Superstar (Zayn Malik FanFict...

By emmajeannee

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Nineteen year old Stella Jones gets the chance to leave her suburban Chicago home and leave to New York for a... More

Chapter 1 - I Have A Special Project For You
Chapter 2 - Don't Be Such A Perv
Chapter 3 - Anything Involving One Direction Is Special
Chapter 4 - Sorry We Can't Speak French
Chapter 5 - Please Stay With Me Tonight
Chapter 6 - I Hate Surprises
Chapter 7 - Great, Great Friends
Chapter 8 - Fight For Your Princess
Chapter 9 - We Were Kissing
Chapter 10 - We're In London
Chapter 11 - When I Was Sixteen
Chapter 12 - Go Get Pretty, Mama's Boy
Chapter 13 - If It's Not Better, Then It's Not The End
Chapter 14 - Just Having Some Good Ol' Fun
Chapter 15 - Honeymoon Phase
Chapter 16 - Someone Got Jealous
Chapter 17 - My Butt Is Not Little
Chapter 18 - You Should Get A Cat
Chapter 19 - Tom The Tom Cat
Chapter 20 - Just Me And You
Chapter 21 - Just Come To Bed With Me
Chapter 22 - I Miss Him So Damn Much
Chapter 23 - You Should Put Some Pants On
Chapter 24 - The Movie Can Wait
Chapter 25 - Oh, He's British
Chapter 26 - I Felt Infinite
Chapter 27 - Well, That's My Cue
Chapter 28 - You Never Were The Best Cook
Chapter 29 - Wait, Are You Stella Jones
Chapter 30 - Save It For The Bedroom
Chapter 31 - Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls
Chapter 32 - Come On, Let's Dance
Chapter 33 - I'm Not Leaving
Chapter 34 - You Cheated
Chapter 35 - Merry Christmas Everyone
Chapter 36 - Five Minutes Till Midnight
Chapter 37 - Tattoos Are Fun
Chapter 38 - The More You Get The Less It Hurts
Chapter 39 - You Kids Have Fun
Chapter 40 -What About Zella?
Chapter 42 - Why The Hell Not?
Chapter 43 - Don't Be Sorry For What You Feel
Chapter 44 - You Get Her All The Time
Chapter 45 - It's Okay
Chapter 46 - Oh, How I Missed New York
Chapter 47 - We Are Forever

Chapter 41 - Stella Loves You, Man

4.1K 86 5
By emmajeannee

Chapter 41

Zayn's Point of View

"Zayn please can I have an autograph!"

"Will you marry me?"

"I love you so much!"

The boys and I decided to say hello to the fans since we had a day off. I was surrounded by starstruck girls. I signed as much as I could. As I was signing someone's shoe, a thick piece of paper was thrown at me.

"I'm sorry!" A girl called out.

I chuckled, "It's alright!" I called out in the direction the paper came from.

I bent down and picked up the paper. It was a magazine. One the cover was a picture of Stella and I. The front headline said,

"One Direction Girlfriend Caught Cheating"

What? I looked in the corner and saw a little picture of Stella walking around with another guy. They weren't holding hands or anything but they were awfully close together. Girls kept calling my name. I looked up and realized I had to pay my attention back to them. I stuck the magazine in my back pocket and went back to signing and talking with the girls. After a while, the boys and I went back into the bus. I walked into to the lounge, pulled out the magazine and sat down on the couch. I opened up to the page the story was on. There were multiple pictures of Stella with this guy, who looked vaguely familiar. They had gone out to lunch, did some shopping, and walked around. I started reading the article and found out the guy's name, Alex. Alex, Alex, where do I know him from? Then it came to me. We met on New Years Eve. He hit on my girlfriend. He liked her. He probably still likes her. A flash of anger shot through me and I threw the magazine on the ground. Harry walked in just as I did and bent down to pick it up. He looked at the cover and then looked at me.

"You know it can't be true." Harry said.

I sighed, "Well, what if it is?"

"But it's not. Stella loves you, man. She would never do this to you. Besides you're way better looking than this guy." Harry tried to comfort me.

"Whatever," I mumbled and went to lay in my bunk.

I realized why that girl actually said sorry when she threw the magazine at me.


"So Zayn, I really wanted to say I'm sorry about that night from Louis's birthday. I feel so stupid and I totally regret it," Perrie apologized to me as we walked into a little coffee shop.

"It's all in the past now. No worries," It wasn't much of an acceptance to the apology but I mean it was something.

Perrie sat down at a table as I went to order some drinks and a few pastries. I came back and set them on the table. I took a seat and took a sip of my coffee.

"So I guess we're getting a second chance at this," Perrie said picking up a blueberry muffin.

I looked at her puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"I mean we can actually be friends. If we can't be together there's nothing wrong with friendship, right?" She took a bite of the muffin.

"Yeah, I guess." I said quietly.

Perrie just looked at me, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, I uh, just something happened a couple days ago and I just can't get it out of my mind."

"What is it?" Perrie asked interested.

"I really don't-"

"Come on Zayn you can tell me!" Perrie smiled at me, edging me to go on.

"Well, I was reading this magazine and there was an article about Stella cheating on me with this guy Alex." I avoided eye contact with Perrie worried about how she'd react.

