
By Jadahx_

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What is love with lies? More

Roll Call
🚨New story alert🚨


1.9K 90 73
By Jadahx_

Some days later...


Brooklyn pulled up to her house, it was about 11:00 and pouring rain. She was annoyed and frustrated to the point she was tuning out her screaming twins who sat in the back seats. They were almost 4 months now, meaning they were staying up more and much more alert than they were months before.

"We're home, please calm down." Brooklyn groaned as she opened the back door to get them both out the car. She popped both pacifiers in their mouth, only for them to spit them out and start back on their crying. Usually they're back home earlier, but Chris felt the need to go against their agreement today and bring them to Bernice's house extremely late. She didn't know why nor did she feel like questioning it.

Having to raise two babies basically alone was difficult at times. They did get to see their father and spend the night of course, but living in a house alone with them was difficult on the days she had them. As days went on, Brooklyn got used to it but it was still hard. She grabbed both car seats and placed them on the floor of the garage before locking the car. Being that the garage was now closed and connected to the house directly, Brooklyn never had to fear when her back was turned. She quickly unlocked the door and grabbed both babies again.

"What's the issue?" She whined, realizing they weren't going to calm down anytime soon. She placed them on the living room floor and took a seat on the couch. Brooklyn grabbed her phone, about to call Bernice but ended up accidentally pressing on one of the many voicemails Chris had left her in the past days. She rolled her eyes, turning the phone off but paused and turned to her sons. For the split second their father's voice was on, both calmed down and here they were crying again once Brooklyn turned the phone off.

"This must be a joke." She mumbled, grabbing Malachi and laying him to the right of her. She did the same with Micah, except laying him to the left of her. She eyed the crying babies before staring down at her phone. She hesitated before pressing the contact name that she hasn't acknowledged since coming from his house that day. She nibbled on her bottom lip as it rang.

"H-hello?" Chris was surprised, not expecting a call from Brooklyn. He was in his room in deep thought about her, he told himself it was manifestation.

"The twins won't calm down unless they hear your voice so talk." Chris dropped his head in defeat for a second, he was really hoping Brooklyn wanted to talk or see him. Brooklyn grabbed Micah and Malachi, placing her phone in her side pocket after putting it on speaker.

"Hey hey hey, y'all can't be stressing mommy out with all that crying." Both of them popped their heads up from Brooklyn's shoulder, looking at her confused. She walked into their room in her house, placing both of them down. She sat on the comfy chair in their room, saying nothing as she watched their eyes begin to flutter from his voice.

"Daddy already be giving her greys, we can't have y'all doing it too. I'll see you both tomorrow and I love y'all sooo much..." Brooklyn took a breathe of relief, seeing both of their eyes shut with their pacifiers hanging out of their mouth. Chris was still talking about God knows what and she didn't bother telling him they were sleeping already, not until she successfully put their night clothes on without them waking up.

"They're sleep." Brooklyn quietly said as she grabbed her phone and the baby monitor. She tip-toed out of their room, softly closing the door behind her.

"Oh okay cool." There was an awkward silence between the two, Brooklyn having no words for him and him having so many that he didn't know where to start.

"Alright well imma go and-."

"Wait!" Brooklyn sat on her bed, pulling the phone from her ear and putting it on speaker. She sighed, not having the energy to be talking with him at nearly 12 in the morning.

"What?" Chris cringed to himself, hearing the irritation in her voice and knowing he was the reason for it. Less than 5 months ago, anytime they talked there was excitement laced in her voice. Now, it's nothing but irritation and disgust.

"I just wanna talk to don't even have to say anything. Please-." Brooklyn rolled her eyes and hung up the phone. It was too late for her to be bothered with him and she wasn't in the mood. The twins would probably be waking her back up in about 3 hours anyways.

Brooklyn got up, going to the bathroom to do her night routine. She just wanted to be at peace with herself for once in her life. She looked at the bathtub through the mirror and got an idea.

Brooklyn left out her bathroom, jogging downstairs into one of her rooms where she kept some of her things. She grabbed the bin that had all of her candles and held it in her left arm. She then went to the kitchen, grabbing a wine glass and grabbed the pink moscato out the fridge.

She walked back upstairs and went straight to her bathroom, placing everything down. She turned the light on as she lit each of the candles. She also turned on the bath water, pouring bubble bath wash all over the tub. She watched carefully as the tub got full before placing candles all ar the tub.

Brooklyn undressed herself and slowly sat down, allowing the hot water to take over her body. She moaned out at the feeling, her body relaxing into the the water. Grabbing the wine glass, she poured herself a little bit of wine. She took a sip and placed it to the side of her before sitting up and staring out the window.

She allowed herself to get lost in her thoughts as she looked out at the city from her window. She could see the light up buildings and street lights. The sound of cars honking at each other loudly being calming to her.

