Rocked (Rock & Romance II.)

By carte_blanche_milady

368K 18.3K 1.8K

Hazmat is the biggest band in the world - on top of every chart, with sold out concerts and their own line of... More

Chapter 1. - Grand Entrance
Chapter 2. - Playing the Game
Chapter 3. - Dare
Chapter 4. - Blind Desire
Chapter 5. - Morning After
Chapter 6. - Honest Deceptions
Chapter 7. - Cognition & Behavior
Chapter 8. - Cat's Out The Bag
Chapter 9. - Enigma
Chapter 10. - No Sleep for the Wicked
Chapter 11. - Historically Correct
Chapter 12. - Dangerous Games
Chapter 13. - Claiming the Prize
Chapter 14. - Cats Out The Bag
Chapter 15. - Stripped Bare
Chapter 16. - Bootycall
Chapter 17. - Carpet and the Drapes
Chapter 18. - Later, Red
Chapter 19. - Late Night Confessions
Chapter 20. - Conflict Resolution
Chapter 21. - Week of Shame
Chapter 22. - Key to My Thoughts
Chapter 23. - Caught Red Handed
Chapter 24. - Birthday Behavior
Chapter 25. - Birthday Presents
Chapter 26. - Birthday Transformation
Chapter 27. - Birthday Party
Chapter 28. - Birthday Song
Chapter 29. - Birthday Queen
Chapter 30. - Out of Left Field
Chapter 31. - New Beginnings
Chapter 32. - Controlled Seduction
Chapter 33. - Off-Chance
Chapter 34. - Intruder
Chapter 35. - Painting the Town Red
Chapter 36. - Fitting Right
Chapter 37. - Something Bad
Chapter 38. - No Good Deed
Chapter 39. - Dysfunctional
Chapter 40. - Firecracker
Chapter 41. - No Sinner Like a Young Saint
Chapter 42. - The Devil and I Get Along Just Fine
Chapter 43. - Fall Like Rain
Chapter 44. - Temptation
Chapter 45. - Allured
Chapter 46. - Yes Games I.
Chapter 47. - Yes Games II.
Chapter 48. - Yes Games III.
Chapter 49. - Happily Ever After
Chapter 50. - Soul Crusher
Chapter 51. - New Day
Chapter 52. - Legally Bound
Chapter 53. - Unexpected Direction
Chapter 54. - Shoot Me I.
Chapter 55. - Shoot Me II.
Chapter 56. - Pieces of a Puzzle
Chapter 58. - Backstage Pass

Chapter 57. - Irrevocable Shift

6.1K 325 34
By carte_blanche_milady

A/N: I hope all you are staying safe and doing well. The world continues to be a scary, dark place, especially with the continued oppression of voices going around. If you are feeling mentally exhausted, please know that it is ok. There are people - including myself - who you can talk to. There are free hotlines you can reach out to in order to help you work through what is going on in the world. Just know that you are important, you matter, and I am very happy to have you here.



Spring was officially here and that meant that the already forgiving Southern California weather just got even warmer.

The band had been traveling around to give interviews and participate in various press activities around the bigger cities of both coasts, so Ash and I hadn't seen each other since the video shoot. We communicated through texts, but since we've both kept busy they were far and in between. On the evenings where he didn't have a late-night show to attend or some charity game to play in, we Facetimed.

But as much as I grew to depend on his unusual sense of humor, and witty comments, I found that the conversation didn't flow as easily with the distance between us. We often fell into a comfortable, yet lengthy silence - a habit that I didn't pick up on when we were face to face.

I tried not to think anything into it though. Ash wanted me to just go with what felt right and I wanted to focus on the positive attributes of my life. Dom and I had worked out a detailed plan and with the help of my father and his new bride, I was closer to establishing something that I felt could have been my calling. I was working toward a goal that I tailored to myself, keeping only what was going to make me happy in mind. I worked during the day, and in the afternoons, I studied with Albie - who recruited Francine, his girlfriend, into tutoring me as well.

While Hazmat was away, London and I found ourselves with more spare time and we even had a sleepover, just like we used to back in the day.

My journey was slowly shaping into something I was going to be proud of, and I needed to focus on that and not the absence of a specific man in my life.

But this morning, that issue was resolving itself. Hazmat's private jet landed about an hour ago and given the beautiful, sunny day outside, they wanted to relax the way only millionaires knew how. By taking out Ash's rarely used luxury yacht onto the ocean, and sip professionally made cocktails as the Pacific rocked us into a peaceful slumber, of course.

