I crave your Touch (049 x 035...

By dr-goodnight

55.5K 1.8K 2K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (+ New cover!)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (+ 1,000 reads! :0)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Of Sadness and Regret
Walking, Walking and more Walking
Oh no.
Weak (+New cover. Again.)
Cries and Screams
Freedom, for now.
Don't be Afraid to Cry
Oh no, there's MTF
A Very Corrosive Chapter
New Hope
Not Feeling too Well.
Poor, Poor Soul
At Peace
Rats, So Many Rats
No Sleep
Older then Expected
*Insert Bird Noises Here*
Look a Totally Interesting Title
I'm not running out of chapter titles
It's Cold Tonight
Rainy Day
Damn I'm really running out of chapter titles
Run for your Love.
I'm discontinuing this book


605 18 19
By dr-goodnight

Third Person P.O.V

"Alright everyone, we should probably get going again." The doctor said. They all sighed, they were probably going to be walking for a long while.


They had started walking now. The mask was falling behind in the group while Jay led. It probably wasn't the best idea to let someone who beats people with shoes and calls it a cure lead the group, but they were following one specific path, so hopefully Jay wouldn't get them lost. The doctor looked back to the mask with concern. The mask seemed to be staying away from everyone else on purpose.

"I feel like I made him mad." The doctor said to Larry, still not taking his eyes off of the mask. "I mean, to be honest, if my partner had a kid and never told me I would be a little mad too." Larry admitted. "But then again, I'm not a people person. So I probably wouldn't even have a partner in the first place!" The doctor looked away from the mask and to Larry. "Well, I thought I would never see Jay again. I haven't seen him for... Over 1000 years, at least."

"But still, I would probably tell them."

The doctor stayed silent, he looked over to the mask one last time. "Maybe I should talk to him. Try and fix whatever is wrong..." The doctor said. "Do whatever, either way I'm not the person to talk to about it." The doctor sighed. He quietly fell to the back, where the mask was. "Mask?" The doctor spoke. The mask jumped a little as he turned to the doctor. "Yes?" He spoke. "Are you okay?" The mask paused before turning away again.

"Yes doctor I am perfectly fine..."

"Are you sure? You seem kind of... Mad..."

"Well I'm SORRY that I'm a little frustrated that you hid an entire child from me..."

"... I'm sorry mask."

The doctor reached out to grab the mask by his shoulder, but the mask moved the doctor's hand away.

"Mask... Please."

The mask didn't say a word, he just sped up his pace to move away from the doctor. The doctor also sped up his pace to keep up to the mask. "Leave me alone!" The mask yelled, turning to the doctor. The doctor stared at the mask. "What did I do? I want to fix this but you won't let me!" The doctor replied sadly.

"What did you do? Well neverminding the fact that you kept you child hidden from me for all these years and never even told me, you lied to me!"

The doctor paused as the mask continued.

"You think I don't know the truth, but I do! The moment I saw him I knew the truth!"

"It... Mask it wasn't because of you-"

"It wasn't? Then explain why you left me all those years ago for a child who was born out of the blood and guts of a dead woman!" The mask couldn't hold in his anger anymore, he raised his voice. Everyone else in the group stopped walking and turned to the doctor and the mask, who were now starting to argue.

"How... Did you know..?"

"It seems you've forgotten my mind reading. I can hear what you all are thinking! Why did you never tell me...?"

"I... I wasn't in the right mindset at the time, mask!"

"Right mindset? Really? All that told me is that I'm no better then a baby who killed their mother!"

"He couldn't even think for himself mask! And that's not what it was at all! I... I just wanted to protect the kid! And... And you!"

"Well you failed! You failed at protecting both of us! Because here we are, thousands of years later! You know, he could've avoided ever being near the foundation if you didn't take him!"

"I highly doubt that, he isn't like the rest and he never was!"

"So what are you gonna do?! Are you going to leave me again?! Like you did so many years ago?!"

The doctor furrowed his eyes in anger and fury. "If that is what you really want! It seems right now you hate me! And... If you really hate me that much, then you can leave!"


And with that, the mask turned and started walking the other direction. Neither of them meant what they said, but neither of them could see that. The doctor also turned away from the mask, continuing forward, not focusing on the other's stares. Everyone else continue on, trying to ignore what just happened, except for Larry, who was currently not sure what to do. Instead of following the doctor, Larry decided to go to the mask.

"Hey mask..." Larry said when he caught up to the mask. The mask turned around. "You followed me?" He said. "Yeah... I don't really know the doc as well as you, so I'd rather go with you then him..." Larry admitted. The mask smiled a little. "Thank you." And they continued on their way.

(HEY. Yeah sorry for not updating that much. My inspiration just decided to disappear lmao so yeah-)

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