
By Jadahx_

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What is love with lies? More

Roll Call
🚨New story alert🚨


3K 107 91
By Jadahx_

February 14th: 7 months 2 weeks


The birds sang loudly, the wind danced calmly, bringing a slight breeze through the window. I tossed and turned back and forth, my wild curls decorating my face. I placed a hand on the bottom of my swollen stomach, attempting to move closer to Chris for better comfort.

"Babe." I mumbled to myself, patting the area where I last seen him. A confused look fell over my face though my eyes were still shut.

"Chris." I groaned, using all my strength to pop my eyes open. I sat up, staring at the empty area for a good minute. I brought my hand up, scratching the side of my head lazily. I slowly turned my head in attempts to find him, but was met with an unfamiliar lady. I sat looking at her for a minute before letting out a high pitched scream which made her jump.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ms.Brooklyn, did I frighten you?" I looked at the lady as if she had three heads. No shit bitch I thought in my head, but I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She threw up her hands in a motion that read she forgot something. She grabbed a paper off of the dresser, handing it to me. I looked down at it, seeing that it was folded in the form of a letter.

"Thanks." I softly said, making her nod and exit out of the room. Deeply sighing, I slowly unfolded the piece of paper. My eyes scanned over the long note that was left. I could easily identify that it was Chris's handwriting.

Good morning baby, Happy Valentines Day!! I was gon tell you bout Tina but then it would've ruined the whole note thing and I'm tryna be a cute creative nigga. Not on no soft shit so don't even try no bullshit today. Anyways, since you said we doing the shit you have planned tomorrow, I wanted to make today your day. So get up, there's some people downstairs who got a little breakfast buffet set up. Make sure you done with all your shit before 12:00 or you gon ruin the day. I'm so deadass Brook.

- Ya baby daddy

I playfully rolled my eyes and shook my head at the note. Little things like this were the ones that warmed my heart. He could've easily just texted me, but the idea of a letter was so cute to me. Being all romantic definitely did not come natural to him, but he's worked hard to get where we're at today.

Getting up, I gripped onto the little table next to the bed and did a mini stretch. I walked straight to the bathroom after smelling my own morning breathe from my yawn. I could never understand how people went to eat without brushing their teeth....then went and brushed after eating. That was way too much work and I could never put anything in my mouth without taking care of my morning breathe.

"Oh damn." I mumbled, looking in the mirror. I didn't know if the day would require me to actually look presentable, so I threw on my bonnet and called it a day. If anyone had anything to say, they would just get fired so I didn't really care.

"Here, let me help you." I looked over at the guy at the top of the stairs wearing white gloves. There was actually a trail of men in suits all down the stairs. They all wore white gloves and had their hands sticking out. I felt like I was getting Queen treatment and I was basking in it to be honest.

"Thank you." I tried my best to whisper that to each one of them, but it was a lot of stairs and a lot of niggas. The morning hasn't even fully started yet and Chris was already showing all the way out. I could really only imagine the rest of the things that would happen as the days go on.

There were a bunch of people in the house that we rented. Everyone moving around in all types of directions, getting everything together. I seen a ton of gifts in the corner along with about 15 bouquets of roses. The breakfast that he was talking about on the note was to the left of me.

"I know he fucking lying." I whispered to myself. I was truly in a state of disbelief seeing everything in front of me. It wasn't anything huge but at the same time, it was a lot of stuff. The food looked beautiful and I couldn't help myself from posting a picture of it

@brooklynbitch Baby already showing out, thank you so much my love! Even though we haven't seen each other yet for the day, I know today will be amazing. I love you so much baby, Happy Valentines Day!

I would wait to read the comments and shit, but they didn't concern me at the moment. I looked at the spread of food and didn't even know where to start. Everything looked so good and colorful.

"I'll serve you." I looked up at the Asian lady standing in front of me. I did like to feel special and be treated, but only by Chris or my family. Anyone else, especially people that I did not know, made me feel awkward. I stood having an inner battle with myself before hesitantly handing her my plate.

I watched carefully as she placed a little bit of everything on the plate. I'm assuming Chris informed all of them that I was pregnant or they could possibly tell from the way I was walking. At the moment I was only in Chris's shirt, nothing underneath. We haven't made love since everything happened and we were waiting for this little trip to really confide in each other. The most he's done was eat me out and that was last night, nothing more.

"Enough?" The lady asked with a heavy accent. I looked over at the plate that was nearly overflowing.

"Yes, thank you so much." She gave me a warm smile which I didn't hesitate to return. Grabbing the plate from her, I walked to the little dining area that was set up beautifully. I looked over at the set up area across from me in confusion.

I brushed it off, assuming that it was just for decoration. The whole plate looked great, I just didn't know where to start.

"I recommend the french toast." I jumped, turning around to be met with a smiling Chris. He had a fresh haircut and his face looked so clean. Without saying any words, I grabbed his jaw and placed a slow kiss on his lips.

"I didn't expect to already see you baby." He smiled and walked around to sit across from me. He had a biscuit in his hand that he took a big ass bite out of.

"Well you really weren't supposed to see me yet, then I thought about how you would be all lonely eating without the kid so I came back. I also saw your little Instagram post, I love you too mama." I blushed and looked down, taking a bite out of the sausage. I moaned and my eyes rolled to the back of my head from the flavor.

"Looking like I'm deep up in there with the way you moaning." Chris snickered. I eyed him, letting out a little chuckle. I hated the way he always wanted to be speaking when I was eating. I could multi-task with a lot of stuff, but never when it involved food and doing something else.

"What are we doing today?" I asked, wiping my face with a napkin. Chris cocked his head to the side and looked at me like I was crazy.

