Help Needed /~/ Taekook

By supermochii

295K 19.2K 5.5K

[Stuck in a weird state of ongoing and completed] Pregnant at sixteen by his rich model boyfriend, Jeon Jungk... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Ah Shit
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three (Part Three)
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Well Hi
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Seven

4.3K 305 166
By supermochii

I like how I tried to stay in Tae's pov (third-person ofc) but then I kinda just switched to JK to like third-person omniscient 😭😂👋

Queen of POV inconsistency
Queen of updating late af
Queen of ignoring my books 24/7
Queen of creating new books while my ongoing books are watching like 👁💧👄💧👁


Finally, Saturday rolled around. Taehyung decided that he'd take Jungkook to Yoongi's restaurant. He asked Yoongi to reserve the upstairs area for their date to which Yoongi agreed to do.

It was close to eight already and Taehyung was just now deciding on an outfit to wear, after about two hours of trying to choose.

"Who are you going out with?" Yoongi asked, "and why did you ask me to babysit so last minute?"

Yoongi had arrived with his son to babysit Taeji and Yunah at around seven. Taehyung hadn't told Yoongi exactly everything regarding his plans for tonight and the older male was somewhat curious as to why since Taehyung usually told him everything.

"Well, I asked Saje but she's sick, Jackson agreed to do it but he texted last night saying he couldn't do it - you-"

"So what I'm hearing is I'm just your last resort?" Yoongi asked, feigning a hurt expression. With an eye roll, he continued, "wow, how long have we been friends? And I'm suddenly replaced by your annoying assistant and the default guy."

The younger male had assumed that his best friend didn't have to do anything today and figured the man was just sitting at home with his son and their huge dog who resembles a dirty mop. His assumption was proven correct when he called and Jaemin had answered instead of Yoongi, stating "Daddy said he's out of service right now and to year"

Taehyung sent him a questioning look from the mirror as he fixed his tie. "Default guy?"

"Yeah, everyone starts out being Jackson's friend," Yoongi explained.

Surprisingly, Yoongi and Jackson were never really friends. They collaborated a few times on Jackson's solo songs, but they can both agree that their relationship is simply business. Fans had asked Yoongi why he's seemingly the only idol who isn't friends with Jackson Wang and Yoongi explained that he and Jackson just don't click that way, but really, Yoongi finds the Father of Extroverts to be very tiring.

"So who are you going out with?" The older man asked again.

"Not sure if he'll want me to tell you, but Seokjin already knows because his stupid ass heard me talking to Saejun about it," Taehyung sighed and rolled his eyes.

Yoongi's eyes widened slightly. He looked up from his phone and said, "he'll go back and tell Hoseok."

"Exactly," the blonde shook his head exasperatedly. He knew for a fact that Seokjin was going to run his mouth to Hoseok. Sometimes, he questioned himself as to why he ever agreed to sign that contract with Seokjin. Then again, he wasn't aware of how problematic the older man was until they started working together.

Taehyung decided to change the subject as he didn't want his mood to be down when it was time leave. "How's Jaemin?"

"He's fine," Yoongi answered before pausing, "he asked to see Hoseok and I was willing but Hoseok basically rejected him."

Taehyung whipped around from facing the mirror and looked at the older man with wide eyes. He knew Hoseok never wanted anything to do with Jaemin. He's witnessed the said man calling their six-year-old son a mistake and many other things a parent would hate for their child to be called. So this revelation shouldn't come as a surprise to the designer, but it somehow did. Its as if he refused to believe Hoseok was actually that bad of a parent despite being constantly reminded of it. How could a father refuse to see their son upon their son's request?

Taehyung knew Yoongi was completely over Hoseok. His restaurant and club were the most popular in Seoul and his rap career kept growing seemingly every day and he had just signed a contract with a big record label with an EP in the making. So there was no reason for him to think about Hoseok. But who was to stop Jaemin from wanting to see him?

"How did Jaemin react?" Taehyung asked.

"I just told him Hoseok was too busy at that time and he just simply shrugged and went back to playing."

"Too busy being a sorry father, he's literally at Seokjin's house as we speak," the younger man rolled his eyes, "what the fuck is wrong with him?"

