Arrow - A New Earth to Save

By ArrowverseFan833

16.3K 314 15

The last thing that Oliver Queen remembered was that he was dying with Sara and Barry by his side after creat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51

Chapter 10

340 7 0
By ArrowverseFan833

After the Christmas Holiday was over the team decided to meet in the lair to see what their next move was going to be. When they got there, someone was there waiting for them.

"What do you want Novu?" Oliver asked.

"I am here to tell you that you are on the path to making it so that the crisis will not happen this time around." Novu said.

"So, what do we have to do to keep the crisis from happening?" Laurel asked.

"In order to keep crisis from happening all of you have a vital part to play. That means that all of you are meant to be a part of this team, so Sara Lance, you will not be able to go with the legends this time around. Also, all of you are meant to live long lives, which means none of you can die. You are meant to be a well-oiled machine and get along and do not split the team like last time. That was the beginning of your end." Novu said.

"So, you are saying that if I was to stay with the team and my sister would not have died the last time around, we would not have had to face the crisis?" Sara asked.

"The team not trusting each other when you went against Diaz was also a cause. You also will need to cause any of the events from last time from happening. You have already started off well with stopping the undertaking from happening." Novu said.

"That's easier said then done. So, would we still need to be expecting Slade this time around? He has no need to want revenge on me this time, so does that mean that he won't come?" Oliver asked.

"It will be the same events just for different reasonings this time. Such as Slade Wilson does not want revenge, but he will come here for other reasons." Novu said.

"Ok, so we have a road map of what we need to do in order to stop the crisis. Now all we have to do is stop everything." Diggle said.

"That is correct. But it is not all on you. It could down to that Flash's team and Supergirl's team as well. They also have an important role to play. You just need to worry about your part though." Novu said.

"Thanks for the information. Is there anything else?" Oliver asked.

"Not at this time. If everything goes well, you will not see me again." Novu said as he disappeared into his portal.

"It will be good to never see him again. All he ever caused me was trouble." Oliver said.

"So, Felicity have you been able to locate Diaz?" Oliver asked.

"I am working on it. The last I saw of him, he was in prison." Felicity said.

"Is he still there?" Diggle asked.

"Looks that way but it looks like his lawyer might have found a way to get him out of jail. They are having a hearing in two weeks." Felicity said.

"So, we will know where he will be, and we can take him down early." Thea said.

"Looks that way." Oliver said.

"Anything else you need from me tonight? If not, I have plans." Felicity said.

"I would like you to start looking into Emiko as well. If we could turn her early, she would be a big help against the Ninth Circle. You can start looking tomorrow though. I don't want to mess up your plans." Oliver said.

"Will do and Thanks." Felicity said as she got up and left.

After Felicity was gone the team started to try to find out why Slade would still be coming to Star City if it was not for revenge on Oliver.

"So, we need to find out why Slade would still be coming here if it is not for revenge on me." Oliver said.

"I think we should keep an eye on Blood. He was working with him last time. He could also be working with him this time." Roy said.

"Roy, I want you to keep an eye on him. Get in touch with your contacts in the Glades and see what you can find out." Oliver said.

There was also one more person that they needed to keep an eye on. They would have to get in touch with Tommy for that. Isabel Rochev was Trying to take over Merlyn Global this time around. Tommy was part owner with her.

"I am going to call Tommy and tell him that he needs to keep an eye on Rochev because she can also be Slade's way of coming to the city." Oliver said.

Oliver picked up his phone and dialed Tommy's number and waited for him to pick up. When he did answer he said "Hey man, I am on a date. Do you mind if I call you back?"

"Sure. Have fun man." Oliver said and when he was about to hang up, he heard the sound of a woman's voice that he knew well.

Oliver had a smile on his face at what he heard. It looked like he was not going to have to worry about Felicity being jealous over him anymore. He looked over at Laurel and she had a questioning look on her face.

"So, what are you smiling so much for?" Laurel asked.

"Tommy just told me that he was on a dated and as he was about to hang up, I heard a voice in the background. It was Felicity." Oliver said.

"Well good for them. At least we won't have to worry about them being jealous anymore." Laurel said.

"I was thinking the same thing." Oliver said.

After a while, everyone decided that it was time to go. Oliver and Laurel were on their way back to their new apartment to do some final things before they were all moved in. Robert and Moira had let them have Raisa to babysit Mia while they were gone at night. When they got to the apartment, they were just in time to put Mia to bed. Laurel read her a story and they both gave her a kiss goodnight. After that they went back out to the sitting room and turned on the tv and watched the news for a while and then they decided that it was time to go to bed.

Author's Note: Please review and let me know what you think of the story. Also let me know of things that you might like to see in the story and I might use them.

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