 55 ~ The Bus Ride
Chapter 56 ~ The Race
Chapter 57 ~ The Bus Ride...Again
Chapter 58 ~ Truth or Dare
Chapter 59 ~ Punishment
Chapter 60 ~ Grading Essays
Chapter 61 ~ 7 Months Later
Chapter 62 ~ Kitchen Disasters
Chapter 63 ~ Flashbacks
Chapter 64 ~ Lost the Bet
Chapter 65 ~ Eavesdropping
Chapter 66 ~ A Pain in the Collarbone
Chapter 67 ~ Struggling
Chapter 68 ~ Favors
Chapter 69 ~ Tainted Jacket
Chapter 70 ~ Confrontations
Chapter 71 ~ Vanilla
Chapter 72 ~ Another Level of Petty
Chapter 73 ~ Gummy Bears
Chapter 74 ~ Anger
Chapter 75 ~ Talking About Her
Chapter 76 ~ A Day Off
Chapter 77 ~ A Phone Call
Chapter 78 ~ Airport
Chapter 79 ~ Meeting Them
Chapter 80 ~ Last Day
Chapter 81 ~ Pack Your Bags
Chapter 82 ~ Nightmare (Pt.1)
Chapter 83 ~ Nightmare (Pt.2)
Chapter 84 ~ A Budding Mistake
Chapter 85 ~ Flirting
Chapter 86 ~ Chandelier
Chapter 87 ~ Hospital Visits
Chapter 88 ~ Sweet Chatter
Chapter 89 ~ Waiting Room
Chapter 90 ~ Shouting Match
Chapter 91 ~ Spilled Secret
Chapter 92 ~ Hey Stupid, I Love You
Chapter 93 ~ Group Project
Chapter 94 ~ Awkward
Chapter 95 ~ Petty Fight
Chapter 96 ~ Running After Her
Chapter 97 ~ Feather Dusters
Chapter 98 ~ A Cute Note
Chapter 99 ~ Conversations
Chapter 100 ~ Champagne
Chapter 101 ~ Tissues and Blood
Chapter 102 ~ Beached All Night
Chapter 103 ~ Love and War
Chapter 104 ~ New Student
Chapter 105 ~ Auctioning Off
Chapter 106 ~ Birthday
Chapter 107 ~ A Change of Plans
Chapter 108 ~ A Third Party
Chapter 109 ~ Provoked Desire
Chapter 110 ~ Mishaps
Chapter 111 ~ Speechless
Chapter 112 ~ Family Drama
Chapter 113 ~ Sarcastic Ending
End Matter
Update 2

Chapter 22 ~ Car Windows

551 39 8
By 3001Monopolu

"I don't think there's any way I couldn't have heard." I tease, earning a punch to the shoulder.

Eventually, we make it outside the venue, away from the crowding mob of people and the rest of our friends who'd each magically departed with various excuses of our own, going through the trouble to make sure Lisa and I had to drive home together.


"I'll drive," I say, catching the keys she'd tossed at me. She nods, opening the car door and perching herself upon the smooth leather seats.

"I still can't believe it." I smile, sticking the key in the ignition and slipping the seatbelt around my body.

"Why not ?" She asks. I look behind, my hand on the back of her seat and the other holding the steering wheel tight. I back out successfully, turning back to the front; My lips had accidentally grazed against her cheek, and I hadn't stopped them from doing so.

Though I remain focused on driving, my gaze drifts to the rearview mirror which was shifted slightly to include half of her face. Her cheeks were not tinted; they have permanently painted a vibrant color of red as she looks out the window, the rolling hills passing by into a whirl of green.

Another car passes by, slowly matching our pace. I watch out of the corner of my eyes as Suho rolls his window down, blowing a hotblooded kiss at the already blushing girl beside me. She looks disgusted, rolling down her window just to make an obscene gesture with her hand.

"Not too fond of him, are you ?" I chuckle. She rolls her eyes, the light breeze lightly blowing through her sweet, vanilla-smelling hair.

"Not at all." She agrees. She turns to me, simply staring at the side of my face.

My face heats up though the sufficient breeze blows through the windows of the car. Time starts to fly by, filled with horrid singing, laughter, and the brushing of our hands against each other; Both of us would promptly turn read each time.

Eventually, the traffic had piled up, the cars from the other side of the road smiling teasingly as they whiz past in the opposite direction.

Lisa, however, had taken to lapsing into a deep slumber. Her face was turned towards me, my hand sandwiched between her head and the bony cushion. Her chocolate-colored hair slips out from behind her ear, falling on her slightly puffed-up cheeks.

Seeing her this serene made my mind drift back to her goofy antics not long ago; She'd been calling out the wrong lyrics to the songs that played on the radio, spitting out sarcastic remarks when I decided to tease her about it. And to be honest, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

The car next to us rolls its window down again, revealing a very amused Suho and his friends. They tap each other on the shoulders, pointing giddily at her sleeping form.

They hoot and holler at her, making her wake up with a large flinch. "What happened ?" She asks, her eyes still slightly infused with drowsiness. I glare at their car before jutting my chin at her, making her roll her eyes too.

"How can someone be that immature ?" She scowls, squirming in the seat.

"Are they bothering you ?" I feel the anger rise inside me, pushing it down for her sake.

"A little too much." She nods, ripping her gaze away from them even though that doesn't discourage them.

She starts to fall asleep again, her face rested on her palm which was propped up by her elbow. My angry gaze drifts to their car again, staring right at Suho who stares right back. I raise my eyebrow, making his expression falter momentarily. The window rolls back up rather quickly, the tinted glass not hiding their fear.

"That's more like it..." I mutter, leaning forward and driving forward slowly; the traffic was clearing up.


"Lisa...Wake up..." I whisper. Her head lolls against the seat, her eyes not fluttering open like I expected them to. Instead, she simply tugs my collar close. Too close.

My forearm had thumped against the cushion right above her head, my other hand dodging her hips and landing rights on the clasp of her seatbelt. There was a fair few inches between our faces, but it felt like the air had been robbed from the situation, leaving me breathless.

Her skin was glass smooth yet velvety soft, her face so symmetrical that it made me wonder how a person like her could exist. Her big tear-dropped eyes were shut, but I could practically imagine the large auburn russet color behind her eyelids.

"Hmm." I clear my throat, getting her face to contort. Inwardly, I curse myself for doing so; I wanted to stay like this forever. In fact, maybe just a little bit closer couldn't hurt.

Her eyes barely open, her hair brushing away from her face. She doesn't seem to realize the validity of the distance between us, simply staring irritatedly at me. "Let me sleep." She insists, tugging me closer into a sleepy hug.

My heartbeat rises exponentially, completely annihilating my thoughts as my feelings were all over the place. She pulls away, her hands fisted in my collar like she was going to punch me. "You're an idiot, you know that ?" She mutters.

"--What ?" I whisper. Her hands clutch the cloth of my shirt tighter.

"You're so oblivious..." She says, letting me go with a disappointing scoff. She hops out of the car as she'd never been asleep, leaving me dumbfounded in my seat.

"Hello ?" She asks her knuckles rapping on my door. "You coming ?"

"H-huh? Yeah, I am." I say, pushing the door open, snatching the keys, and catching up to her in front of the car.

"Where do you want to go ?" She asks, a slight smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I don't really care." I shrug truthfully, "We can go wherever you want-" We'd started to walk, but the sight in front of me made my jaw drop.

It was them. All 6 of them had stupid, teasing grins on their faces.

They'd seen what'd happened in the car. 

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