Yoongi shrugged and released a dry laugh. "I don't know, I just know he's missing out."

"Plus, you've upgraded."

Yoongi nodded as Taehyung turned back to face his mirror. Yoongi was dating a model from Germany named Lina. Their relationship was private and the only person that knew was Taehyung. He's gotten the pleasure of meeting her a few times and can definitely confirm that she's far better than Hoseok.

"So who are you going out with again?" Yoongi asked again. He saw his son from the corner of his eye. The six-year-old was getting ready to run into Taehyung's room but Yoongi quickly snapped his fingers and pointed towards the hallway to tell him to run back to wherever he came from. Jaemin stuck his tongue out at him before whipping around on his heels and galloping down the hallway.

"His name is Jungkook," Taehyung answered after giving it deep thought.

Yoongi wasn't anything like Seokjin or Hoseok. The introverted man trembled in the shadow of controversies or scandals so he tried to stay away from drama as much as possible - one of the reasons why he hasn't made his relationship with the German model public. So Taehyung trusted Yoongi enough for the older man to not expose them and start drama regarding their date.

"Another man?" Yoongi asked, surprised.

"Yeah, why?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I don't just never seemed too interested in the relationships you had with men."

"I wasn't interested in 99% of the relationships I've been in - men or women," Taehyung laughed. "But I'm taking this one serious."

"What does he do?"

"At the moment, he works for me."

"Is he famous?"

Taehyung reached down and grabbed his belt. "No, he's just a normal person."

Yoongi hummed as he stood up to stretch from sitting for too long. "Are you going to make it public?"

"I'm keeping it private for as long as I can."

He pulled his belt through the buckle before securing it underneath the belt loop. He removed the tie since he thought of it as too formal before choosing a different blazer. Yoongi's restaurant was definitely a formal restaurant: it was a two-story, fine-dining restaurant and incredibly expensive yet it still received a lot ot attention. When Taehyung passed by it, it was usually packed full every day usually around evening. Taehyung was actually surprised that Yoongi agreed to reserve the entire upstairs area for his and Jungkook's date.

"Will I need to take the girls to my house?" Yoongi asked with a suggestive tone. Taehyung looked at him and scoffed at the look he was receiving from the older man.

"No, I don't think so," he said, "it's just a date."

"You sure?"


Before Yoongi could question him more, he slipped his feet into his shoes and made his way towards his doorway. Yoongi hummed in a way that said he didn't believe what Taehyung had said as he followed the younger male.

"I bet you'll just go to a hotel," he said, cracking a smile as Taehyung threw his head back in exasperation.

"No," Taehyung groaned, "we're not."

"What if he wants to go to the hotel?"

"Oh my God, then we'll go to a hotel."

They walked downstairs where the three kids were. Taeji was showing Jaemin something on her iPad while Yunah screamed at her to let her sit beside Jaemin. The poor boy was squished up in the corner of the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the scene, pulling Yunah away from Taeji before the girl tried to kill her sister over a boy. Taeji stuck her tongue out at the angry five-year-old before going back to showing Jaemin whatever was on her iPad. The three of them got along well, Taehyung always assumed Taeji had a crush on the boy but it was becoming more clear that Yunah did.

"Leave him alone," Taehyung demanded, "Taeji, get out of his space."

She reluctantly moved away from Jaemin who quickly stood up and walked towards Yoongi. Taehyung dropped Yunah beside Taeji before saying,

"I'll be back later, be good for Yoongi because I gave him permission to give you a way to Mickey Mouse if you don't."

His kids were terrified of Mickey Mouse for some reason and he almost laughed at Taeji's terrified face as she gave Yoongi an incredulous look. He had already told Taeji and Yunah that he was going out yesterday but he didn't tell them with who. Taeji was used to Taehyung going out with people so she was indifferent, but Yunah had bombarded him with questions to which he ignored.

"I might take you to my house because your dad might need his house to himself tonight," Yoongi said.

"You're entree existence, Yoongi, is absolutely unnecessary."


Taehyung arrived at Jungkook's house just a few minutes after eight. He had been cursing himself the entire ride because he knew he was going to be late and as a person who is all about punctuality, this was a for him.