"You don't think she'd actually cheat on you though, don't you?" Perrie asked me.

"I don't know. I don't think she would but you never know."

"Have to you talked to her at all?"

"To be honest, I'm afraid to. I mean it'd be great to hear if it isn't true but if it's going to suck." I let out a breathe and ran a hand through my hair.

"Well, that's what you need to do. You need to talk to resolve this whole thing. If it isn't true great. If it is then it's all up to you two on what to do."

I nodded my head. She was right about everything. And to be honest my respect for Perrie was starting to build up again. It was great to feel that she was a friend I could turn to when I needed one.

"Want to get out of here?" I asked cocking my head towards the door.

Perrie nodded and bit her lip happily, "Yeah."

We got up and headed towards the door. As we walked out, we both were swarmed by paparazzi. I immediately took a hold of Perrie's hand to help her get though the crowd. We managed to get through the sea of people.

"Thanks for helping me through that Zayn," Perrie said quietly.

"It's no problem," I replied. I freed my hand from hers and we started walking around the strip mall. We stopped in a couple of stores along the way. I hate to admit it but it was fun. Perrie wasn't acting like a crazy person and that was made it so great. The only set back was all the people following us with their cameras. I should be use to it by now but it still gets annoying. We hung out for another hour till she had to go for an interview. We had a hug goodbye and I went to find a cab.


Stella's Point of View

"Emily? Where's my white sweater!?" I called out frantically to my best friend.

"I think it's dirty!" She called back.

"Ugh!" I groaned and made my over to the laundry closet to check. Yep, it was dirty and smelling absolutely gross. I threw back in the dirty clothes basket and closed the door. I started walking towards my bedroom but stopped in the middle of the living room when I heard the words "Zayn and Perrie". I turned my attention to the TV and watched intently.

"Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards spent yesterday together going shopping getting a bite to eat. We aren't sure if they're back together but they were holding each other's hands. Our question though is what about Stella? Rumors went around saying she was with a man named Alex. Did Zayn hear about this and want to get back at her? Stay tuned for more." And it went to a commercial.

I stood there shocked. Is Zayn cheating on me? I was most definitely not cheating on him. Alex was just a friend. Is Perrie though? I picked up my phone and went to tap on Zayn's contact. I hesitated at first but my finger took over and tapped his name. I waited for him to pick up. He did on third ring.

"Hello?" His voice was raspy and sleepy.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"Hey babe," He yawned.

"I need to talk to you," I said going straight to the point.

"Can we talk in the morning I'm really tired," Zayn muttered sleepily.

"No, Zayn this can't wait. We need to talk now." I replied.

"Fine," I heard him move around in his bed, "What is it?"

"You and Perrie." I said quietly scared of what was to come next.

Zayn sighed, "Babe, I really don't want to talk about this now. You and Em are coming to California soon. We'll talk then. I promise."

"Zayn, I don't want-" I tried to speak but he interrupted me.

"It's only like three days. We can work it out then. I need to sleep. Bye Stella." And then he hung up before I could say anything back.

I mean I guess it's kind of good right? If I he wants me to come to California then he isn't with her. Why would he want me to come all that way for a break up. That wouldn't make any sense. That settled my nerves a bit. But did it settle his? He must have heard the rumors of Alex and I. Zayn didn't tell me anything but he surely doesn't live under a rock. None of it was true and I hope he's smart enough to realize that. I know he is though. He would never think I would cheat on him...Right?

"Were you just talking to Zayn?" Emily asked as she came out of the kitchen with a glass of water.

"Yeah, wasn't much of a talk though," I mumbled.

"Why? What happened?" Emily asked sitting down on the couch.

"Well, I was caught with Alex and he was caught with Perrie and people think we're cheating on each other and I have no idea what's going on!" I spoke frantically, "He said we'd talk in California."

"I doubt he's cheating and you aren't so it'll all work out. Trust me. You two are meant to be together. This won't break you guys." Emily said.

I smile crept onto my face, "Let's hope."

"Don't doubt Stell it's not good for the mind," Emily told me.

I chuckled, "Okay, Confucius."

Emily giggled, "You still want to get some dinner?"

"Yeah, I just need to find a new sweater." I replied and went to my bedroom to find a clean sweater.


"Oh my god, I hate flying! Those flights have been the longest I have ever been on!" Emily groaned.

"We went halfway across the world what do you except?" I laughed.

We were finally in California after hours and hours on planes. The boys were coming to pick us up. We walked off the plane and my eyes scanned the airport for any of the boys. I was dying to talk to Zayn about all these rumors.

"Stella!" I heard a man's voice call my name.

I whipped around and saw Zayn with a little grin on his face. He gave me a small wave. I let out a deep breathe and made my way over to him. I saw that Emily spotted Harry and was already in his arms. From what I know, their relationship is almost perfect. Emily hasn't told me about any fights and the media isn't all about spreading rumors about their relationship. I wish that's how Zayn's and I relationship was. I always thought we'd have the mysterious relationship that everyone was dying to know about but never would because we'd keep things between us.

I finally reached Zayn. Neither of us went to hug each other or kiss each other. I crossed my arms over my chest and said, "We need to talk."

Zayn nodded and stuck his hands in his jean pockets, "I know. Come on, let's go to the bus."

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