I could've driven myself like the capable adult that I was, but Ash insisted on collecting me himself. I figured it was his way of checking out my new apartment, and I didn't have to be disappointed. "What are you doing?" I questioned, after finding him on the other side of my door, checking out my frame.

His black gaze met mine. "Seeing how solid the material is. It's very easy to break into most places these days."

I lifted a brow at him. "Maybe if you'll behave, you can have a key."

"I thought you wanted me to do the exact opposite." Ash flashed his famous panty-melting smile at me, steering my thoughts right down the so-called gutter. "Can I come in?"

"You can do much more than that." I stepped out of the way, but our eyes remained locked on each other. He waited for the door to shut before pushing me up against it.

"I've been waiting to do this," He whispered into my mouth, lowering his head so it was in level with mine. "I've missed you, red."

"I missed you too," I confessed because that was the truth. As hard as I tried not to focus on that one part of my life that felt empty over the last few weeks, I couldn't erase the part of me that longed for him. "It was-" I trailed off, not finding the right words. It wasn't the same, not having him around. And it was easy to let my mind wander on what would happen if we stayed together and down the line, he would go on a world tour.

Three weeks have felt uncomfortable. I couldn't have imagined what six months were going to feel like.

"I know," He nodded, understanding what I've meant without me having to spell it out. "We'll figure out a solution."

"Are you telling me that you are thinking ahead of the next time you would have to leave for an extended period?" I quirked my brows at him.

"Why do you sound surprised by that?"

"I just didn't think you took me that seriously." I shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant.

Ash placed his hands against the door on either side of me, effectively caging me in. "Then you're not paying attention, red."

"Maybe you should show me, then," My voice dripped with the suggestion behind it, my legs aching to wrap around his narrow waist. Ash's smell enveloped me, his scent filling every pore of my skin with yearning. It has been so long and I had developed a dangerous craving for him.

But instead of lifting me into his arms and taking me against my own front door, Ash's lips just pressed a soft kiss against my forehead. Then, he stepped back. "What have you been doing while I was away?"

"Just working with Dom."

When I didn't elaborate, he took another step away, his brows quirked. "I'm aware of that. I've been getting that fucker's bills every Friday at five." His dark gaze pierced into mine. "Are you still not going to tell me what you're planning?"

I shook my head. "You'll know when it's time."

Ash huffed, the spoiled rockstar in him itching to throw a fit over the denial. "You know I could help."

"You are helping." I pointed out. "By getting those bills taken care of every Friday at five."

He rolled his eyes. "Are you dressed? The guys are meeting us at the marina in half an hour."

I nodded. I wore a simple, black bikini under my denim shorts and Nasa t-shirt. My outfit was completed with black tennis shoes and a matching cap. "This is as dressed as it gets."

His gaze made its way down my body, lingering extra long around my hips. "It's perfect." He didn't notice my shudder at his words, spoken in that perfect, raspy voice, because he was bending down to grab my beach bag. "Ready?"

I walked out, with Ash following close behind, his free hand resting on my lower back while I locked up. "I hope you didn't come with your bike." The last thing I wanted on this perfect day was to get a horrible case of road rash if we toppled over.

But it must've been my lucky day because Ash chose a darkened sports car for today's ride - a car, with a front seat I was very familiar with. As if reading my thoughts, he reached for my hand, his thumb caressing my now burning skin. "That was quite the date."

"It wasn't a date!" I murmured half-heartedly.

"Of course it was," He chuckled. "You just didn't know it yet."


The breeze was cooler as we got closer to the water. It felt soothing against the heat of the Southern California sun and completed with the sound of waves coming from the ocean, it was the perfect recipe for relaxation.

I've already lathered on half a tube of sunscreen at home, and switched my glasses to contacts, allowing me to wear shades. I've had two different kinds of sunscreen in my bag, a beach towel, frozen water for hydration, and a bottle of aloe vera. I was as prepared as one could be while sailing out on a luxurious yacht.

Unlike me, the rest of the sailors only seemed to have brought themselves. "And a phone charger," Callie noted. "I wouldn't miss the opportunity of taking the perfect pictures for my social media on this gorgeous day!"

She arrived solo in an Uber, ready to drink the day away. London and Lukas rode together, and to my surprise, Vivi stepped out from the same vehicle as Jesse after pulling up. "She's warming up to me," He said with a wink, as we got on the boat.

Brian made it shortly after us, and with him on board, we were ready to explore the beautiful, blue ocean. "I can't believe how long it's been since we've had the entire day for ourselves!" He groaned, making himself comfortable on the upper deck that was only accessible by a narrow staircase, that was more of a ladder. Of course, I wouldn't have used that terminology around Ash, who was surprisingly proud of this purchase.