'Nice place' he thought as he parked behind Jungkook's car and another car beside his. Jungkook had suggested that they drive their own cars but Taehyung convinced him to agree on taking his car.

He got out of his car and made his way towards the front door. Just as he was about to knock, the door opened and before him stood a very pregnant man. They gave each other questioning looks before realization hit the short guy in the face.

"You're better looking in the magazines and the movies," the man observed before moving aside so Taehyung could walk in.

"Thank you?" Taehyung asked, not sure if that was a compliment or an insult.

Taehyung recognized the guy as a fitness trainer. He knew some of the people he worked with or worked for him hired him. He's popular amongst trainees and celebrities alike, he's sent his models to the man before as well. He just couldn't remember the guy's name-

"Park Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"That's my name," the man smiled, "Jungkook is just finishing up - he's a bit late."

Taehyung heaved a sigh of relief upon knowing Jungkook wasn't ready which meant he wasn't actually late in picking the younger man up.

"That's fine," Taehyung said as he looked around Jungkook's living room. His house was definitely smaller than his and he didn't take on a minimalist style like Taehyung has when decorating his home. The living room was much more cozy, warm-looking and somewhat lively than Taehyung's was. The difference between his house and Jungkook's house was Taehyung's place looked more like a showroom and Jungkook's place looked like someone actually lived there.

Chanwoo - Taehyung finally remembered his name after always forgetting it - was sprawled out on the floor like a starfish wearing the cutest Nightmare Before Christmas onesie. There was a girl Taehyung had never standing over him and trying to pull the chubby toddler up from the floor but to no avail. Taehyung assumed Hanbin was wherever Jungkook was.

Chanwoo rolled onto his stomach and saw Taehyung. He stared at the aforementioned man as if trying to figure out where he's seen his face before. Taehyung awkwardly smiled at him and Chanwoo gave him a toothy grin before turning back onto his back and letting the little girl try to pull him up again. Suddenly, the three-year-old whipped his head back in Taehyung's direction.

"Taejung?" He asked.

"At least he remembers half of your name," Jimin said, "that child's memory is terrible."

"Taehyung." Taehyung corrected.

"Taejung," Chanwoo replied before turning back around.

'Taejung sounds like mine and Jungkook's ship's good enough'

He turned towards the stairs when he heard someone talking before cracking a smile when Jungkook appeared around the corner. Hanbin was right behind him, struggling to carry his puppy that they got from Jackson.

"I hope Jimin didn't bother you too much," Jungkook said, looking over at the pregnant man who scoffed.

Jungkook said a quickly said bye to his two boys before telling Jimin to call him if anything happened. Jimin shooed the two of them away, reassuring Jungkook that he had everything under control. Taehyung watched how Hanbin jerked forward to follow Jungkook before stopping himself. Jungkook had told Taehyung yesterday that he wasn't sure if Hanbin was going to be comfortable staying with his friend who agreed to babysit him and Chanwoo considering that the last time Hanbin stayed with Jimin was the night Minsun kidnapped him.

"I'll be back before you know it," Jungkook said to him before looking at his watch, "give me until eleven o'clock."

Hanbin didn't show any response but they all knew he heard and understood what Jungkook said. He sat down on the edge of the couch and Kkul jumped up and placed her head on his lap.

"Jimin, remember everything I said?" Jungkook asked to which the man in question nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, stop worrying," Jimin said as he pushed himself up from the chair he was sitting in. He gestured for them to walk towards the door and when they were outside, he smiled and said, "you crazy kids better not do anything weird."

Then he slammed the door in their face.

Jungkook huffed at the older man's actions and Taehyung just laughed as they walked back to his car.

"He sounds like a fun person," the older man said, "he's trained my models before, I've never got the chance to meet him personally."

"Fun is a...suggestive term...I would say he's more like a splinter in your pinky toe that you can't get out so you learn to live with him," Jungkook replied with a laugh.

"Couldn't you get it surgically removed?"

The younger man sighed and shook his head. "Sadly, no."

