Arrow - A New Earth to Save

By ArrowverseFan833

16.3K 314 15

The last thing that Oliver Queen remembered was that he was dying with Sara and Barry by his side after creat... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51

Chapter 1

1.7K 23 3
By ArrowverseFan833

A/N: Some of the ideas in this story were inspired by Lauriverfanboy1. Thanks for letting me use them.

The last thing that Oliver Queen remember was fighting the Anti-Monitor and then talking to Barry and Sara as he was about to die. He woke up to find himself in the Monitor's realm wondering why he was here and not dead.

"Why am I here?" Oliver asked.

"You and the other paragons defeated the Anti-Monitor and in doing so allowed me to have my powers restored. I was able to stop you from dying and now you can live on this new earth that you created." Said the Monitor.

"Is there any information that I need to know before going to live on this earth?" Oliver asked.

"You will be going back to 2012 when you returned home and became the Green Arrow. There are some changes to what happened the first time that you returned, but that will become clear when you and your doppelgängers memories join." the Monitor said.

"This will also give you a chance to right some of the things that happened the first time around. If you have any questions this would be the time to ask." Said the Monitor.

"So I will be able to change things in order to keep people alive that died the first time around?" Asked Olive. He was thinking about getting to see Tommy, His mother, and Quentin again. But the person he was thinking about the most was Laurel.

"Yes, you can stop all of their deaths while also stopping your enemies before they have the chance to cause too much damage." Said the Monitor.

"Ok. I think I am ready to go back to earth and get started." Oliver said.

"Good luck Mr. Queen." said the Monitor.

The next thing Oliver knew, He was waking up in the same hospital room he did eight years ago. The memories from his doppelgänger on this earth started to form in his mind. and he started to see where the differences were from this earth to his old earth.

The first thing he noticed was that this time it was not Sara the was on the boat with him, but Laurel. He also realized that this time around they did not end up on the island, but were rescued by the League of Assassins.

He looked over to see Laurel still laying in her hospital bed sleeping. He also noticed that there was another bed in the room that had a young girl sleeping in it that could not be any older than five.

He searched his memories and found out that he and Laurel took the boat out for a trip to celebrate her passing the law boards to become lawyer. She had become pregnant while they were celebrating and she had had the baby while they were part of the league.

They had stayed in the league for five years to learn everything that they could so the they could save their city. They had heard how bad things had gotten while they were being trained and once they learned what they needed to learn they made a deal with Ras Al Ghul to be released from the league to fight crime in their city.

They were left on Lian Yu so that it would look like they had been ship wrecked there for five years.

Oliver was thinking about all of the things that were different on this earth than his old one when he heard the door to the room open and turned around to see both of his parents standing there alive and well.

They walked up to him and hugged him, never thinking that they would see him again. "Are you and Laurel alright? We never thought that we would see either of you again. We are so glad that you are alive." Moira said.

"We are fine. She is just resting." He heard movement coming from one of the beds and look over to see that it was his daughter waking up. He turned to his parents and said "Mom and dad I would like you to meet your grandchild, Mia." He turned to his daughter to pick her up and brought her over so that his parents could see here.

Moira looked at the little girl with tears in her eyes wonder what her granddaughter had been though in her short life. She looked up at Oliver and said "She is so beautiful. she looks just like Laurel."

After a short while his parents left the room to let them get dressed and ready to go home. Laurel had been awake for a little while and was happy to see Robert and Moira.

The next thing he knew there was a knock at the door and when he answered he was surprised to see J'onn J'onzz.

"Nice to see you J'onn, but what are you doing here?" Oliver asked.

"I am here to see who you would like to have their memories of the old earth returned from your team." J'onn said.

"I would like to have the memories returned to Laurel, Thea, John, Felicity, Roy, Tommy, Mom and Quentin." Oliver Said.

"I will take care of Laurel now and go see the rest while you are on your way home." J'onn said.

He walked over and touch Laurel on the side of the head and she closed her eyes because it was a lot to take in at once and her head was hurting. When he was done Laurel opened her eyes and said "Thanks, but done you think there was a less painful way to do that."

"Sorry." said J'onn.

Once J'onn had left they finished getting ready to leave so they could get back home so that they could get to work on saving their city.

A/N: This is my first time writing so give my ideas on things that I can do better and also let me know if you like it. Thanks.

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