Hopeless Romantic | ✔️

By brynnbunker

125K 6.8K 5.3K

It's been a year since Clay, otherwise known as Porkchop, planned the graduation event in Newport Beach. The... More

Character Aesthetics
1| Passion and Commitment
2| Inspiration Point
3| Cinnamon Juice All Over His Face
4| Love, in the Sense That it's Infinite
5| The Brownie Love
6| Long Lost Porkchop
7| Suspect Isn't Home
9| Wedding Crashers Can't be Caught
10| Another Daddy, I Suppose
11| Code Word: Watermelon
12| Press the Forbidden Button
13| The All-Encompassing, Huge, Life-Changing Stuff
14| Waffles and All Those Other Breakfasty Delights
15| Cooking and Dancing to One Direction
16| Chartreuse Means Serial Killer Tendencies
17| It All Starts With Lightsaber Chopsticks
18| Mug Cakes Can Wait
19| How Did My Oranges Become Lemons?
20| The Zach Disease
21| Restoring the Aesthetic for Brain Purposes
22| Bold, Subtle, and Sweet
23| Drowning in Pork Chops is Surprisingly Suffocating
24| The Instantaneous Cure for Bad Vibes
25| Me Okay
26| The Pong Life is Choosing You
27| Ashes & Dashes
28| A Free-Trial for Love
29| Empowered as Fuck
30| Inherently Human
31| 5 Friendly Cups of Coffee
32| The Synonyms That Describe Our Relationship
33| The Impulsive and Nosy Bitch
34| Probably Not Nothing
35| Bitter Conscious
36| Not Normal
37| Tyler Hamilton Doesn't Cook
38| Incandescently Content
39| Clarify Your Feelings
40| Always Records
41| The Pumpkin Pie Hotshot
42| Whipped Cream for Your Thoughts?
43| My Liege
44| You Can't Build a Child Out of a Blueprint
45| Weenie Hut General for Brain Damage
46| Ice Cream Doesn't Equal Love
47| Daddy's Little Boy & The Hunk of Meat
48| Preparatory to Mac and Cheese Opera
49| The Best Damn Reunion That Ever Was
50| Simplicity and Love
51| One-Hundred Percent Authentic Unpasteurized Big Love
52| The Great and Unequaled Porkchop
53| A True Hopeless Romantic
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3

8| Plans to Shake Some Ass

2.3K 140 87
By brynnbunker

8| Plans to Shake Some Ass

FOR reference, waking up to the sound of an apartment buzzer... Not the most pleasing sound. But definitely effective as an alarm. Which is why after hearing it only twice, I rolled out of bed groaning and trudged to the front door. When I looked out the peephole, it was Cayden.

I opened the door, yawning tremendously and raking a hand through my bedhead. I could only assume I was looking extra unkempt.

"Woo, no shirt! I should have invited Jeremy over and made it a party," Cayden said, walking past me into the apartment.

I slowly shut the door and turned around, leaning up against the wall while Cayden looked around the apartment, taking it in. I was still blinking and trying to wake myself up. Again. I needed some goddamn coffee.

"Ty Ham," Cayden said, spinning around to face me. "This place is lavish as hell! Are you rich or what?"

I yawned again and walked into the kitchen to start making a pot of coffee. "Not me. My sugar daddy," I replied.

"Erm. Are you even awake or are you sleep mumbling?"

"Nope. Sugar daddy Jesse pays for this," I told him, then spun around and sat on top of the counter while the coffee brewed. "My sister's boyfriend. And how'd you know where I lived?"

"I've done my research," Cayden said. "I am also here to invite you to guys night out."

"Guys night out?"

"Picture this," Cayden said, "4 boys. 1 club. Lots of drinks, or virgin drinks for the younglings. Dancing. A shit ton of fun."

"Well, I like a shit ton of a fun. So I'm in," I said. "Who are the other 2 guys, then?"