They sat down in Taehyung's car and Jungkook almost choked as the words Evening Kim Taehyung appeared on the screen. Taehyung had several cars and Jungkook has only been in one of them. He wasn't a car fanatic so he wouldn't be able to tell apart which was which but he was sure this was the same car as the commercial Taehyung had done with the brand almost a month ago and this car looked similar to the one he was promoting.

"Is this the car from your commercial?" Jungkook asked as he watched Taehyung press the green button on the screen which started the car's engine.

"No," Taehyung answered, "but it's the same brand."

Jungkook hummed as Taehyung pulled out of the driveway. Taehyung gave radio access over to Jungkook who happily connected his phone to the radio and tapped on his favourite playlist. Seokjin's song immediately came on and Taehyung groaned.

"Please no, I hear his voice enough already."

"But I like this song. It's a very nice song, his singing voice is gorgeous, his talking voice isn't," Jungkook reasoned.

Another groan. "Fine."

He smiled but his smile quickly disappeared as Taehyung turned the volume down to where you could barely hear Seokjin's glorious high notes. He gave the older man a look and Taehyung gave him a snarky response.

"It's my car."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll change the song. How's Im Jaebum from Got7?"

"I like his songs."

Jungkook scrolled through the playlist before tapping on Jaebum's song. They rode in a comfortable silence until they began to near Yoongi's restaurant.

"Aren't there famous people here?" Jungkook asked.

"Sometimes yeah," Taehyung said while nodding, "Hyuna and Hyojong are here, Twice's Jihyo and that one guy from that disbanded produce group."

"Tonight?" Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes, "I love Hyuna."

"Yeah, tonight. But they'll be on the bottom floor. There are other people here too, mainly rich people. I reserved the whole second floor for us."

"So no one will be able to see us?" Jungkook asked.

"Nope, staff will guide us to the upstairs area and you won't have to worry about someone snapping pictures or anything intrusive," Taehyung answered with a smile as he parked his car beside a white Porsche and a red Tesla.

'At least I hope so...' He thought as he eyed the area. The possibility that Hoseok was going to pull some something was still on his mind. He had texted Seokjin earlier in the morning asking if he told Hoseok where his date was going to be located. Seokjin had texted several hours later stating that he and Hoseok were going out and to not worry about Hoseok doing something wrong.

"How much did it cost you to reserve the entire floor?" Jungkook inquired as they got out of Taehyung's car.

"You know Yoons and I are friends so it wasn't as much as it usually would have been," the blonde answered.

"You're not going to give me an actual number?"

"Nope, and just a heads up: we're not splitting the check."


"How did Seokjin come to know about your...uh...crush?" Jungkook asked as he took a sip of his wine. He wasn't a fan of alcohol and had planned to just order a coke but Taehyung asked for wine and Jungkook suddenly felt like he should get it as well.

"I don't know, Seokjin forces his way into things," Taehyung sighed, "he kind of just assumed and I guess I hinted at it but I never confirmed anything with him."

"Well," Jungkook laughed, "good thing he was right or else everything would've ended up awkward."

Taehyung laughed and nodded. "Yeah, that would've been bad."

"I guess we should thank him when we get the chance," the younger male suggested.

"No, definitely not. Seokjin can suck my-"

"This is a fine-dining restaurant," Jungkook reminded Taehyung as he laughed.

Taehyung hummed and rolled his eyes as he picked his glass up. "Don't bring up Jin if you don't want me to talk bad about him."

"You two should fight it out in a mud pit."

"He'd win, I don't like getting dirty."


"The only place I get dirty is in the bed."

Before Jungkook could respond, their waitress appeared at the top of the staircase. He sent Taehyung a look that made the older man chuckle deeply. Jungkook tried to fight back a smile but it broke across his lips as he felt his ears begin to burn.

Taehyung cooed and laughed. "Look, your ears are doing it again!"


"Your food, gentlemen," the waitress said with a smile, "is there anything else I can get you?"

"Hot sauce?" Taehyung asked since he ordered chicken.

The waitress nodded before looking at Jungkook to see if he wanted anything. Jungkook shook his head.

"I'll be right back with your hot sauce then," she gave them both another smile before walking towards the bar that had different types of sauces.