"I ain't telling you, just take this little note and follow the instructions." I watched as he stood up and grabbed a piece of bacon from my plate. Before I could complain, he went running off somewhere. I was about to take a bite of the other piece of bacon, but a wet kiss on my cheek interrupted me then I heard loud footsteps running.

"Annoying ass." I mumbled to myself. I looked down at my plate, I didn't have much else to eat and I was already full. I decided to just wrap the rest up and go on with my day. Walking back to the stairs, I seen the same men standing with their hands extended. I hope they weren't standing there the whole time because I know their arms and legs had to hurt.

"I can go up myself." I sweetly said, chuckling after so they knew I was just trying to be nice. Rather than going over to take a seat, they all stared at me as if I had three heads. I awkwardly nodded to myself, taking all of their hands and making my way up the stairs.

"Mr.Brown asked me to remind you to read the note." The last man said once I made it to the top of the stairs. I gave him a light smile before gripping the note and speed walking back into our room.

Today you ain't doing a ton of shit cause you wanna be all pregnant. But, you are gonna be walking around a lil bit and doing different stuff. There's two outfits in the big brown closet in the corner of the room. One is white pants and a shirt and the other is a summer like dress cause it's hot as a bitch. Choose which one you gon wear and walk downstairs in the black suv. Don't panic or nothing, they got you.

- Ya baby daddy

I read the note again, making sure that I was reading correctly. Chris knew that my trust issues were serious and being in a car with people that I didn't know was not something that sounded nice to me. Also, I had no idea where I was going.

"It's okay, he ain't gon put you in danger." I whispered to myself. I wasn't convinced, but I took a couple deep breathes and made my way over to the closet. Without taking time to think, I immediately grabbed the dress. It was loose fit and beautiful, perfect for the weather and perfect for a pregnant momma like me.

It took me no time to get ready being that all I had to do was flat iron my hair and put my dress on. A weird nervous, anxious feeling started to come over me as I made my way to the front door. My anxiety was something serious and knowing that I didn't know everything was honestly freaking me out.

"You look a bit tense hun, relax." I looked at the lady holding the door open. Silently thanking her, I climbed into the car carefully. The drive was quick, but that's because I was occupied with my phone the whole time. I only looked up a few times to make sure I wasn't being kidnapped.

Getting out of the car with the help of the same lady, I seen we were standing in front of a spa. I smiled to myself, Chris knew what he was doing and I couldn't be happier.


"Today has been beautiful." Brooklyn gloated as her and Chris walked hand and hand along the beach. She seen rose petals as they went on their journey, but she didn't think too much of it being that it was Valentine's Day.

After Brooklyn had her spa moment, it was just in time for the two to head over to dinner. Chris had a beautiful dinner for two set up on the beach. They spent the dinner full of laughter, kisses, and appreciation for each other. They were now taking a little walk, spending as much time as they could with one another.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, I've never really done all this but I wanted to make today extra special. I've put you through so much man, you deserve all this and more." Brooklyn smiled to herself, looking down as they continued.

She could feel her feet indenting in the hot sand, the only light was the bright illumination of the moon. The only thing heard was the sound of the waves crashing. The view of Brooklyn and Chris walking along the shoreline could be one placed in a magazine. Her red dress, blowing back in the wind and her hair moving softly.

The two walked in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the company of one another and the surrounding nature.

"What is that?" Brooklyn looked ahead, seeing candles lined in some type of path. Chris shrugged his shoulders as they advanced to the area.

"Um so since we've been back together, I've been wanting to say some things to you." Brooklyn looked up at Chris nervously as he began to let go of her hand. She realized they walked through all the little roses and candles and they were now standing in an illuminated heart. Brooklyn was very confused once she heard the instrumental of his song 'Right here' being played by a random live band, but she waited for Chris to continue before she said anything.

Play this lil song for "added emotion"

Chris took a deep breathe and grabbed Brooklyn's hands in his. She looked up at him with wide eyes as he looked down at her with pure love in his. He licked his lips one time before speaking.

"5 years with you man, that shit don't come to everyone. I have so much I can say about you, the beautiful and strong woman you've become. The love of my life you've become. I put you through so much shit, so much and you never ever gave up on a nigga. You never used me for what I can do for you, you've never used me when I was vulnerable, if anything you changed my life and caused me to become a better man. Brooklyn I've given you so many reasons and opportunities to walk away completely and here you currently are. You're about to give birth to not one but two of my children. You've gained a certain love and respect from me that nobody else in this world has ever gotten from me. I've always told myself that I want my kids to grow up in a house where the parents are happy and together. I never want them to experience the shit that either of us went through and I'll die making sure of that. No matter what, I'll always love you and I promise you that." Chris brought his hand up, wiping the tears that were already spilling out of Brooklyn's eyes.

"I can't imagine a life without you Babygirl. That may sound corny or cliche to say, but you're my better half, you complete me. Time isn't slowing down and there's no reason for me to wait any longer so with that..." Brooklyn watched closely as Chris kneeled down in front of her. She placed her head in her hands as she crouched down. Chris quickly wiped the lone tear rolling down his face before prying Brooklyn's hands off of her face.

"Brooklyn Makayla Smith, will you please allow me to make you Mrs.Brown." Chris looked up at her red face that still had tears running down at a fast pace. Brooklyn didn't hesitate to quickly nod her head.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you." A bright smile plastered on Chris's face as he grabbed her hand, sliding the big diamond on her finger.

Brooklyn crouched down on her knees, going on Chris's level. The two embraced in a tight hug, Brooklyn's tears soaking Chris's shirt. He continuously kissed her forehead, telling her that this was only the beginning.

For the rest of the night, they went back to their room and wasted no time making love until the sun came up.

Not me taking damn near 3 weeks to update chile.

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