The Truth of a Secret

By MENDES_Espinosababe

48.7K 1K 92

As Zoey begins High school she has a lot on her mind. Just the normal stuff: boys, fashion, grades, and volle... More

Chapter 1: the beggining
Chapter 2: The Secret
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: The Effect
Chapter 5: New Secrets
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Authors Note
Chapter 52
Second Book?
Secrets Kill

Chapter 9

1.3K 29 1
By MENDES_Espinosababe

--------Matt's POV--------

All of the guys, including myself, were just hanging out in the living room. Zoey had just gone up to bed. I doubt she could get any sleep with all of us down here yelling our heads off. I looked at the time on my phone. 11:58. "Everybody shut up!" I yelled. Everyone's eyes immediately fell on me. I looked up to see that on the stairs was Zoey. She had a small smile on her face, which was so cute. "Matt?" I heard Hayes question, which brought me back to reality. I turned on my phone and it read 11:59. "In just a couple of seconds, our dear friend will be 17." I said sitting back down on the couch. We all stared at our phones until they read 12:00. "Happy Birthday Nash!" We all yelled. Hayes had already bear hugged Nash and now it was turning into a group hug. Cameron made a big deal about it. Which was really funny. "Oh my gosh! It's little Nashy's birthday! I am so proud of you! Hashtag Team Nashy!" Cameron yelled in one of his weird voices. We all bursted out into laughter. I looked up and saw Zoey walked back to her room. I ran upstairs to talk to her. I don't know why, but I wanted to see her. I knocked on her door. "Come in." I heard her say. I opened the door. "Hey." I said walking in. "Oh, Matt. Hey." She said walking out of the bathroom. "So it's Nash's birthday." I said awkwardly. "I realized that when everyone was singing. And when Cameron gave off a subtle hint." She said laughing. I laughed too. "I was just letting you know." I said shrugging. "What's he doing for his birthday?" She asked. "He's having a big party. That's why so many of us are here. We all came in town for it." "That makes a lot of sense." She said sitting down on her bed. I laughed. She patted beside her and I sat down there. "Can I ask you something?" She asked looking up at me. "Yeah, of course." I said with a sly smile. "What are you getting Nash?" "It's. Surprise." I said. She laughed. She was so cute when she laughed. I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back. It was very passionate. I heard a knock on the door and Zoey pulled away. I jumped up off of the bed as the door flew open. "Hey is Matt-" Jack Gilinsky said then he saw me. "Oh! Am I interrupting something?" He said with a smile. "No!" Zoey said, sounding a bit disgusted. She was a good actress. "I was just going to the restroom." I said walking to the door. "Ok." Jack said them we left Zoey's room. "I'm not even going to ask why you were going to Zoey's bathroom instead of Nash's or Hayes's." He laughed as we headed into the Mancave. I could feel my cheeks turn red. "Don't worry man. Your secret is safe with me." Jack laughed as we entered the cave. I sat on the couch next to Jack J and Cam. We watched as Hayes and Nash went head to head on Xbox.

--------Cameron's POV--------

Matt and Jack G entered the Mancave. Matt had been gone for a good 10 minutes. I couldn't help but wonder where he had been. I hope he wasn't with Zoey. She's just wrong for him. She's to pretty and sweet to be with him. Wait, did I really just think that? "Hey Cam!" Someone yelled. I looked up to see Aaron. "Hey man!" I said standing up. We did some handshake that we've done forever. "When did you get here?" I asked. "About 5 minutes ago. How about you?" "More like 8 hours ago." I laughed. "Cool. So have you met the secret sister?" Aaron asked. "The what?" "You know. The secret sister. The new Grier?" "Oh, Zoey?" I asked. "Yeah, Zoey." Aaron repeated. "Yeah, she's-" I had to hold back from saying beautiful. "Nice." I finished. "Cool. Well I'm going to go watch a movie downstairs with Taylor and Carter. See ya later." Aaron said turning towards the door. "Wait!" Matt yelled. "Did you say Carta is here?!" Matt gasped in a girly voice. "You know is!" Carter yelled as he jumped into the room. Carter and Matt both screamed and acted like fans. We all started to die laughing. "Omg! It's Nash Grier!" Carter screamed. "Omg! Omg! Omg!" Matt said fanning himself. "Shhhh! Be cool!" Carter scolded. "Could we get a picture?" Matt said twirling his imaginary hair. "Sure." Nash laughed. "Omg! Omg! Omg! He said YAS!" Carter yelled. "Be cool Sara!" Matt yelled. "Fine Marcy!" Carter said. Nash smiled for the "picture" and Matt pretended to faint. "Mackie!" Carter yelled. "I thought me name was Marcy." Matt laughed as he stood up ending the scene. "So, are we going to watch the movie or what?!" Aaron yelled. "YAS!" Carter yelled as he ran out of the room pushing Aaron with him. Jack Johnson stood up and followed. Leaving me, Nash, Hayes, Matt, and Jack G in the room. Hayes was still playing xbox but Matt had joined him. Nash was on the phone and Jack was texting somebody. "I'm going to go watch the movie." Jack said standing up and leaving. Nash walked back into the room. "Shawn's on his way." He said. "Cool." Hayes said not even looking up from the screen. "I'm going to go watch the movie. You guys coming?" Nash asked. "No." Hayes said laughing. "I'm good Nash." I said. "Ok." Nash said and left. I was kinda tired but didn't want to leave Hayes alone. "So how does your sister like it here?" I asked trying to start a conversation. "Good. We are going to decorate her room this weekend." "I could help if you want." I offered. "That's ok. Matt is going to stay and help." Hayes said. Of course he was. "I can still help. I'm not doing anything." I offered again. "Sure, why not." Hayes said. A few minutes later I stood up. "I'm kinda tired. I think I'm going to go to bed." I said checking the clock. "What time is it?" Hayes asked pausing his game. "It's 4." I said. "I better go to bed." He said standing up. "See ya tomorrow." I said before I went to Nash's room. Jack G and Matt were in there. I stood outside the door. I didn't want to eavesdrop but I couldn't help it. "Seriously, Jack." Matt said. "Don't worry, like I said, you secret is safe with me." Jack said. I opened the door all the way. "Don't mind me, I was just grabbing a pillow." I said as I picked one up. "You're good, man." Jack said. "I better go check on wittle Hayeie." Matt said standing up. "He just went to bed." I said. "Then he's already knocked out." Jack laughed. I waited to be sure that Matt wasn't anywhere near us. "Want were you and Matt talking about?" I asked curiously. I prayed it wasn't about Zoey. "Don't worry about it." He assured me. "Seriously, Jack. What is it." I pushed. "Nothing that concerns you." Jack said standing up and leaving. I laid down on Nash's bed and it was a few minutes before my eyes grew heavy and finally fell closed.

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