She returned with the hot sauce and placed in between Jungkook and Taehyung's plates. "Hope you enjoy the meal, I'll come back to ask if you need anything shortly."

As soon as she disappeared, Jungkook looked back at Taehyung. His ears finally lost their red colour but Taehyung simply smiled and they suddenly started burning again.

"I should've said no to your date," Jungkook mumbled to which Taehyung responded,

"You asked me. I just prompted it."

Jungkook didn't know how to deny that so he grabbed his chopsticks and shoved steak and noodles into his mouth.

"See? You can't argue with the truth," Taehyung said with a smirk as he grabbed a piece of chicken and dipped it in hot sauce.

"How did you manage to get so famous?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

"I was a child actor and occasionally appeared on diaper commercials and clothing commercials, well...not in that order," Taehyung shook his head as if to get his thoughts in order, "my parents are big in the scene: my mom is a retired actress and my father is a retired musician and CEO. I got my first appearance in a movie with my mother and then began my modelling career before I was given the kind of side character role for some horror movie when I was seven and then about two years after that, SM entertainment recruited me and I worked under them as a model and actor for a while until an overseas agent asked about me and my mom went with me to the US where I acted in my first really important movie at like twelve or thirteen."

"Wow- so basically you born to be successful," Jungkook noted with wide eyes, "but that seems so didn't get much of a childhood?"

Taehyung shook his head. "Not really, I barely got to spend time with my younger siblings and so that caused us to have a uh...I guess faulty relationship. Most of my childhood - actually all of my childhood was spent in front of cameras, with trainers and agents, and on planes. But I enjoyed it for the most part especially modelling and the fashion, I went to an art school and launched my first clothing line while in school but it was under another company."

"You launched your first line while in school?" Jungkook's eyes widened, "how?"

"My parents helped out a lot with it and though it garnered a lot of attention and many people bought what I made, I didn't make a lot of money because my parents took it and I had to pay my company for promoting me and all that so- after I graduated, I left my company and went back to the US for an acting break, managed to make a lot of connections, came back here and started my company."

"That sounds like it would take like thirty years yet you're only twenty-six?"

"I graduated from the arts school very early - consider me lucky, I fucking hated that place."

"Trust me," Jungkook laughed and nodded, "I definitely consider you lucky."

Taehyung took a quick bite of his meal before saying, "how about you? How was your childhood?"

"Fairly well, it wasn't anything like yours," Jungkook laughed, "My brother and I got in trouble a lot at school because we were fucking stupid. My parents eventually sent us to different schools but I was still rebellious and I guess that was what lead to me to my ultimate downfall."

"If I rebelled against my parents and did what they didn't deem appropriate, they would threaten to take away something they wouldn't let me go to a gig or something so I guess you can say I wasn't really rebellious until I got older to actually realise what I wanted to do and what they were doing: cheating me out of things and taking what wasn't theirs."

"I got in trouble all the time but I never learned until they kicked me out-"

"They kicked you out?!" Taehyung's eyes widened and his mouth fell agape.

Jungkook smiled awkwardly. "Well- it was because...when I met Minsun they were angry with me because one, he was much older than me, two, I was fooling around with him behind their backs, three, he was a guy, and four, I got pregnant with Hanbin. They, of course, came around and offered to help out but they demanded I break up with him and I refused, dropped out of high school, moved out and they said I can't come back if I left."

"They kept their word?" Taehyung asked, "you haven't talked to them since Hanbin was born?"

"Nope," Jungkook shook his head, "I haven't talked to any of my family besides a cousin of mine but we stopped talking about a year ago. He just kept me updated, mostly on my brother who I learned was going to medical school - he's probably in by now."

"And if you hadn't dropped out, what would you pursue?" Taehyung asked, suddenly depressed by Jungkook's story. He was successful at birth and Jungkook wasn't. Then again, maybe Jungkook would have ended up being successful if he weren't so rebellious and he's realizing that now.

Jungkook scrunched his face up in thought as he looked off in space. "I'd probably go into business and make my way up. Be the CEO of some company."

