
By Jadahx_

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What is love with lies? More

Roll Call
🚨New story alert🚨


3.8K 135 64
By Jadahx_

December 11th: 5 months 1 week


"Look, I don't have time for the bullshit. This is not the time for fuck ups, this collection needs to be out by December 18th!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the table. I looked around at everyone seated at the table who was looking back at me. I put my hand on my forehead and took some deep breathes once I felt the twins start moving around. 

"I don't know how much of that we can control. It's more of a shipment thing due to all of the orders that came in for the release date." I took a seat and pinched the bridge of my nose, looking up at the ceiling. 

"Listen, we already have a bunch of people who pre-ordered and are ready to get their shit on December 18th right in time for Christmas. I don't give two shits if y'all have to bike around the whole damn state of California to drop off the packages. If the shit is not at people's doorsteps on the 18th then a whole lotta people getting fired." Annoyed, aggravated, angry, those were understatements for what I was feeling at the moment. This wasn't something that I wanted to deal with on such a beautiful day. 

"Ok, but if we are not able to get them then that means the valentines day collection will be pushed back also." I bitterly chuckled and grabbed my purse and my phone. I walked to the door before turning around and looking at everyone sitting there staring at me. 

"Unless y'all want to be filing for unemployment this month, get this shit together. I do not have the time or energy to be dealing with this. Fix it or get out my damn building." I gritted before walking out of the room, making sure to slam the door behind me. 

I was pissed off for multiple reasons and the day barely even started. There was a lot going on and I needed to just sit down and take a breather before I stressed myself out and did something to harm the most important people to me. This pregnancy was really turning me into a whole new person that I've never met before. 

For the start of my morning, everything was going good until I seen a post on social media of someone claiming to know my personal business and do what they called exposing my pregnancy. They posted some pictures of me walking into the doctors office for an appointment and they called themselves pointing out that my stomach was sticking out and rounded as if I was pregnant. I didn't pay much attention to it, just sent a comment saying 'Peace and blessings to you my love. It amazes me how interested someone can be in someone else's personal life and personal business.'

Then from there, I got a random call from someone on my team talking about the new Winter collection which was scheduled to come out in exactly a week from now would have to be pushed out. So I had to drag my pregnant ass out of the house just to go over some things that we could have talked about over the phone. 

"What." I spat, answering the phone. The person paused for a while before finally speaking up. 

"Watch that tone Makayla." I rolled my eyes hearing Chris on the other end of the phone. He was another person in my life who I felt was truly trying their best to annoy me any second that they got. It hadn't even been two weeks and he already forced me to cut certain things out of my diet. He locked away most of my snacks into a room that I have no access to. I don't even have any idea on how to open the door because Chris had it built in years back when I wasn't really around. 

"Chris, I really don't have the patience to go back and forth with you right now. What do you want?" I wasn't trying to act a bitch or anything like that but if he kept talking I knew I would eventually snap and that's really the last thing that I want to do right now. 

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to watch a movie or something tonight but I guess not." I rubbed my temples, trying to keep my focus on the road. I bit into my bottom lip and contemplated for a second before making a sharp U-turn towards his house. 

"I'm on my way baby." Without another word, I pushed my foot on the gas and sped up on my route. I turned up the radio and smiled once I heard Chris. I figured since I was also about to stop at the store, why not go live. I set my phone on the little stand thing so that it could show me and show that I was driving. I quickly opened Instagram and pressed live, waiting for people to join.


"Hey y'all!" Brooklyn yelled into the phone. She constantly glanced over to see her views rising and her comments getting flooded. She smiled into the camera before taking a left towards the store. 

"Alright so lemme tell y'all about my day cause this shit just started and I'm already pissed off. So we had some shit going on with the line so I had to go work out at the crack of dawn bitch. Then Chris been annoying the fuck out of me and I'm really about to snap on him." She ranted to her 19k viewers. 

Are you and Chris back together? 

"Are Chris and I back together...that's a real nice question." Brooklyn smirked and took a left into the parking lot. She chuckled as she watched the comments go crazy. Not only with questions but also with all types of accusations. 

"Anyways y'all, I am going into Costco because my fat ass need some snacks." Brooklyn trailed off as she struggled a bit to grab her phone off of the little stand. She took her keys out of the ignition and put everything in her purse. She made sure she had everything before walking out of the car, her phone still in hand as the live continued.  

Do you not have security?

Brooklyn scrunched up her face at the comment and threw her head back laughing. Not really because the comment was funny but because she was so used to these types of comments. She looked directly into the camera and shook her head. 

"So many people have asked me that security question." She said while grabbing a cart and placing her purse in before pushing towards the entrance. "My answer is always the same for that, why would I need security? I am a normal ass person, do you realize how stupid I would look with security trailing behind me. Just because my ex is who he is and I do my lil thang, that doesn't make me a celebrity or anything of that sort. Just cause your girl got some coin, I'm not any type of celebrity." 

If there was one thing about Brooklyn, it was that she was very humble. She knew she was more known than others but she didn't have talent or anything of that sort to consider herself famous or a celebrity. She was Brooklyn Makayla Smith and that was that.

Are you pregnant or not, just hurry up and cut the bullshit?

"Let me make one thing clear." Brooklyn started as she reached down and grabbed the bag of Doritos from the bottom shelf. "I don't have to share anything about my personal life and business with anyone. If I'm pregnant then I'm pregnant, if I'm not then I'm not. Either way, it's nobodies business except for mines whether I am or am not. Y'all confuse all this social media shit with real life. I don't go around demanding you to share your personal shit with me so don't do that to me."