"Of course it'll be Noah and my lovely husband, Jeremy. Porkchop might make an appearance because I always invite him, but he's working a little today. I just didn't tell him you'd be there because apparently we're not allowed to 'push him' to see you or whatever," Cayden explained. "Like, he said he wants to see you! But he's a nervous boy."

"Well, if Clay decides to show up, make sure he keeps a few buttons undone. For my own viewing pleasure," I teased.

"You absolutely dirty dog. I love it!" Cayden exclaimed and sat down at one of the barstools at the counter.

"So, Clay is avoiding me?" I asked.

"Well... Technically, yes. But he wants to see you," Cayden told me. "Supposedly, he's psyching himself out and whatever. I mean, this is the dude who quit a dating app after a few days."

I felt a little better knowing that Clay didn't not want to see me. He was just nervous, a little bit shy maybe. Which was cute and endearing, honestly. It was exactly how I remembered Clay from the little I knew about him and the small time we spent together.

"I can text Clay and make his attendance mandatory after he's finished work," Cayden said. "If you want to, of course. Up to you. He might show up anyway."

I turned around to get 2 mugs, assuming Cayden might want some coffee. I thought about seeing Clay tonight. I didn't really even know what would happen if I saw him. Cayden and Logan seemed to think something would happen romantically. I didn't even know what I wanted. Or what he wanted for that matter.

And then there was the text I sent to Alexander. No response as of yet. The door between us was either closed or nonexistent. I didn't want to dwell on it if there was nothing to dwell about in the first place.

"Text Clay. Tell him it's 'highly recommended' that he makes an appearance."

I spun around and handed a mug over to Cayden while I put some hazelnut creamer and Sweet-N-Low packets into my own coffee. If coffee wasn't super sweet, I wasn't going to fucking drink it. (Minus the occasional cappuccino after a long night.)

"Hell yes! I'm texting him asap. And I am already praising you for this coffee. Did your sugar daddy buy this too?" Cayden asked.

"It was here when I arrived. The dude hooked me up."

"So your sister's boyfriend pays for this place?" Cayden asked and I nodded. I had no trouble admitting that this type of money was definitely not mine. But then Cayden added, "So what was the reason for your move?"

That, I had a bit more trouble admitting.

It was true that I came to play basketball at UGA and to get a change of scenery, but neither of those were the main reason. It was deeper, more meaningful, than that. It wasn't so simple. I didn't need a change of scenery just because I was bored of the one I'd grown up with. I needed a change because I was desperate for something new. I needed to stop being so ridiculously lonely at UCLA, so hateful towards school, so scared to be myself, so caught up in the feeling that UCLA was eerily similar to the high school experience I mostly hated.

I didn't know Cayden well enough to make him go all 'therapist' on me. I thought the dude was nice and genuine. He seemed like the kind of guy who made friends so easily, and I was thankful that he was considering me a friend so early on. Because friends weren't exactly my forte... Never had been.

"Just had a bad time going to college at UCLA," I admitted with a shrug. "I wasn't really comfortable there."

For me, it was a pretty big admission.

"That sucks," Cayden said. "Clay went to UCLA for volleyball. He's a beast on the court and then a little cutie pie off of it. And so you just chose UGA because they offered you a spot?"

I nodded. "Basically. And Georgia seemed nice enough, you know? Warm enough for me, warmer than I'm used to actually, and pretty."

"You'll love the club scene. Trust me. There are some great under 21 clubs we'll take you to."

"Do you usually go to under 21 clubs?" I asked, smiling at Cayden.

He laughed a little. "Nah. We're all over 21. But for Ty Ham? We're going to be inclusive. Plus, I'm serious about the under 21 clubs. They're still sick."

"Well, I'm fucking in. I could let loose a bit."

"That's the spirit!" Cayden exclaimed, then looked around the apartment. "You're gonna need to give me a tour. And the contact information for your sister's boyfriend."



