Help Needed /~/ Taekook

By supermochii

295K 19.2K 5.5K

[Stuck in a weird state of ongoing and completed] Pregnant at sixteen by his rich model boyfriend, Jeon Jungk... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Ah Shit
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three (Part Three)
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Well Hi
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight

Chapter Fifteen

4.6K 363 77
By supermochii


Sorry, I unpublished to put the warning ↑

I knew I was forgetting to do something after I edited.


"I want to see you," Minsun said, pressing his back against the door and locking it. Jungkook glanced down at the man's hands as they turned to lock the top and bottom lock. "I want to see my kids."

"My kids," Jungkook corrected. He was trying to keep his composure but God only knew how many emotions were swirling through the poor man's mind. His body felt numb in the presence of his former abuser but he refused to give in to the painful memories. He wasn't the little boy who Minsun could push around and bend at his every need anymore, he knew how to fight and stand up for himself now, something he couldn't do when he was younger. Jungkook wasn't a toy anymore that give into Minsun's fake love. He was a changed man and if it came fown to it, Minsun would figure out just how much Jungkook has changed.

"Our kids," Minsun challenged.

He looked at his ex-boyfriend up and down, taking his changed physique and appearance. When they got together, Jungkook was small and cute. He had a baby face and big doe-y eyes. He was rather skinny until he got pregnant and always wore baggy clothing. When Jungkook became pregnant with Hanbin, he put on a late of weight since he didn't know how to control his cravings and depression made him unmotivated to do anything productive which changed his body greatly. Minsun had nagged at him about losing weight, commenting on how big the boy's thighs had become, his stomach and other body parts without taking into consideration the Postnatal Depression.

Now Jungkook had definitely changed in his appearance since the last time Minsun has seen him. All the baby fat he put on from Chanwoo's birth was seemingly gone or turned into muscle. Minsun could see how small his waist thanks to his thin shirt snd lamp behind him. His thighs were still thick but they looked good on him. He died his hair brown but the black roots were showing through and he had piercings. He looked nothing like the old Jungkook that would always look at him with fearful eyes, the timid Jungkook who spoke softly and cried even softer.

Minsun liked it.

"You've changed," Minsun observed. He turned to look at the console table beside the door. It had several framed photos on it with a plant in between. The model grabbed one of the photos, chuckling when he saw it was a photo of Hanbin and Chanwoo sitting in front of a blue backdrop. It was a recent photo, they were both wearing the same outfit. Chanwoo was sitting between Hanbin's legs and Hanbin was hugging Chanwoo with his chin rested atop the toddlers' head.

"Hanbin is getting big," Minsun commented as he picked up another picture of just Hanbin, "he's turning seven, isn't he?"

"I want you out of my house, Minsun," Jungkook said, "now."

Minsun ignored him as he picked up a picture of Chanwoo. He didn't have much of a relationship with Chanwoo as he left Jungkook when the toddler was barely one. He was a chubby little boy now with curly hair and Minsun frowned, trying to figure out who he looked more like.

"Minsun," Jungkook snapped, "get out of my fucking house."

Minsun turned to look at him. They held each other's gaze for what felt like an eternity. Jungkook's nerves ate away at him and he fought the urge to look away, refusing to lose any battle between this man in his own house. He wasn't going to allow this piece of trash to take away everything he worked hard to regain and force him into a black hole again but the longer he stared into Minsun's dark brown eyes the more he felt the terrible memories he locked away trying to breakthrough. In the magazines, the commercials, Minsun always looked happy and his eyes seemingly held nothing but fake joy, but all Jungkook saw was darkness; the real Kang Minsun, the Kang Minsun that's hidden behind the flashing cameras.

Minsun dropped the photograph on the table and slammed his foot in front of him as if he were taking a step towards the younger man. Jungkook instantly flinched, his heart seemingly stilling at the mock advance. Minsun deeply laughed and shook his head.

"Look at you, trying to act all hard and tough yet you're still secretly scared of me."

"I'm not scared of you," Jungkook argued.

Minsun advanced towards the comparably short man. Jungkook used all his willpower not to cower away and stood his ground despite his heart dropping down to his stomach and his airways threatening to close as anxiety tried to take over his body. He stood still, rigid with his hands tightened in fists by his thighs. Minsun stopped just before his chest could touch Jungkook's. There was barely any space between the two of them. Jungkook didn't move a muscle as Minsun laughed, his breath hitting the top of Jungkook's head and making his hair move slightly.

"Really now?" Minsun whispered, lowering his head until his lips brushed against Jungkook's ear. "I can practically hear your heart slamming against your chest right now. Go on Jungkook, cower away like you're used to."

Jungkook raised his fist to punch the model squarely in the face but Minsun caught it in his hand, squeezing it and causing Jungkook to yell out as he felt as though his fingers were about to break. Minsun squeezed harder and brought Jungkook's arm down. Jungkook struggled to get his hand free as he too began to go down with the force. Minsun kneed his ex-boyfriend in the stomach which ultimately caused Jungkook to fall to the ground, biting the insides of his cheeks so hard that he tasted blood.