This was a very rare time for her, she couldn't remember the last time where she's been able to simply relax and just think. Sometimes she felt that her life was terrible until she realized she actually had it very good.

She had her children, she was living in a beautiful house, she had a successful business, she had loving siblings, an amazing best friend, and a lot more that she took for granted. She smiled to herself as she continued staring out the window, something that she hadn't done in a while.

One man who couldn't appreciate her didn't define her and she wouldn't allow it to define her. There was a point in time where she only wanted him, only wanted to be with him forever. But sometimes no matter how much you loved a person, you had to let them go. Not just for yourself but them also.

Chris also sat in his room, his feet touching the ground as he sat on the side of the bed. His head was in his hand and he was deep in thought just like Brooklyn...just miles apart.

He reminded himself that he had everything he wanted in life. He had a successful career, he had tons of love from fans and family, he had all the money he could imagine, he had two beautiful sons, but he was missing one thing and that was the love of his life.

He told himself repeatedly that she was perfect, he asked himself multiple times what it was that wasn't enough for him. He sat for hours, asking himself the same question in his head and out loud...but came up with nothing each time.

He thought back to what Angela said about his initial impression on her. The words easy and naive repeating in his head. He groaned in frustration and stood up, grabbing a piece of paper from on his dresser along with a pen and book. He placed the book on his lap and put the blank sheet of paper on top.

• Strong, beautiful, independent, love of my life
• Strong, beautiful, independent, love of my life
• Strong, beautiful, independent, love of my life

He wrote those exact words on the sheet of paper exactly 28 times which is how old he was. He wrote it another 25 times which is how old she was. He stared down at the sheet of paper and skimmed over the words.

"Strong, beautiful, independent, love of my life." He mumbled to himself. He smiled weakly and brushed his thumb over her name on the sheet of paper.

He furrowed his eyebrows, grabbing his laptop. He been doing some thinking about this whole pregnancy situation and he was sure he wasn't fucking her raw. It took 5 years for Brooklyn to get pregnant and they were fucking raw all the time but he was careful. He purposely got her pregnant with the twins. But if he didn't do that, he knew for a fact she wouldn't have gotten pregnant.

"I fucking knew it." Chris mumbled. He grabbed his phone and called Laila. He would've texted her but he needed to talk right now.

"Hello." She groggily answered. Chris clicked on the link on his screen and began reading over it in his head. He smirked in satisfaction, he knew this girl was probably half asleep being that it was about 2 in the morning but he didn't care.

"We're doing a paternity test tomorrow, be at my house by 11. If you not here then don't hit me up bout you and that child ever." Chris heard what sounded like someone rushing to sit up on the other end of the phone. There was a long pause until Laila cleared her throat.

"Y-you can't get those until the baby is born." Chris payed close attention to the sound of her voice and raised an eyebrow.

"That's where you're wrong. You can actually get one as a walk in appointment when the mother is at least 7 weeks pregnant and you told me that you're 3 months or whatever. All they have to do is take my mouth swab and your blood. Be there." There was another pause on the other end of the phone.

"Um okay sure." She nearly whispered. Chris knew there was something going on with the situation, but he would let the test do all the talking.

"What clinic do you usually go to?" Chris was only asking because they definitely weren't going there. He knew that if they went to her normal clinic, she would most likely know people there and possibly pay them off. He couldn't afford anything like that happening, not right now.

"Amen clinics." Chris nodded to himself and hung up the phone not giving her another word because she didn't need to get another word in, not anything that he would listen to at least.

Chris sat for a minute before opening google docs. He tilted his head and stared at the screen for a second until his fingers began to move at their own pace.

Day 1

Brooklyn, you may not want to hear it from me but I just want to let you know that you're beautiful and I love you so much. I know that I don't show it a lot but I swear I do. I'm grown and I can acknowledge that and I should already know how to treat you right...but I don't. I'm going to therapy for not only us but myself and our kids. I have no idea how much this will change anything but I'm praying it does something for us. I found a paternity test place that does safe tests while the woman is still pregnant. I'm not telling you this to rub it in your face or keep reminding you but I just want to keep you updated being that this is affecting us. Anyways, I just want to say I love you and you mean the world to me


Chris read over the little message once more and nodded in approval. He was going to print it and drop it by the house, but he had another idea. He shared it with her and turned off editing access. It was a new and different way of doing things. He's already done normal letters and text messages before. Chris named the doc 'Please open this at 8 every morning...I love you'. Before he sent it he made sure to put he didn't want sympathy or pity. This was sincere.

He closed down his laptop and placed it on the floor next to him. He looked at the picture of Brooklyn and the twins on his lock screen, smiling to himself before turning to go to sleep.

Don't worry...I got y'all🌚

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