Group Message Thread

2 buffoons & tyler


TYLER: im going clubbing tonight, guess who's cooler than both of y'all combined

ALEX: omg jesse call the doctor, he's been in georgia for almost 2 weeks and he's already started to say "y'all"


ALEX: clubbing where

TYLER: who tf knows

TYLER: wherever cayden and his friends go (dw its under 21 ALEXANDRA)

ALEX: i dont give a shit if you drink as long as you dont JUMP OFF THE ROOF



I rolled my eyes and put my phone away, then proceeded to button up my shirt. But like, I wasn't modest, so I left a good 3 buttons undone. We were going clubbing, after all. I wasn't quite sure what that entailed but shit was I excited to figure out.

Cayden texted me. He was downstairs in the car with Noah and Jeremy waiting for me so we could "hit the clubs", as he said. Still, I had no fucking clue where we were going. But regardless, I sprayed just a hint of cologne (you know, just in case), and I grabbed my keys and left the apartment, heading down all 25 floors to the lobby where I could spot the taxi the others were in.

The door opened for me and Cayden was in the back with Jeremy while Noah rode up front.

"Get in, Ty Ham! We have plans to shake some ass!"

The club we were going to was apparently a very short distance from my apartment building. We could have walked and it would have only taken 10 minutes, if not for the fact that everyone else lived at least 20 minutes away. And besides, Cayden apparently had plans to get super drunk.

"I'll be the responsible one," is what Noah told me when we all got out of the car and made our ways to the entrance of the club. "Cayden will be the drunk one because even if it's an Under 21 club, there's still alcohol if you have ID. And Jeremy will be the ass shaker."

"I have an ass to shake," Jeremy said with a shrug. He and Cayden walked together, arms looped side by side.

"And I'm assuming you'll be the hot mysterious one," Noah said, and I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Don't worry, I'm not hitting on you. I have a wife–"

I interrupted, "I know, I'm just messing with you. Your wife's scary, too."

Noah chuckled. "She is. In the best way."

The club was called VICE and as we walked in, the whole place was lit up with bright purple lights. I could see a bar off to the left and a huge ass dance floor right in front of us. There were tables off in the distance, very few of them, and there was a stage at the front of the place where a DJ was mixing.

It was sick.

"This is the first Under 21 club I went to," Jeremy told me, and he needed to raise his voice in order for me to be able to hear him. The music was blaring and the lights were fading in and out of different purple tones.

"When did you first come here?" I asked.

"When I was 19, your age. I came with Cayden, matter of fact!" Jeremy said.

"We love this place," Cayden added, twisting around and catching hold of Jeremy's hand. "Let's go get a fucking drink! Who wants a drink?"

"Just water for me," Noah said.

I shrugged. "Something light."

Cayden winked. "I like the way you think. Starting off easy. Come on, Jare! The drinks won't wait forever!"

"I think they will," Jeremy uttered, but then he followed Cayden regardless towards the bar.

Noah and I stayed off to the side of the entrance. He leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed, foot tapping along to the EDM music.

"They always talk me into coming here."

"You don't like it?" I asked.

"It's not bad. It's always a great time. But I think becoming a dad has evidently changed my party lifestyle," Noah said, and I nodded understandingly. Couldn't imagine being a dad so young. "You party a lot?"

I shook my head. "Not since high school, really," I admitted. "I used to go to the occasional frat party my first semester at UCLA. I think I went to 3 before I decided that it wasn't for me. Too many girls trying to get in my business and considering I'm gay, that wasn't exactly the move for me."

"Well," Noah said, gesturing to the dance floor ahead of us, "welcome back to the party scene. I can assure you that no girls are gonna hit on you here."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why? Not enough buttons undone?"

Noah laughed and shook his head. "It's a queer nightclub."

I raised my eyebrows and my mouth opened but no sound came out. I couldn't believe I was actually shocked; Cayden and Jeremy were both gay, so of course they'd been to gay nightclubs before. I just hadn't expected it considering Noah was here, and he was definitely not...

"I come for the inclusion," Noah told me, practically reading my mind. "And because I have to deal with these two!"

Cayden and Jeremy returned, handing Noah a water and me some sort of fruity looking drink. I took a sip and I wasn't complaining. It tasted vaguely like strawberries and vodka. I didn't really think about getting wasted tonight, but a few mild drinks wouldn't hurt.