When Jungkook fell to his knees, Minsun grabbed the man by his hair and jerked his head back. He brushed his fingers against the brunette's soft face and hummed.

"I missed you, Jungkook," Minsun sighed, "you know besides this we were pretty good together, you depended solely on me: financially, emotionally, mentally — you had absolutely no one, remember?"

"Fuck you," Jungkook rasped, headbutting Minsun as soon as his face got close enough to his. Minsun groaned and staggered back, covering his eye. He covered quickly before Jungkook could stand up completely. He tackled Jungkook to the couch, pinning the struggling man underneath him.

"GET OFF!" Jungkook screamed, wiggling his wrists out of Minsun's hands. Minsun grabbed his wrists again and pinned them above Jungkook's head and used his other hand to wrap around the said man's slender neck.

Flashbacks blinded Jungkook and made him choke back a sob. All he saw was memories of intense beatings he received from this man that would happen every day, every other day, once a month — it was unpredictable. He saw the days where he couldn't even take care of Hanbin properly because of how much pain he was in.

Minsun's scoff jerked him out of his thoughts.

"I came over to reconnect but clearly this escalated into something much different," Minsun chuckled. "I miss you like this, you were never this feisty but must I say, I like the change."

Jungkook gathered saliva in his mouth and was about to let it loose on his attacker's face but a tiny voice stopped him.

"D-Daddy..." Hanbin called out and Jungkook craned his neck back to get a glimpse of Hanbin's terrified face near the centre of the stairs.

"B-Baby, go back to bed," Jungkook tried to stabilize his voice but even he wanted to break down from his situation but seeing his little boy's scared face made it much worse. Here he was again, being a terrible parent.

Minsun released Jungkook but before Jungkook could do anything something hard slammed against his head and all he saw were stars before dark spots. He weekly reached out and tried to shake away the dark spots but they completely clouded his vision and he slowly began to lose touch with everything around him.

Minsun stood above him and watched him slowly lose consciousness, blood trickled down from his temple where the hard object hit him. As soon as Jungkook's eyes fluttered closed, Minsun dropped the object and looked up at Hanbin who was standing on the stairs, petrified. His little body was visibly shaking and Minsun could tell he was holding back sobs. The six-year-old busted into loud wails as soon as the man took a step towards him. He turned and ran up the stairs, almost tripping on his pajamas in the process.

"Hanbin," Minsun called out, walking up the stairs, "come on, sweetheart, don't hide from Daddy, I miss you, I won't hurt you."

He walked towards the door that was opened and peaked in. He saw his youngest boy loudly snoring with his mouth open but no sign of Hanbin. He chose not to go in and wake Chanwoo.

He looked through the other rooms before finally stopping in front of one that had a bunch of superhero and Disney character stickers on the door. 'Hanbin' was spelt out in blue and white letters and the door was barely ajar. When he walked inside the pitch-black room, he could hear Hanbin's heavy breathing.

"Hanbin," the model said, "come on now, I promise I won't hurt you, I just want to see you, it's been two or three years and I miss you so much. I won't see my little boy again, don't you want to see me?"

"No!" Hanbin cried, "I-I h-hate y-you."

Minsun turned and saw him sitting in the corner between his bookshelf and his door. He had his knees pressed tightly against his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. His chubby cheeks had tears flowing down them and his bottom lip was poked out.

"Dont cry, Hanbin," Minsun said, crouching down in front of the six-year-old, "its a sign of weakness, come here and give me a hug."

Hanbin didn't move so Minsun leaned forward and grabbed the little boy's arms. He pulled him up and Hanbin limply fell into his the man's arms. Minsun made him stand up in front of him and he marvelled at how big his son has grown since the last time he's ever seen him.

"You're so tall for a six-year-old and so handsome, you look just like your other daddy," Minsun said. He used his thumbs to wipe his son's face, "stop crying."

"Y-You...h-hurt Da—"

"Ssh ssh," Minsun shook his head, "your daddy started everything, I just wanted to stop by and say hello, he attacked me instead but I promise you I'm not how I was a long time ago and even so, I would never hurt you or Chanwoo—"

"I H-HATE YOU!" Hanbin screamed before using his tiny fists to pummel the man trapping him. He took Minsun by surprise and struck him in the face. He slipped from the corner he was trapped in and ran out the door, stopping when he saw Chanwoo standing in the doorway of his room.

"Now Hanbin, that was uncalled for," Minsun scolded, "you never hit your father."

Overwhelmed and terrified, the six-year-old grabbed his baby brother and pulled him into the nearest closet. Hanbin held Chanwoo close to his own trembling body. His lips quivered and he started crying once more.

"Ouch, Ha'bin," Chanwoo whined, "you—"

The closet door opened and Hanbin screamed. Minsun leaned down to grab one of them but before he could, Jungkook tackled him to the ground. He slammed the closet doors closed before returning to Minsun who was pushing himself up.

"It looks like someone has grown a pair," Minsun joked as Jungkook backed out of Chanwoo's room, refusing to do anything in his toddler's room.

