60 Days Of Shoot

By hessa_fanfiction

6.8K 753 85

This story is amazing!! We love it and hope y'all will too. This is Intense, Adorable & Perfect. To our reade... More



161 13 4
By hessa_fanfiction

Theresa Salvatore

"What the fuck is this? What is going on with the two of you?" Nick points at us.

The colour from our faces instantly faded. This can't be happening right now.

Hardin holds my hand and looks at Nick with anger, "Mind your language! You don't get to talk to her or me like that."

These two always end up fighting whenever they meet. And I hate to admit that it's always because of me. Nick is my bestfriend and I love him but he just can't control who I date and who I don't. He knows I hate it when someone does that.

"I should have known this from the start! I shouldn't have believed you when you said the connecting rooms weren't planned! I should have known that something was going on between the two of you. You take every fucking thing from me Hardin. What have I ever done to you?" Nick starts blaming Hardin for everything.

I'm just tired of them blaming each other for their past. None of them tell me what happened and just keep fighting all the freaking time. Now it's getting on my nerves.

"I never took any thing from you. You just want to blame me for every problem in your fucking life. What happened years ago was not my fault. I didn't know those things were going to happen okay?" Hardin shouts back and I haven't seen him this angry in the past three months ever. The veins on his forehead are so prominent and they might just pop out any minute.

"Yes, it was your fucking fault. You caused everything. Should I remind you of Olivia?" Nick raises his eyebrow at Hardin.

Wait. Now who the hell is Olivia? I swear to god I'll go crazy if these two keep shouting at each other. They don't even explain the situation, just keep blaming each other for what happened.

"For the love of God, stop blaming me for what happened that day. You don't even know why I was there and why all that happened. You just like to jump to conclusions because you see something. I didn't do anything wrong. For once did you ever ask Olivia why she did what she did?" Hardin leaves my hand and takes a step towards Nick.

"I saw everything Hardin, with my own eyes. And I don't need to ask Olivia. I trusted her. She was my girlfriend and I bet you knew about it. You take everyone away from me. You get every fucking thing you want. From mum to Olivia and now Tessa!" Nick points at me and his face is completely red because of anger.

Nick had a girlfriend named Olivia? Why don't I know about this? And why is he saying that Hardin took her away from him? Did they have an affair while she was dating Nick? I don't think Hardin will do something like that to his brother.

I just want to stop this fight right here. I don't think I have the courage to go inbetween them right now. Both of them are so furious right now. It's scaring the shit out of me.

"First of all, I didn't steal mum from you. It was her own choice. I didn't have a say in it and neither did you. She has the right to do whatever she wants. You started blaming me for it. For no fucking reason," Hardin balls his fist and tries to control his anger but it doesn't help, "And talking about your Olivia. I had zero interest in her. She was the one who came to me. I didn't and never would fucking call her!"

"So you are saying that you wouldn't call her, huh? Then what the fuck were you doing in her office? Why was she cleaning your shirt? Why were you hugging her? You think I'm just going to accept whatever crap you say? I know she was cheating on me because of you. I know you did this on purpose. I knew that you didn't like me but that day you crossed a limit Hardin. Maybe I would have made amends after what happened with mum but after I saw you with my girlfriend, I don't think I'll ever be to stand you. I just hate you," Nick snaps and for some reason I just can't move. I want to break the fight. I just cant. I'm scared. And I know Hardin has a past but I can't listen to all these accusations about him. I'm going to wait for him to explain.

"I went to her office because I had to sign a contract. I was working with her boss. You just entered when the boy who got me the juice, spilt it on my shirt. He went to get me a spare shirt and till then Olivia was helping me clean my shirt. And I just told her I was leaving and have her a casual friendly hug you asshole! You just walked in when that happened. We didn't do anything! You just jumped to a conclusion without even asking me what was going on," Hardin takes a pause and continues, "Yes she told me that she liked me and wanted to hook up but I rejected her. I knew she was your girlfriend. I would never do that to you which is why I cancelled the contract to stay away from her. I'm not as low as you think of me," Hardin finally removes all of his anger.

I think it's high time and so I quickly go inside and call Dan, Trevor and Lydia. They have no idea Nick's here and I hope they can stop the fight before it gets physical.

I run into the dining area and start crying, "Nick's here. And he saw us kissing. Hardin and Nick are caught up in a very heated argument and before they start punching each other, please stop them."