"Don't diss us 'cause you miss us!" Cayden exclaimed and Jeremy shook his head. "Ty Ham, we must get you on the dance floor."

"Must we?" I asked, looking towards the crowded dance floor. Everyone was grinding, shaking their asses like Jeremy planned on doing, and jumping up and down. I was never the biggest dancer, but I didn't mind letting loose.

"We must," Jeremy agreed. "Noah as well. Come along, ducklings. Don't worry, we won't go into the pit. That's definitely not newcomer-friendly."

Noah shot me a wide-eyed look and we followed Cayden and Jeremy towards the dance floor. The music just got louder the closer we got to the dancing groups of people. Women in gorgeous neon outfits with extravagantly glittery makeup, men with shirts buttoned less than mine and others wearing makeup, drag queens owning the dance floor, and groups of friends just getting down. I found myself grinning at the atmosphere.

It was so easy to see how accepting everyone was in the club. Everyone danced closely with one another regardless of gender, age, race, sexual orientation. Everyone was having a good time, singing along when a popular song played, laughing with one another, occasionally turning to a random person and spinning them around. There were no inhibitions in the club. It was touchy-feely and all-welcoming. While the dance floor was chaotic and pretty fucking intense, I felt oddly at ease.

It wasn't all that hard to let loose and fall into the swing of dancing beside Cayden, Jeremy, and Noah. I found that even Noah let loose, twirling Cayden around and laughing, bumping into random people purposefully every so often in a friendly way. I was kind of bewildered by the entire endeavor.

But I let myself go and swayed my hips when it was called for, jumped up and down, and no one seemed to care. There were people sweating loads in the massive tight-knit crowd, and the best part was that nobody gave a single shit.

The songs switched and "Na Na" by Trey Songz came on, which was one of my fucking jams.

And it was right at the moment I turned my head and caught sight of Clay; in a purple hue, he was glowing as he walked into the club.

I didn't take my eyes off of him as he looked around the club. I leaned over to speak to Cayden.

"I see you told him about the shirt," I said, and Cayden looked over towards Clay, then grinned. "I have a thing for buttons and collarbones."

"A kink!" Jeremy exclaimed, so loud that it earned several cheers from random people nearby. I didn't even feel embarrassed.

My eyes still on Clay, he finally turned in the right direction.

Our eyes locked and I could see the blatant shock on his face and he gaped. I laughed and held up my hand, waving once. It was the first time I'd really seen him since a year ago. He looked... so fucking good. The purple lights were doing it for me. The man looked like a sensual quartz, sparkling under the light and looking goddamn wonderful.

Just looking at him made me remember the night I saw him on the beach. Under all those fairy lights and the moonlight, his neck had been lit up with glow sticks so he didn't get "lost". His hair was neat but not too neat, you know? Like... he definitely washed and combed it, but it's not like he gelled it up or whatever. But damn. Yeah. I'd forgotten how hot he was.

I was trying to think of a way to make a bold move. Like what if I just walked right up to him? What if I just fucking walked up to him, said Remember me, I'm fucking amazing (no, I wouldn't actually say that), and let's fucking dance?

But then Clay turned and booked it, running off to one side of the club and disappearing from my sight.

"Ah shit," I heard Noah say. "He ran off." Noah pushed his way past me and turned to look at me for a second. "I'll go find him and see what's up. Stay here! Stay dancing! Stay loose!"


Seeing Tyler was not a part of the plan. But there he was. Totally at the club with Cayden, Jeremy, and Noah. Wearing a shirt with so many buttons undone I just about passed out. Hair messy from dancing and probably jumping around. Great smile and twinkling eyes. And when he caught my eye, he was smiling, he waved, and he winked.

What was I supposed to do but run away?

I'm surprised I didn't just turn right back around and leave the club as a whole. A part of me really wanted to go back home and watch an array of classic rom-coms like 16 Candles and Clueless. Because I think I always found comfort in those cheesy movies. And especially when I was freaking out.