"When was the last time you even used this boat?" I questioned, settling in the empty space next to him as someone - presumably, a captain who actually knew how to work this machine - navigated us away from the shore.

"I've taken it out a couple times," Ash lifted a brow defensively. "Of course, it works just as well docked." He nodded toward the large built-in mattress located in the middle of the upper deck. A mattress that was covered with blankets and soft pillows last time I was up here.

Now it was used by Callie, who was working on her perfect tan.

"Are we taking a memory lane down every place we've had sex?" I glanced up at Ash, lowering my voice so only he could hear. "Because we have a long way to go..."

He chuckled softly. "It's not on purpose, actually. Just so happens that we have a lot of memories together."

And we could create more, I was dying to say.

"When is the concert again?" Callie's question interrupted my train of thoughts, focusing my attention back on the group.

"Friday night," Brian responded mechanically.

"It's going to be insane!" Jesse joined in enthusiastically. "We have a full lineup of openers. It'll be more of a one-day music festival, rather than a concert."

Ash moved closer to me, casually resting his arm over the back of my seat. "Are you still coming?"

"Of course," Seeing Hazmat live was one of those rare experiences that stayed with anyone for the rest of their lives. It wasn't only their music or their ridiculous talent. It was also about their clear love for their crafts. They were passionate, living out every moment of every song they played. And of course, it didn't hurt that all four of them were very easy on the eyes.

Back when London fell in love with them, they used to play shows as often as they could. They were on every set, every talk show, every public event that would get them publicity. They went on tours that got bigger and covered more of the world as the years went by.

But these days, if they went on tour, it was only for a few months. They still played shows, but they were further in between. My understanding was that they were tired of the road, and wanted to focus on doing less with more heart in it, rather than exhaust themselves by seeing three cities in four days.

"Mom and Dad are buzzing! They've invited some of Dad's work friends too, to donate for a good cause." Jesse went on, speaking to no one in particular, but catching my attention.

"Your parents will be there?" I lifted a brow at Ash, keeping my voice low.

He nodded, slowly. "Of course they'll be there. They try to come to as many shows in town as their schedule allows."

My heart dropped. I was going to meet the parents.

Granted, I've already met both Natalie and Bill Wolfhart in the past. But all of those instances were brief and meaningless because back then I wasn't sleeping with their son - in a very public way, might I add. Their view on me must have changed, now that I was no longer just London's and Jesse's friend, but their oldest son's... Acquaintance?

"I didn't know they were going to be there," I said dumbly, fumbling with my fingers.

"Is that a problem?" Ash asked while the rest of the group chatted away, oblivious to my mortal despair.

"It's just that I've only met them as a friend of the group. I haven't been associated with you at the time and-"

Ash stroked my shoulder with his finger, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke in a soothing tone. "-and they think you're smart and funny and frankly out of my league. I wouldn't be worried about seeing them. They're just regular people."

"They're your parents!" I hissed the last words like they would burn me. "How many girls have you introduced to them?"

His brow quirked. "They've met a lot of my past lady friends in passing."

"You know what I mean!"

Ash rolled his eyes. "None. Which should just excite you. Less competition on the girlfriend front."

Girlfriend?! I huffed. "Get over yourself, Asher. Parents always love me - I'm the 'good girl', remember? Except for the fact that I've discussed the size of your dick on national television!"

He laughed. "My parents should know what a good job they've done."

While I've rolled my eyes at his cockiness, I couldn't argue with that. He was damn near perfect in just about every way.


Cocktails were passed around by a hired mixologist, followed by gourmet snacks. The sun beat down on us, coloring the ocean a beautiful, inviting bright blue, while the sound of waves and acoustic guitar played in the background. Lukas absentmindedly ran his fingers over the strings, providing us with a quiet, soothing lullaby.

Callie broke the peaceful silence, by raising her glass to Brian. "To being the only two singles here!" I caught Vivi's surprised glance at her statement, but she didn't object.

Brian took a sip of his whiskey. "I don't suppose you'd be interested in canoodling?" He looked rather uninterested himself, the question seemingly just a polite offering.

"No offense, but I'm done with rockstars." Callie shrugged, and Brian nodded understandingly.

"Can't fault you there."

Ash's hold tightened around me. "What a bunch of sad losers." He groaned, but his tone held no hostility. I knew him enough now to realize this was his way of teasing. "Do you want a drink?"

We both looked down at the cup of water I've been nursing. The ice was now completely melted, leaving a light sheen of perspiration on the glass. "I seem to remember that last time I drank on this boat, we both ended up in a very compromising position."