"You can do that now, you know," the designer said, "you're twenty-two, go to university next year and graduate at twenty-seven then business school and graduate at thirty-one."

Jungkook nodded. "I've been thinking about getting my GED, going to college, and all that."

Taehyung smiled. "You might not even have to go to business school."

Jungkook frowned and tilted his head. "What makes you say that?"

"Nothing, nothing," Taehyung dismissed the question with a small wave.

If he and Jungkook stayed together or stayed in good relations, he imagined he could pull a few strings and allow Jungkook to get the experience he needed to pursue his dream. But of course, he wouldn't tell Jungkook that right now.

"I know a lot about them, but tell me about your girls," Jungkook started a new subject, "like...stuff I wouldn't know."

"Ah yes, my favourite subject besides myself," the blonde joked as a big smile came across his face. "Well, for starters, Taeji isn't as bad as she seems. Of course, she's a spoiled brat, but she acts the same way around you as she did around the other people I've hired in the past: a total pest. But she can be sweet, sometimes. She acts out of her age, you would think she's a preteen or a teen with the way she acts and not an eight-year-old. You know she enjoys dancing, but she's told me several times how bad she wants to be an idol 'like BlackPink!' she always says."

"Would you let her be an idol?"

Taehyung hummed and he made a look of disagreement. "I don't know, I know first hand what it's like living in the spotlight which is why I never let my kids go through that. Idol training and training for an actor are completely different and idol training is more intense, plus the unnatural beauty standards that are thrown towards women - and men of course - are absolutely ridiculous. As a father, I wouldn't want my daughter to go through that, but as a CEO, actor - or just a person who strives for success, I want my daughter to be successful and the only way she can be successful is through trial and error and doing things she's interested in."

Jungkook nodded understandingly. He felt the same way about his sons. He knew how bad the idol industry could be, but if one of them wanted to try it out, he would support it despite not being happy with it.

"Has she ever got the chance to meet BlackPink?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung nodded. "Not the group, only Jennie and Rose because Jennie and I are good friends."

"And what about Yunah?"

"Yunah is as authentic as they come. She acts the same way around you as she would anyone, including me. So there's not much to say about her, she's very open with people which was why I was surprised about her not telling me all the shit her mom was putting her through because thay child talks a lot. She hasn't told me what she wants to be yet like Taeji. Yunah just likes everything right now, but, as you know, she really enjoys painting and fashion - well, what she calls fashion, I call it a monstrosity."

"She has her own style, I think it's cute," Jungkook laughed. He recalled the day the girl wore a yellow bathing suit with a blue and white polka dot skirt along with her My Little Pony leggings, a purple feathered boa, pink light-up Sketchers and a huge hat with a feather. It's definitely not something Jungkook would wear, but he wasn't one to judge other people's style.

"I think it's offensive," Taehyung responded with a laugh, "I'm a famous designer and model who makes amazing clothes and here's my daughter wearing every colour of the rainbow and calling it fashion."

"It may not be your taste, but it's definitely hers. She's going to bring flair to the fashion industry when she gets older."

"And when that day comes, I hope to be retired."

They both laughed and averted their attention back to their forgotten food. Jungkook lobed the way Taehyung got happy and excited when asked about his kids. When he first started working for Taehyung, the man came off as one of those famous parents who didn't care much for their children and thought that buying them things made up for the time lost with them. Of course, he's seen the older man do questionable things regarding his daughters, but Jungkook realized that Taehyung truly cared deeply about them and tried to be a good father.

"Tell me about your sons then." Taehyung suggested, "from what I've seen, they're both really good kids even before the incident, Hanbin surprised me with how well-behaved he was."

Jungkook nodded in agreement. "They're both good, Chanwoo has his moments. They both rely on each other, Hanbin especially now since Chan seems to be the only person he's comfortable around. But before the incident, they were always super close. Chanwoo is a brat, he has his moments where he just throws himself on the floor, kicks and screams just because he didn't get to brush his teeth first or something ridiculous like that. Hanbin has never had tantrums like that, he's always been a good child."

"Really smart too, yeah?"

"Yes! He reads books that aren't even his grade level. He reads to Chanwoo every night, but recently, he's stopped, I hope he gets back to it because Chanwoo isn't enjoying my reading, but he still reads to himself."

