Arrow - A New Earth to Save

By ArrowverseFan833

16.3K 314 15

The last thing that Oliver Queen remembered was that he was dying with Sara and Barry by his side after creat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51

Chapter 12

330 6 0
By ArrowverseFan833

The next morning Oliver and Laurel used their breach device to travel to Central City to pick up Mia. When they arrived in Barry and Caitlin's apartment, they saw everyone at the table eating breakfast. Barry looked up to see the new visitors and asked "Do y'all want anything for breakfast? There a plenty."

"No, we already ate. We were just here to pick up Mia. Thanks anyways." Laurel said.

"No problem. But we do have some news and we thought that we would tell y'all when you showed up." Caitlin said.

"So, what's up?" Oliver asked.

"Well we were thinking last night when we were in bed and we know we have known each other for a long time and have been dating for a while so we decided that we are going to get married next weekend." Barry said.

"Congratulations!" both Oliver and Laurel said at the same time.

"We were going to go to Vegas but then we decided to have it here in Central City instead." Caitlin said.

"So, when do we need to be here?" asked Laurel.

"Well that's the thing. We need both of you to be here on Wednesday because I was going to ask you to my maid of honor." Caitlin said.

"It would be my honor." Laurel said.

"And I was going to ask you to be my best man Oliver." Barry said.

"I would be honored." Oliver said as well.

"Mommy and Daddy, when are you going to get married again?" Mia asked since she knew they were married by league law and were going to get married for real this time.

"I don't know sweetie. We haven't really thought about it." Laurel answered.

After thinking about it for a second Barry and Caitlin looked at each other and nodded before Caitlin said "Why don't we do a double wedding? It would be fun."

"No, we don't want to ruin your day." Oliver said.

"We insist. We are just throwing this together. It's not going to be that formal even. I don't think I am even going to get a dress." Caitlin said.

"Well if you are sure. I guess it wouldn't be a problem. We can ask Dig to officiate the wedding." Oliver said.

"That sounds great. So, I guess we will see you on Wednesday." Barry said.

"Yeah. We will see you them. Come on sweetie. It's time to go home." Laurel said.

Mia got up from the table and walked up to her parents as a breach was opening and then they were back in Star City. Mia decided that she was going to go play with her toys for a while, while her parents made some calls to the people that they would invite to the wedding. The first people they called were their parents. They were very happy for them, but they also thought that they might be hurrying things along.

"We have been together for seven years. I think it is about time." Laurel said to her father.

"Just as long as you are sure about this. You know we will be there either way." Quentin said.

Then Oliver called Thea and told her the news. All she could say was "It's about damn time."

When Laurel called Sara, she said about the same as Thea. Except she added in "I'm happy for you. I am just glad that y'all got through everything that happened on the other earth with me and all."

"Sara, I forgave you both for that a long time ago. Plus, it never happened on this earth." Laurel said.

Then they called Diggle to ask him if he would officiate the wedding. "It would be my honor to marry the two couples that I love so much." Diggle said.

They then called Tommy and Felicity and told them about the wedding and letting them know they were invited. The calls were a little tense at first, but they got better the more they talked. Then at the end of the call with Felicity, Oliver asked "Have you found anything on Diaz or Emiko yet?"

"Emiko still lives with her mother for right now. No luck on Diaz so far."

"Thanks for your help." Oliver said with his mood souring a bit.

"What is it that made this Diaz guy so different from the other bad guys that you faced?" Laurel asked.

"He was the man that I could never beat. He caused me to have to out myself as the Green Arrow to get the FBI's help because he had infiltrated everything in the city. And he caused the team to fracture because we didn't trust each other anymore." Oliver said.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in. Why do you think he was able to do that?" Laurel asked.

"I think it had to do with you not being there to tell you the truth. You always had a way of telling me what I needed to hear. You always had my back while Dig and Felicity would always question the moves that I made. Even when your earth two doppelganger turned good and finally started working with us last year, she always had my back, even though I don't think she really liked me that much." Oliver said.

"I don't think that is true. I don't think there is a way on any earth that I would like you at least as a friend." Laurel said.

"Hold on. I have an idea. Just stick with me for a second." Oliver said.

Laurel nodded and Oliver called out to someone who he never thought he would need again. "Novu, I need to talk to you about something."

The next thing he knew he was in the Novu's lair. "What do you need Mr. Queen?"

"I was wondering if it was possible to have earth two Laurel's memories added to this Laurel's memories so that we might be able to find Diaz easier?" Oliver asked.

"It is possible, but I am not the one that is going to be able to do it." Novu said.

"Then who do I need to talk to to be able to do this?" asked Oliver.

"There is only one person who can do this, and he is in this room right now." Novu said.

Oliver looked around but there was no one else there. "What are you talking about Novu?"

"You still have your Specter powers Oliver. You just have to make it happen." Novu said.

"Ok. So, I still have my powers? That could come in handy at some point against my enemies as well." Oliver said.

"Indeed. Now is that all Mr. Queen?" Novu asked.

Oliver nodded and he was back where he left Laurel. So, he told her about his plan. "I think that if I can get you to remember earth two Laurel's memories, we might be able to find Diaz easier because she knew his hide outs." Oliver said.

"How do you expect that to happen though?" Laurel asked.

"I still have my powers according to Novu." Oliver said.

"Are you willing to do this? I just hope it doesn't change you too much." Oliver said.

Laurel nodded and said, "Like I told you before, I don't think that there is an earth out there where I would not love you in some way."

Oliver walked up to Laurel and put his hand on her temple and the memories started to flow into Laurel's head of earth two Laurel. Then she looked at him and gave him a kiss on the lips just to show that she was still her.

"You know, she always thought you were kind of a dick, but she did learn to love you as a friend near the end." Laurel said.

"So, you have all of her memories now?" Oliver asked.

Laurel nodded and asked, "How could she have worked with all of these tools against you."

"I don't really know. I think that when my earth two self died and her dad was already dead, I think she just broke and it was easier for her to be bad than good." Oliver said.

Laurel nodded and then said "Well I am going to call into work and tell them that I need the week off so that I can plan a little bit of something for our wedding. Oliver nodded and left her to do what she had to do while he went to the lair and he and Mia trained for a little while.

Author's Note: Please leave reviews to let me know what you think of the story so far and any suggestions you may have. Thanks.

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