Arrow - A New Earth to Save

By ArrowverseFan833

16.3K 314 15

The last thing that Oliver Queen remembered was that he was dying with Sara and Barry by his side after creat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51

Chapter 25

237 5 1
By ArrowverseFan833

All of Team Arrow was in the bunker when Quentin came in to talk to them about something that had to do with evidence being stolen from the police station. "These men broke into the police station and stole all of the evidence from all of the bad guys that the team has brought in over the past year. If we can't find that evidence, then all of those bad guys will get released." Quentin said.

"From the list of names that you gave me, it looks like they have already been released." Felicity said.

"Ok, can you tell where any of them went?" Oliver asked.

"Looks like they are going into the Glades." Felicity said.

All of a sudden Oliver's phone wrong and he could tell that it was a call be forwarded from his line in the Mayor's office.

"Hello?" Oliver said answering the phone.

"Mayor Queen, this is Daniel Brickwell. I want all of the police out of the Glades by 8 tonight or I will kill a hostage that I have every hour until you do remove the police." Brickwell said.

"Ok, if I get the police out of there, will you release the hostages at 8 tonight? I give you something, you need to give me something in return." Oliver said.

"I can deal with that. If all of the police are out of the Glades by 8 tonight, I will release the hostages." Brickwell said.

"Ok, I will get to work on that." Oliver said.

"Good working with you Mr. Mayor." Brickwell said as he hung up the phone.

"Roy and Rene, go and round up anyone that will fight in the Glades and tell them to be ready for 8 tonight. We are going to war." Oliver said and the two men nodded and left to go round up as many people as they could.

"What's going on Ollie?" Laurel asked.

"That was Daniel Brickwell he is looking to take over the Glades just like he did on the other earth. I wasn't here for the beginning of that last time, but I am here this time though." Oliver said.

"Don't remind me of you not being here last time. That was one of the hardest times of my life. The man that I loved was nowhere to be found and the city was in real trouble. I had to keep strong for everyone, but inside I was torn up." Laurel said.

"You won't ever have to deal with that again. We are both going to have a long life together." Oliver said and Laurel nodded.

"Ok, so I need to make a call and get the police out of the Glades. I will be back in a little while. Everyone else needs to suit up and be ready for 8 tonight." Oliver said.

Everyone nodded as he turned to leave. When he got to the office, he made the call to the police station in the Glades and told them the situation and told them that they needed to be out as soon as possible. On Oliver did this he headed back to the bunker. When he got there, he walked up to Felicity and said, "I need you to see if there is still evidence that Brickwell killed Tommy's mother."

"On it. Let me pull up her report. Yep it looks like it was still Brickwell that killed Tommy's mom." Felicity said.

"Thanks. I will go talk to Tommy about this." Oliver said and Felicity nodded.

"Hey Tommy, you ready to get out there tonight?" Oliver asked.

"Do you really think I am ready? I don't know if I am ready or not." Tommy said.

"You have been training in all sorts of different martial arts and you are getting good enough where you can beat some of the others while sparring. So, I am positive that you are ready to get out there." Oliver said.

"Thanks man." Tommy said.

"There's another reason why I wanted to talk to you. It turns out that Brickwell is the man who murdered your mother. I was wondering if you wanted to take him down or if you wanted to leave it to someone else on the team?" Oliver asked.

"I don't want to kill anyone so if that is what you are asking then I want someone else to do it." Tommy said.

"That's fine. I was just giving you the chance if you wanted it." Oliver said.

"Thanks man but I'll pass." Tommy said and Oliver nodded.

It was now 8 and the team was ready to move out. "Ok, so here is the plan. I want all of you and the people that Roy and Rene rounded up earlier to keep all of Brickwell's men busy. I will take care of Brickwell myself. Laurel I want you on comms with Felicity watching our backs from in the bunker." Oliver said

Everyone nodded and the team left to go and stop the criminals from taking over the Glades. When they got to the police station Brick and his army were waiting for them but then an army started to form behind team arrow as well. The battle started and Sara and Shado used their canary cry's to take out some of them men to make a bigger path for the team but also for Oliver so that he could get to Brick. Once Oliver reached Brick, they started to brawl, but it didn't take Oliver long to get the upper hand in the fight. He had Brick on his knees in a choke hold. He looked up and saw Tommy and he asked on last time "Are you sure you don't want to do this yourself?"

"Yeah, you go ahead. I can't make myself kill someone." Tommy said and Oliver nodded.

Everyone else had now finished taking out the criminals that were part of Brick's army. The only one left was Brick. Oliver still had him in a hold. He then growled in Brick's ear "Daniel Brickwell, you have failed this city." And then Oliver snapped Brick's neck killing him.

When the team got back to the bunker, Oliver made the call to tell the police to get back to the police station in the Glades. Once that was done and it was made sure that everyone was alright aside from some cuts and bruises Oliver said "You all did good tonight. Now it is time for everyone to go home and get some rest. You worked hard tonight, and we all deserve some rest."

When Oliver and Laurel got home, they saw Mia with Raiza, and they were watching the news. Mia turned to them and said, "Are you alright Daddy, that looked like a really big fight."

"I am fine sweetie and yes it was a really big fight." Oliver said.

"What are you still doing awake baby, you should be in bed. It is a school night." Laurel said.

"I just wanted to make sure y'all were alright. I will go to bed now." Mia said and they all went to Mia's bedroom to put her to bed.

Once they put Mia to bed Oliver and Laurel went to their bedroom to get ready for bed. Soon they were in bed and were very soon asleep.

A/N: I am looking for suggestions for names for the children. Leave some reviews with names that you would like to see me use. Thanks for reading.

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