As soon as I tell them Dan and Trevor run outside and Lydia gives me a glass of water but I don't need that right now. Right now I just need the boys to calm down.

We quickly go outside and see that Trevor and Dan are trying to stop them but Hardin and Nick just pushed them away.

Nick punches Hardin's jaw shouting, "You don't deserve shit in your life. You are just a burden for everyone. You took three important people from my life. You are an asshole!"

"You bastard, you don't get to decide what I do in life. You are so full of yourself," Hardin punches Nick back.

I think it's time for me to go and stop the fight. I've had enough now.

I go and push the boys away with all the power that I have. Both of them turn to look at me.

"Stop this right now. You both will listen to me," I shout on top my lungs and both of them look at me in shock.

"You, you don't get to decide who I date. Hardin has been nothing but sweet and caring. Yes I haven't known him for long and you guys don't have a good relationship but that doesn't mean he's a bad person. I am not going to judge him without knowing the entire story. So just stop fighting. Like now," I snap and Nick's jaw is left open.

Nick quickly recovers from the shock and says, "First of all, I wasn't talking to you Tessa. I am so disappointed in you right now. First Noah and now Hardin, you have great taste in men. I had already warned you to stay away from him but you didn't listen to me. And now you are believing him and you have just know him for what, three months? Tessa I've been your bestfriend for more than two years now. I had expected you to understand."

The look on Nick's face makes me angry for some reason. It's like I've disappointed him by dating his brother. And he just snapped at me. He's never done that. I just can't hold back my tears and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"You don't need to tell me about my taste in men. I can decide for myself, thank you. For once can you be happy with the person I'm dating. While Noah, I was fine with you criticising because he deserved it. But not Hardin. He has treated me like the way a woman should be. So please, I want you to stop this."

"Oh, so you think he likes you? I'm sure you are just one of his numerous conquests. Won't be long before he shows you his true side. Hardin and his conquests are very famous among people!" Nick crosses his arms around his chest and smirks.

Nick's just staring at me and I'm speechless. Did he just call me one of Hardin's conquest? Right now I don't even know who is. He's crossing every damn limit.

"She's not a fucking conquest. If she would have been one, I wouldn't ask her to be my first girlfriend," Hardin moves forward and punches Nick.

Nick doesn't take long to punch Hardin back. They continue hitting each other and swearing at each other.

"Guys can you stop fighting. You are in the middle of a freaking road," I try my best to stop them.

I've had enough today. First my fight with Hardin related to Charlotte and now this. It's been one day since we are back, and all of this is happening. Can't we spend one week without all the drama.

"I expected you to support me as my bestfriend but," I'm cut off when Nick's elbow unintentionally hits me when he tired to punch Hardin.

His elbow hits right on my collarbone and the force was so much that I go back a few steps and fall on the ground.

I try to get up but my ankle hurts. It's not bad but I can't really get up without support.

Suddenly, I hear a loud horn from a car coming towards me in full speed. Hardin sees the car and he quickly runs towards me. He picks me up and turns us around, and now he's in front of the car.

The car was in such speed that Hardin didn't get a chance to get aside and the car hits him. My heart skips a beat when I see Hardin roll over the car and fall on the road. Everything around me goes blank and all I can see is Hardin and blood around him.

I quickly go and put his head on my lap. There is a huge cut on his forehead and the blood isn't stopping. Everyone rushes towards us and I try to keep Hardin awake. He's loosing a lot of blood.

Nick comes closer but I push him back, "This is all because of you. You don't get to come close to me or him. You let your ego get in the way today and you hurt me. And look what happened. This is all your fault."

I caresses Hardin cheek, "Hardin please stay awake. Be with me. We'll take you to the hospital and you'll be fine. I promise. Just don't close your eyes. Please."

Tears don't stop falling from my eyes and I just hope Hardin is fine. If anything happens to him I won't be able to forgive myself. They got into a fight because of me. And he tried to save me which is why he got hit by the car.

Trevor quickly gets his car to where Hardin is lying down. Dan and I some how lift Hardin and place him in the backseat.

Nick tries to get in the car but I stop, "You don't get to come with us," and close the door and ask Trevor to drive to the hospital as soon as possible.

I place Hardin's head on my lap and caress his face with one and hold his hands with the other.

"Hardin, please keep your eyes open. Say something," I continue crying.

"I love you Tess," is all he manages to say and closes his eyes and my heart skips a beat again.

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