I lifted a brow at him, and he let out a low chuckle. We've had people around, but it felt like we were cocooned in our own little world. "I remember that occasion ending very happily for you." Ash pointed out, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not the one holding back, rocker boy! If you want to get me naked, all you have to do is ask. I think I've made that embarrassingly clear by now."

His hand dropped from around my shoulder, resting against my hips instead. A long, calloused finger stroked my naked skin, before hooking into my bikini bottom. "Don't pretend you're not enjoying the build-up."

My breath hitched as he tugged, causing the flimsy material to tighten around my lady parts. I was aching to rock into the friction, but sadly, we had company.

Company, that was now obnoxiously staring at us. "Are you two done eye-fucking each other?!" Jesse whined, voicing the frustration I was currently feeling out loud. "I thought we came out here to escape the tension, not slice at it with a butterknife."

"Mind your business, baby brother!" Ash warned. He leaned into my neck, nuzzling his face between my red curls. "I know how wet you are for me, despite our audience. Or maybe, in spite of it." He rasped, a voice reserved only for me. He was right, of course. I didn't need to jump in the water to get my bottoms soaked. But I didn't trust my voice enough to say that out loud. "You're so fucking sexy, red."

"And you're a sadist!" I hissed, my hands tightened around the glass until my knuckles were white with the effort. "All tease, but no action."

He chuckled, the sound reverberating on my skin, causing goosebumps down my spine.

"I think I'm going to take a dip," Jesse announced loudly. "You two make my stomach turn!" He stood, taking Vivi's hand in his own as a selfless effort to protect her innocent eyes of the clear tension between two very pent up adults. Then again, perhaps he wasn't all that selfless - I thought - as he rested his hand on her lower back while leading her down the staircase.

"I'll go with them," Brian agreed quickly, and Callie followed suit, murmuring.

"As much as I would like to see the two of you naked, I think I'll sit this one out. My lonely, single heart could never-"

London was next to jump up. "I'm going to... powder my nose!" She looked pointedly as Lukas, who shrugged.

"I should help," He explained, setting his guitar to the side.

"And that's how you clear the room!" Ash chuckled victoriously. He wasted no time pulling me into his lap, positioning me so both of my legs were thrown over his, with my back to the stairs that lead up to the upper deck of the yacht. I've barely had the chance to catch my breath when he caught my lips with his.

"Ash!" I gasped, as his fingers pulled at my bikini bottoms, moving them against my aching core.

His laugh was sinister. "Quiet, red!" My panties were pushed to the side, exposing my wet pussy to the cool ocean breeze. "You wouldn't want them to hear, would you?" His thumb brushed my clit, making me jump in his lap. He silenced my moan with a kiss, sealing my lips shut with his soft ones as he continued his tantalizing movements.

"I thought you said-" I broke off. I didn't really want to give him a reason to stop, but if this momentary loss of control caused him to pull back, I was going to be devastated.

"I know what I said," Ash's eyes were black as the night sky, his brows furrowed in concentration as his fingers continued to play with me. "I just can't help myself."

And who was I to stop him, I marveled at the thought, while I pressed my hips into his talented hand. "Holy shit that feels good!" I whispered. My eyes were shut tightly as I chased the sensation of my building orgasm. I was too starved, too built up to last long. And I didn't want to hold back.

Ash slid two fingers in me, curling them in a way that made me squirm. All the while, his thumb continued tracing circles on my clit, bringing me higher and higher. "Let it go, red. I got you." His words were soft in my ear, but his arms held me strong.

My mind cleared of everything else around us. The rest of the world didn't matter at that moment, only Ash and his hold on me and his wonderful fingers. I could only focus on the sensations he brought out of my body, playing me like a cherished instrument.

I came with a soft cry in his mouth, gasping for air as my head swam with the aftershocks of my orgasm. This was everything that was right in the world at that moment. My heart beat double time, my stomach suddenly in knots as I realized that this was what I've been missing. And it was only a snippet of the whole magnificent package that Ash embodied. Just a small taste of the universe he could give me, if only I let go.

Slowly, the world came into focus around us. The sound of our friends splashing in the ocean below, the clink of glasses. The reggae music someone turned on downstairs.

I opened my eyes, meeting his beautiful, black gaze. And in that moment, I felt my world entirely and irrevocably shift.


A/N: This year has been a 6-month long rollercoaster, but Ash and Gia have pulled me through the worst of it. This book has been my favorite to write to date, and the couple that stood closest my heart. It is not over yet, but the ending is near... and I'm equally elated and heartbroken about that!

Twitter: cb_milady

Instagram: grettypop

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