Taehyung nodded. "I look forward to him being one of those gifted kids I was always envious of in school."

"When I was working job to job, I worried about him not succeeding in school because I wasn't able to help him as much as I would have liked, but I was always met with a pleasant surprise when receiving his report cards," Jungkook said, "and even now, he's doing well academically despite what he's been through."

Taehyung truly admired Jungkook. The younger man has had it rough for a while and having to raise two kids on your own without a steady job must have been the hardest thing a person could go through. Yet, he's still a great person despite having a bitter past and his children are probably the best kids he's ever met. If perfect parents existed, Taehyung imagined Jungkook would make the roster.

"I've told you this before, but I'll say it again, my girls adore your boys, especially Yunah. I think she sees Chanwoo as her baby from how she treats him."

Jungkook laughed. "Yeah, she's so sweet to him and Hanbin. She surprisingly respects Hanbin's wishes to be left alone and she's always messing with Chanwoo. You can't annoy that boy yet she manages to get on his nerves. One time he was trying to eat and Yunah wouldn't let him, she argued that he's a baby and babies can't feed themselves or else they'll choke and die."

It was Taehyung's turn to laugh as he leaned over the table.

"She reminds me of how Hanbin used to treat him; he hated the idea of his baby brother growing up and becoming independent, he made sure to treat him like a baby as much as possible."

Taehyung could tell how bad Hanbin's personality change affected Jungkook just from the way he talked about him. He had this sort of sad expression someone would have when reminiscing on the good days of their past; missing the moments he wouldn't be able to get back. The celebrity couldn't imagine the weight Jungkook was carrying on his shoulders knowing that he probably wasn't going to get his son back and it was as though he was raising a whole new person.

Another reason Taehyung admired Jungkook. The man was strong and he was trying to stay positive despite everything he's been through and is going through. Taehyung couldn't imagine himself being anything like Jungkook.

"Can I just say, you may not think it, but you're an amazing person and an amazing parent," Taehyung blurted out causing Jungkook's ears to turn pink as an awkward yet thankful smile spread across his face.

"I- thank you...that means a lot," Jungkook said as he released a breathy laugh. With what he's been going through with Hanbin, hearing this truly did make him feel better. He didn't realize how much he needed a genuine compliment like that.

"Really, you are," Taehyung quickly said, "I've met a lot of positive people but most of them are just...they're overly optimistic and kind of just ignore the bad things in life. You not only take the bad and find the good within in but you also hold on to the bad and try to learn and pick yourself up from it and not just ignore it. Most people who have been through what you have would just give up on life and decide they're meaningless to society, but you're actually trying to build yourself back up and the way you're handling Hanbin's condition? I don't think I could handle it if it were my girls."

Jungkook smiled large enough to show his teeth before releasing a small laugh, unsure of what to say. Sure Jimin and Namjoon have complimented him on his parenting but that was only when he stated that he was going through something. They never really randomly complimented him but he knew they thought highly of him as well. But what Taehyung was saying truly made his heart burst with pride and happiness and he didn't really know how to handle it.

"I don't know what to say," Jungkook laughed as he brought his hands up to his ears, "I'm not complimented this much or so thoughtfully. Did you write this down and memorize it?"

"Nope, it's all from right this moment," Taehyung smiled, "and I'll be sure to throw out these compliments more often, so prepare yourself to be bombarded with high praise every day."

Jungkook couldn't help but smile. Maybe he's finally found a good person who will actually treat him the way he's supposed to be treated. And maybe Taehyung's finally found the person who will see him for him and not for his bank account or public image.


Word Count: 5998

The ending sucks but like...5 THOUSAND WORDS???? Wtf...

This was cute asf, I'm not gonna lie 😭😭😭 I enjoyed writing it, hope you enjoyed reading it 🥺🥺🥺

Next chapter is minor angst:

"Was Jungkook only destined for bad luck and failure?

And how good of a parent was he to be sitting there having a self-pity fest while one of his sons was crying in his arms and the other one was going through a crisis Jungkook didn't know anything about?"

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