But I decided to run off to the side of the club, kind of hidden in a corridor next to the bar, rather than just going all the way home.

"Hey," Noah's voice brought me back to earth. It was always nice to hear him. Always felt safe. "I'm glad you came."

"Tyler's here," I blurted.

"Tyler is here." Noah nodded. "I didn't know Cayden texted you to make your attendance mandatory until after we were in the cab with Tyler. I would have told you, but I thought... maybe in this setting, it would be okay."

I looked over Noah's shoulder, spotted Tyler dancing with Cayden and Jeremy.

"It's less pressure since there's a whole group of us," Noah said. "But I get it's still not exactly easy."

"And there's still pressure because I can't dane in front of people," I said, facepalming myself and looking at Noah. "I can't just like... let completely loose and do my usual 'Fergalicious' routine with him watching me. His... handsome eyes and all."

"Handsome eyes?" Noah raised his eyebrows and I sighed.

"They're like... a really nice brown-hazel sort of thing. I think it's handsome."

Noah smiled and touched my shoulder. "See? You remember his eyes, PC. It's been over a year and you remember the color of his handsome eyes."

"He looks really good," I admitted, scratching the back of my neck nervously. I kind of wanted to peak over Noah's shoulder again to get another look, but I decided against it and took a deep breath. If I looked again, I would surely get too freaked out and run off.

But I really wanted to try and have courage. Even if it was totally faked.

"Maybe I can do it. If I just walk over there and say... Hi," I said, then eyed the bar. "And I don't usually drink, but maybe a sip wouldn't hurt."

Noah squeezed my shoulder. "That's my guy. You've gotta know how incredible you are. Oh – and I won't forget to mention the fact that Tyler already said you looked good, too. Apparently, he has a thing for collarbones."

I touched my collarbone. "This?"

"Yes, that," Noah said, grinning and sliding his hand off my shoulder. "Come on. Take a sip of my drink and let's go over there."

Noah held up his drink and I took it right as the song playing changed. One sip. I lifted the glass to my mouth and drank just a little, puckering my lips at the bitter and burning taste of alcohol. I was naturally a lightweight from the times I did drink, and I knew that having barely a glass would at least loosen me up a little bit.

Noah took his drink back and smiled at me while I winced through the gross liquor.

"Let's go," Noah said, and we turned around to head to the dance floor. I always loved the purple lights that illuminated the entire place. Never any other colors. It gave off the best vibes. I thought maybe because of the lighting, the crowd, and the fact that Noah was by my side, I could do this. I could see Tyler.

Except for the fact that when we mmade it to Cayden and Jeremy, Tyler was just gone.

"PC!" Cayden exclaimed, reaching up to ruffle my hair. "You actually came over here!"

"He thought maybe he could face Tyler," Noah said, eyebrows furrowed. "Bathroom?"

Cayden and Jeremy looked at each other and then shook their heads. Cayden shrugged. "He, uh... left. He kind of ran off."

My heart did a little drop. Was it because of me?

"The song switched and then he just like... lost all life. Made a super quick excuse and practically ran out of the club," Cayden told us, then looked at me. "I'll text him. Okay? See if he explains. I'm about positive it has nothing to do with you. It seemed like something else entirely."

I nodded and breathed out a sigh. Maybe partly relief and the other part disappointment. Because now I didn't have to face Tyler so soon, but I knew that my faked courage was rare. It probably wouldn't reappear so easily. I'd just go right back to cowering in my apartment with my rom-coms, unable to face Tyler.

I just hoped he didn't run off because of me.

And then, if he didn't do it because of me, I hoped that he was okay.


Sorry for being a day late on the upload, y'all, there is life and school and work at the current moment and ya girl needs to find a BALANCE.

But anyway. HERE YOU ARE. Anotha one.

So close. So damn close to Tyler and PC reuniting.

Yet... so... far....

Hehe. I just gotta keep the suspense. I have to keep y'all waiting until I am SATISFIED. You get me?


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