As soon as Jungkook stepped one foot into the hallway, Minsun advanced towards him, slamming his arm against Jungkook's chest and pushing him backwards until he crashed into the wall.

"I. Want. You. Out of. My. House," the younger man said through clenched teeth. He raised his knee to slam it into Minsun's crotch but the model pressed against him until there was no visible space between their bodies. Jungkook released a sound of struggle as he turned his head to the side. Minsun pushed all of his weight against Jungkook and Jungkook struggled under him as he pushed and tried to raise one leg.

"Get off!" He yelled, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

"Its been a while," Minsun said, dipping his head to the side to look Jungkook in the eye — or at least try to. "Seeing you sparked something, there are still some feelings there isn't there, Jungkook? Plus, I haven't seen my boys in what? 2 years? 3 years? You completely turned Hanbin against me and I don't like that, Jungkook."

"I feel nothing for you," Jungkook seethed, "and you turned Hanbin against yourself and Chanwoo doesn't even know you, they don't want or need you!"

Minsun growl as he grabbed Jungkook's hair, pulled him away from the wall and threw him to the floor. The older man fell on top of him and wrapped his hands around Jungkook's throat.

"You know, I should have killed you when we were still together and then take my kids and move away, I'd make millions somehow — Hanbin sure did grow to be a handsome boy, dont you think?" Minsun taunted, "maybe I'll just finish you off here, take Hanbin and maybe Chanwoo, get straight in my private jet and go to America, maybe Europe."

"You sick fuck!" Jungkook croaked out, he reached up and tried to claw at gus face before scratching his hands and try to twist and turn. His vision blurred with tears.

"I miss you though, Jungkook," Minsun continued as though they were having a very casual conversation over tea. "Maybe we could get back together and put all of this behind us, you know how I found you right? I saw you on an online magazine, traced you to an Instagram page, called the company and asked for you — of course, they would tell me who you work for I'm Kang Minsun — I found my old boss—"

"DADDY!" before Minsun could continue, a tiny body jumped atop Jungkook's chest and pushed his hands in Minsun's face. The toddler's sudden appearance startled the oldest man enough to where he completed let go of Jungkook's neck to push the little one off. Without thinking, Jungkook wrapped his arm around Chanwoo's torso and brought him down to the floor and the smack that was meant for the toddler collided with Jungkook's already red face.

Jungkook scrambled to get from underneath Minsun and dragged Chanwoo with him but Chanwoo wiggled out of Jungkook's grip but Minsun's arm hard. Minsun screamed and Jungkook grabbed Chanwoo and jerked him away from the older man.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU TAUGHT OUR KIDS?!" Minsun yelled, watching Jungkook with such a cold and heartless expression. Jungkook held Chanwoo close to his chest, rubbing his back and trying to calm the boy down as he could feel his racing heart against his own.

Jungkook was too shaken up to say anything and he just continued backing away. He was breathing hard and he had to blink away tears and black spots, he didn't trust his voice right now as he knew he would break down if he spoke. Minsun continued to insult him in front of their youngest and in earshot of their oldest but Jungkook ignored it. He wanted to get to Hanbin and comfort him but Minsun was standing in front of the doorway.

"Just leave!" Jungkook pleaded, closing his eyes and pressing his face against the top of his baby's curly head. "Get out, get out, please get out! I won't tell anyone just get out!"

"Yeah, you won't tell anyone," Minsun stated while nodding as he walked towards his panting ex-boyfriend, "no one would believe you anyway, you're a nobody, I have more power over you even in court and if you tell someone, consider yourself and this little bitch of yours dead."

"You're not getting Hanbin," Jungkook challenged, gripping Chanwoo tighter his chest. "You will never get him. Leave us alone, Minsun, it's been almost three years."

"Well, I want to be back in my son's life what's so wrong with that?"

Jungkook looked up at his attacker. Their eyes connected and Jungkook saw nothing that indicated this man was a loving father. Jungkook looked away, pressing his mouth and nose against his three-year-old's forehead.

"I said get out."

"I'll be back."


Word Count: 2819

I changed this book's description.


The original version of this chapter ended at around 2300+ where JK had the upper hand after tackling him in Chanwoo's room. That was where things were supposed to end with this drama but the angsty part of my mind told me that I was going too easy on you guys and that I need to add angst and drama so I got rid of that and wrote 500+ more the begin the big time angst. And so, I shall add trigger warnings but keep in mind that these trigger warnings are just MAYBE  like maybe this will happen, maybe this won't, its not definite.

» Kidnapping
» child/human trafficking
» child endangerment, abuse, neglect

Those are the major warnings, keep in mind I, of course, add this for angst and idk I guess "flare" but I take this stuff very seriously. When I wrote Second Chances, I handled it lightly and I regret that but I've improved as an educated human being since then. I dont just slap these ideas down, handle it lightly and not care about my readers' feelings and how this could possibly trigger something within them.

Of course, this is a fanfiction, but it's still my work, my writing and I take my writing very seriously (surprising, I know). So my decision to add this type of angst and drama to my book may have been spontaneous but the future chapters that may or may not hold the contents listed above will be thought through and not slapped around like peanut butter on bread.

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