"You need to explain to your little fans that they aren't entitled to shit." Brooklyn ranted as she busted through Chris's front door. She dropped all of her grocery bags on the kitchen island with the help of Chris's security. He looked up from his game, confusion written all over his face. 

"What you talking bout?" Brooklyn dramatically turned around and gripped the sides of the table, her leg rapidly bouncing as she stuck her butt out and looked down to her feet. She took a deep breathe before looking back up at Chris.

"So I'm on live cause I was bored as fuck. I'm just minding my damn business and answering little questions or whatever, no big deal. Then someone had the nerve to comment and basically telling me something along the lines of are you pregnant blah blah something something cut the bullshit." Chris stretched and ran his hand down his face. He walked over to Brooklyn and stood directly behind her, sticking his body into hers. 

"Calm down mama." He spoke quietly in her ear with his raspy voice. Brooklyn just stood there, her eyes remained focused on the ground in front of her. She knew that if she looked up she would turn around and pounce on his dick which is something that she had no intention in doing. 

Brooklyn sighed and finally built the strength to turn around and face Chris. Her round stomach softly poking his causing him to stumble back a bit. 

"Well damn, knock me the fuck out." Chris mumbled the last part and held her waist. Brooklyn giggled and looked down as Chris towered over her. Chris grabbed her chin and raised her head up to look at him. 

"Listen, what's going on between us is only our business. We know what's going on and that's all that matters. Don't listen to whatever anyone else is saying because they don't know nothing. You don't gotta answer to nobody except me okay?" Brooklyn bit the inside of her cheek before slowly nodding. Chris smiled and gave her a soft peck on her lips. She blushed and looked down again, having trouble looking him directly in his eyes. 

"Move, I need to put these groceries away." Brooklyn said, softly moving Chris away from her. He walked to the other side of the table and peered into each of the different bags. Mumbling and grunting at what he seen that looked good and what he seen that didn't look as good. 

"What you get me?" Brooklyn obnoxiously laughed at Chris's little comment. He looked at her with a straight face, purposely clenching his jaw as he looked at her. He tilted his head to the side, waiting to get a real answer from her. 

"Boy please." She rolled her eyes and turned back around doing whatever. Chris silently cursed to himself before walking back over to sit on the couch. This whole not being able to fuck thing was truly messing with his head. If it was anytime else, Brooklyn would have been bent over the counter, getting her back blown. That was one of the ways that Chris would keep her in check when she was getting out of line or had an attitude. 

Brooklyn knew this which is why she was using this time to her advantage. Honestly, her not having sex was messing with her mind also. Her attitude was at an all time high and she was truly just craving for Chris to be inside of her. Yet she knew that she would have to keep up with what she said and not fold. Christmas was only 14 days away, both of them just had to wait 14 more days and they would be able to feel each other physically and intimately. 

"Girl I already got him his damn presents." Brooklyn whispered into the phone as she spoke to Bernice. Bernice smacked her lips and grabbed the warm bottle to feed her daughter with. 

"Bitch I already know what you got him, I'm asking bout all the other shit. This man ain't had your body in a good ass minute, you better give him some shit to get his ass excited about fucking. I'm talking decorating that room, curling your hair, wearing some damn lingerie, oiling your belly." Brooklyn glanced at the phone before reaching up and grabbing her box full of lingerie. She sat her phone on the ground in the closet and sat criss cross apple sauce on the ground also with the box. She adjusted the phone so that Bernice would be able to not only see her but also the box. 

"Alright so here I have all of my different lingerie. I need to know which one to wear." Brooklyn held up all of the different lingerie sets that she had in the box. There was a hot red, a dark red, a black, a green, and a maroon. 

"How's your hair gonna be?" Brooklyn sat for a minute and thought about it. She looked to her left at the mirror set up in her closet and tilted her head to the side. 

"I'm thinking either a straight black or a platinum blonde half up half down type of thing." Bernice nodded and moved closer to the camera to see all of the pieces better. 

"Y'all better stop running in my damn house!" Bernice yelled as she started burping her daughter. She patted her back as she continued to stare into the camera. 

"I say do the black with the platinum blonde wig. Now let me give you a hoe tip from a married bitch. " Brooklyn held up her finger, hearing what sounded like steps. She quickly jumped up and looked over the upstairs railing to see Chris dancing around making a video. 

She poked out her lip looking at him before going back into the closet. 

"Alright go ahead."

"Okay so first of all, make sure that wig is secure girl. The last thing that we need in our life is that damn wig falling off of your head cause I know he's going to be aggressive. Now, I would tell you to suck the soul out his dick but I know you're pregnant and-."

"No...I think I'm gonna do it." Bernice raised both of her eyebrows and brought her hand to her chest. 

"Well alright then bitch you better gon head. So anyways, when you're sucking make sure you go slow then you speed that shit up. I want you to hum like you ain't ever hummed before when you do that shit too. For an added effect, use fruit roll ups." Brooklyn had her pen and notepad in her hand as she wrote down everything. She hadn't really pleased Chris in an affectionate way in a while and Christmas was going to be the day where she went all out for her man. 

"So do I swallow or-." Bernice made a disgusted face into the camera. 

"Bitch you is so nasty, you want your babies to be feeding on they daddy sperm? Girl either spit or jack him until he cums on you or something of that sort. Now lets talk about when y'all are actually fucking, allow him to do whatever but watch out for your stomach. Allow him to have all of the control because this is your gift to him." Brooklyn nodded and made sure to bold the last part. 

This is your gift to him

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